Wicca’s Originals @ SL 19B // June 2022

Day and night, Sixsmith labored at his toils. He was a craftsman of the finest ilk. So much so, he was no longer called the name given to him at birth, but by the trade at which he excelled – Sixsmith.

His latest creation was complete. As he polished the finished pieces with a soft cloth, Sixsmith closely inspected every stitch, every link, and every inch for any imperfections and found none. Only the best for the greatest warrior in their kingdom.

The appointed time had arrived and Sixsmith placed the two pieces upon a wooden tray lined with thick red velvet to prevent damage before they were presented. All eyes fell upon his as Sixsmith emerged from his forge. From the strongest sword to the most delicate of adornments, Sixsmith could create anything the imagination allowed.

The crowd that had gathered in the streets parted in deference to the hulk of the man who stood head and shoulders above them all. Dressed only in leather pants and boots, the well-muscled man was living proof of what years of hard labor could do to a man’s physique.

Sixsmith continued through the streets until he stood before doors of the Great Hall. The portal slowly opened to reveal the warrior waited patiently at the end of the massive room. Undaunted, Sixsmith entered with his head held high until he reached the raised dais at the end of the hall.

With respect, Sixsmith dropped to one knee and held his burden high for inspection. With a simple nod, the warrior presented an arm. The first bracer was lifted from the velvet nest and placed upon the proffered limb.

The thick yet supple leather molded to the forearm as though sculpted to perfection. The metal rivets, pins and adornments gleamed in the sun that shown through the high windows of the Great Hall. Near the wrist a metal disc, flawless etched, was the royal crest of the kingdom, denoting the lofty station of the wearer.

Straps and fasteners secured the bracer to the underbelly of the arm; tight enough to ensure a proper fit, but not so much to hamper the warrior’s movements. The matching bracer was attached to the other arm just as carefully. Once both were secured, Sixsmith bowed his head and placed a fisted hand over his heart; his silent pledge of unswerving loyalty.

After a moment, a hand came to rest upon Sixsmith’s powerful shoulder and he raised his head to meet the gaze of the warrior before him. With love and devotion, Sixsmith looked up at the warrior; his lover, his Queen.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Reborn, Legacy[M], Gianni, Jake
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals
Location: SL 19B // June 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainstore

The full moon just began its ascent into the night sky. So large and bright, one could almost reach up and touch it. Absolute silence ruled the darkness; not a creature roamed in the stillness. The time was now.

At the base of the stone steps, Lucira looked up at the path she must travel, alone. As the first bare foot rose to begin her journey, the delicate chains that lay against her skin gently swayed. This and the white silk robe were all she wore. The five foot train flowed behind as Lucira climbed the ancient stairway that would bring her to the Holy Pool.

The higher Lucira climbed, her path became more difficult. Once her journey began, Lucira was not permitted to stop, even for a moment’s rest. To slow, to falter, to waiver; all meant failure. Neither was Lucira permitted to touch the side of the cliff for support. Her back must remain rigid and her head held high, forbidden even to look down at the narrow steps where once misstep would send Lucira plummeting to her death.

This was a journey of endurance. This was a journey of faith. This was a journey of purification. There were no second chances. Tonight, when the moon was at its peak, Lucira would embrace her destiny.

With each painful step, the rough stone cut and scoured the tender soles of her feet until they were bloody and bruised. And yet, Lucira still climbed. The wind grew cold and sent her robe whipping about her body. She made no move to warm her aching body or control the errant garment. Lucira’s arms remained down at her sides and accepted the punishment.

Hours later, as the moon reached its apex, Lucira arrived at the summit of the great mountain. A great stone archway heralded the entrance of the Holy Pool. The water, black as night, shimmered with the reflection of the brilliant lunar light. At the edge of the water, Lucira released the silken garment and it fell to her feet. Only the delicate chain harness remained.

The Holy Pool would deem Lucira worthy this night. She must enter the pool and walk its length completely submerged until she reached the other end. If Lucira proved her merit, she would emerge unscathed and purified, a fit leader for her people. If she were found wanting, the chain collar would tighten and find a watery end.

With her head raised to the moon above and her hands raised in supplication, Lucira entered the Holy Pool. Each step took her deeper into the water until she was completely submerged. Soon her lungs burned from lack of air, but Lucira’s steps did not falter. Her faith gave her strength to endure and she continued at an unhurried pace. Soon the ground beneath her feet slowly returned her to the surface. She did not rush the remaining few feet, nor did gasp for much needed air. She remained calm and serene.

Lucira was deemed worthy of her destiny. She was purified and reborn.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky), Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals + HIDE Options
Location: Mainstore

Wicca’s Originals @ Salvage Station // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Salvage Station // November 20th – December 20th

The world has ended. There was once a Before. Now it is just After.
At least, the world we knew. When food was a matter of walking into a store or pulling up to a drive through window. When water and power was piped into your homes and the Internet was a source of communication and entertainment. It’s all gone now.
The radiation left the ground barren and broken. Food now comes from the only other survivors of the apocalypse – the cockroaches. Clean water doesn’t exist – water barely exists. I am lucky to find water at all.
Supplies of any kind are long gone. The looters saw to that. What little I have I stole from the dead, including the shirt off a corpse’s back. My sneakers barely have any rubber sole left and my toes are already poking through ever growing holes. I am no better than a vulture picking bones clean. I am a scavenger…
Back in the time Before, I was beautiful. My skin had a peaches-and-cream glow and was soft as silk. Once long, golden blond hair crowned my head. I was carefree and happy. My parents had money and I lived a charmed and privileged life.
Now After, my face is scarred by radiation burns and my skin is so badly cracked that it’s bleeding. Only chopped and uneven brittle strands of hair peek out beneath a filthy cap. A plastic bag holds my few precious possessions.
Everyone i knew is dead. My parents and grandparents were all at some gala/fund raiser/charity event -whatever the cause of the month was, while I was in the underground parking garage where we lived. One minute I was getting out of my Mercedes and the next the building seemed to collapse around me. How I survived, I will never understand.
There is nowhere safe. It is too hot to move around by day, so I have to find a small hole or tiny space in a collapsed building to hide and sleep. I know what will happen if I am caught by one of the gangs. I know what they do to women. I know all too well.
Soon I will be ready to leave the city. It’s taken weeks to gather what I need and make my way to the docks. Better to take my chances in the wilderness than here among the other survivors who kill for no other reason than they can. I learned to sail when I was young and can handle a sail boat on my own. If I can make it out of the city, I will head for the ocean and …
What was that noise? I clutch my meager belongs to my chest and draw up into a tight ball. If I stay small and quiet, maybe they won’t find me. Just maybe i can survive another day. Just maybe … <gasp>
… to be continued …
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky). Legacy[M], Signature Gianni, Belleza Jake
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: Salvage Station

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 9th – 31st

There was no moon to light her way, but it also cloaked her escape. She ran as fast as she could through the dense woods on pure instinct, like an animal in flight, Fitting, since he treated her like a dog.
One minute He offered a kind hand; lulled her into a false sense of comfort. Then, without warning, the pain He caused tore her heart and soul to shreds, Was love suppose to be so painful?
She fell against a tree as her legs gave out beneath her. Lungs burning, her breath sawed harshly in and out of her chest. She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone pursued, but all she saw was darkness. That was all her life really was – endless darkness.
Others had escaped and He had dismissed their absence with a flick of a wrist as if they were nothing more than an annoying gnat. But He said Rhoda was special. Is that why He especially enjoyed hurting her? Building her up to only beat down so far that death was her only escape?
Yes, she often thought of death. The sweet release. The peaceful darkness. She came close, several times. The promises He made and failed to keep. The lies that so easily rolled off his tongue. Sweet words meant to pacify a child that held no meaning to Him as walked away and left her alone and bleeding while he went to find pleasure with his other woman.

That’s not love. That’s greed. The need to possess more than anyone else. A selfish child hoarding all the toys just so no one else could have them. If one was lost, three more took its place. That’s all she really was – a shiny trinket to display. His true pleasure came from the compliments He received about her. Yes, that stroked His ego. He loved what she earned Him – adoration.
No more. She was not a thing. She was not the shiny ruby He named her after. She had a name! And by all that was holy, she would hear that name again or die trying. When she heard His angry shout, she hide behind the tree. His punishments were cruel, oh so very cruel.
It was time to run. Nowhere to go. No one to help her. It didn’t matter. If she didn’t run for her life now, the last tiny bit of life inside her would die.
He won’t hurt her again. No one will ever hurt Rhoda again.
– The End –
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky)
Available as Fatpack with 10 Colors & 10 Metals or Single colors with metal HUD only (5 color combinations available for single purchase)

Event Location: Dark Style Fair

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // September 25th – October 17th

As lasers shoot at him from different directions, Sark drops to the floor with a shoulder roll. Finding temporary safety behind a stack of crates, Sark takes a moment to check the energy level on his laser rifle and mutters a silent curse. Ten percent reserves.

After a quick mental count, he knows there are two combatants near the hanger door and one hiding behind a steel pole near the only other exit. Three targets and only enough energy left to take out one, if he is lucky.

In the sudden eerie quiet, Sark can hear them moving in to flank him on three sides. In less than a minute, he will be surrounded. This is going to get ugly.

Without warning, Sark bolts away from his sanctuary and runs straight at the biggest of the three. In his peripheral vision, he sees the other two – one to his right, one to his left – raise their weapons and take aim.

Just before they fire, Sark drops to the floor and slides on his back as he fires at the monster in his path. The giant in front of him drops instantly while the other two take each other out in the crossfire.

A nearly blinding red light flashes as a deafening klaxon announces the end of the game. CONGRATULATIONS SARK! LEVEL 38 WINNER!

Billy jumps up from his desk chair and pumps a fist into the air. Eat my dust, Tommy Jefferies, he shouts.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy [F] (Classic, Perky), Legacy [M], Signature Gianni
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: NEO Japan // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Darkness Event // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Darkness Event // September 5th – 28th

Rory stands quietly in the middle of the room; a pensive look on her face. She takes no notice of the attendants who dress her. With each piece added, the weight of the situation grows heavier upon her shoulders. Her kingdom was in danger.

Once the crown was placed upon her head, Rory could wait no longer. With profound sorrow, Rory walked slowly to the open balcony attached to the chamber. From there, she could look down upon the open fields outside the city walls.

The great army, thousand and thousands or warriors, stood in perfect lines. When Rory came into view a single voice shouted a command. In perfect unison, the soldiers dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. At the head was General Kru, their leader. And her lover.

His head lifted and Rory felt his heated gaze upon her, even at the great distance. Rory knew it was the same scorching look he wore before Kru took her in his arms last night. He was gone from her bed before she woke that morning. There were no words of farewell or love, They both knew their duty and what the future held.
A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye as Queen Rory raised her sword high above her head. The command was given. Her kingdom was at war.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat) + Legacy (F) (Classic, Perky) – mod/copy/ no trans

HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: The Darkness Event // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ WCF // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ WCF 18+ // September 1st – 26th

You’re in the army now Private Djuna!
About face! Forward March!

In the army women go
Into battle to and fro

Sound off – One, two
Sound off – Three, four
Count it down – One, two … three, four

If their shirts get wet as sin
They quickly turn paper thin

Sound off – One, two
Sound off – Three, four
Count it down – One, two … three, four

With the fabric worn so sheer
Enemy forces are bound to leer

Sound off – One, two
Sound off – Three, four
Count it down – One, two … three, four

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara+Petite), Legacy (Female+Perky)
HUD: 10 Fabric Colors, 10 Leather Colors, 10 Metal Colors
Available as Fatpack OR 4 single colors (single colors only change metals and opacity)
Special feature: You can change the opacity: “opaque-transparent-off” for the shirt on the HUD

Event Location: WCF 18+ // September 2021

Ballet – Classic versus Contemporary

Eclipse Magazine, August 2020: https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_august_2020

For this issue of the Eclipse Magazine I was thinking a long time what I could do. I wanted a challenge for myself and I wanted to show that I can do different genres, not just the scary and crazy stuff 😉

When I thought about what would be the most opposite thing for me to do, I came across ballet. Something graceful and beautiful. While I was doing some research about it, I came across contemporary ballet as well. That really caught my attention, because I found some very impressing as well as emotional pictures and videos. That formed an idea of having 2 different pictures for the magazine – classic and contemporary. In the classic ballet I found very strict rules for the look and even for the hairstyles, while contemporary ballet gives you more freedom in that.

I felt like I was entering a new world, even if ballet wasn’t completely new for me – as a kid I had to go through that kids ballet classes like so many of us. It didn’t last long as I had more fun with gymnastics, riding, swimming and playing volleyball and so those ballet classes stopped after at most a year I think. Being a punk and later a gothic girl in my teens and twens, ballet wasn’t a thing or an option at all *giggles*

Seeing all those pictures and videos, inspired me a lot and the idea for this month genre was made. While I was thinking, where I could find the clothing and accessories for my new idea, Salt & Pepper must have read my mind. She released a huge set of ballet collection at Equal 10 with her “Ballet Dancer Set”. That was the perfect outfit for my classic ballet dancer. I couldn’t even use all parts for my first picture, that means I will have to do another post to show the whole beauty and contents of that set.

For my second picture, I did remember a set, which I already showcased on my blog in the light version. Since I wanted the classic ballet to be in a light muted color, the contemporary ballet was meant to be darker and more ‘me’ and my personal thought of it and so the “Skye Dancer” gacha in black was the perfect choice for what I had in mind. I am really a lover of mix and match but sometimes, if you go for a certain look or genre, mixing too many things and overload the avatar can be contra-productive. That is why I nearly have no accessories or anything that could disturb from the essence of the picture, the emotions and the mood.

A huge thank you goes out to my sister Daffodil Crimson, who helped me with the amazing description for the magazine. English is not my native language, so I often hit her IM box, if it comes to “official” texts for magazines and such. Usually I do collect facts and free sources or try to  write somethings on my own, if I am familiar with the theme. For the ballet one I only had a brief idea what I wanted to be written and that time Daffi jumped in and wrote everything on her own. When she came it to me to read it, I just was blown away! It was so very well written and had exactly in it what I was desiring for, but in words that described it so much better than anything I could have come up with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for again saving my SL life like so often sis!!!

I hope you enjoyed my little ballet adventure – for the next issue of Eclipse Magazine I will have another “unusual” genre for me, which gives me quite a challenge but I am looking forward to the final frames 😉

Eclipse Magazine, August 2020: https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_august_2020

Style 1 (classic)


Outfit & Shoes: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Ballet Dancer” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Ade – “Beatrix”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Face Skin: [Glam Affair] – “Ryn Layer [LeLutka] 002 D” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.2”

Body Skin: [Glam Affair] – “Body – Normal [ Maitreya ] 002” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Poseidon – “Ballet 6” (Bento)

Piano: Alouette – “Evelyn Piano – Word White Wood”

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Dance Hall”

Posetool: Anypose – “BVH HUD v1.82”

Face Expression Tool: LELUTKA – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

Style 2 (contemporary)


Outfit & Shoes: Enfant Terrible (.ET.) – “Skye Dancer” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Gavri’ela”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.0”

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara v5.2”

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Seline Fleury – “Ballet Trunk Pose” (Bento)

Petals 1: Foxcity – “Diagonal Flutter Petals (Black)” (from the Sweet Bento Pose Set)

Petals 2: Foxcity – “Trail Flutter Petals (Black)” (from the Sweet Bento Pose Set)

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Flutter (B&W)”

Posetool: Anypose – “BVH HUD v1.82”

Face Expression Tool: LELUTKA – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

SL Art Couture – The Fashion Teller presents: The Nutcracker

Hair-Mania at Baiastice!!!

In one of my last posts I had the great new Baiastice skin “Pulchra” with the red hair attachment and hairbase (->here). But I wanted to give all the new hairstyles an extra place on my blog and also show different colors 😉 For today we have the new releases, or better the whole collection of the new Baiastice hair attachments…

Lets start with the 8 latest releases here shown in blonde. “Giselle” a smart and short ponytail for daily use. The ears are free and let much room for earrings. “Eva” is a very long and sexy ponytail. This extra long hair will turn heads and it is amazing flexible. “Melita” is a sweet girly hairstyle that also goes to nearly every outfit. Sweet wisps cover the sides and peek to the front view. “Ingrid again is more smart and a bit more huge then “Giselle”. Perfect for all the girls that love the wilder look.

And we keep the ‘wild thing’ style with “Spagna” and Spagna 2″ “Spagna decorates your back head as a lion’s mane. Dreamy flexible it follows every movement! “Spagna 2” is close to the “Spagna” hairstyle but it goes more to the side as a non symmetric style. “Vizzy” has wonderful color decorations added to the short knot on the backside of the head and on the fore head as sweet bangs. “Wilma” is one that I like a lot. A non symmetric long ponytail with a wonderful knot in the beginning. It is perfectly flexi and follows every move that you do.

A bit longer available are the following hairstyles that I snapped in black…

“Isis” has 2 different sizes in the pack. The one you can see here and one that s a bit smaller. The cool mane is made flexi and it looks very cool if it moves after you 😉  “Woopi” goes with all kind of outfits, anyways if casual or formal. The ponytail is close to the back of the head and the bottom end in made flexible. “Marie” perfect for every dress or gown, but also for every casual like a cool jeans outfit. “Malvi”  would take you a lot of time if you would have to style it in RL *winks* the amazing arrangement is a little piece of art on the back of your head.

The same counts for “Agnes”… anyways what style this hair style always will fit. With “Xena we again have an awesome non symmetric ponytail in a lightly tube shape. The bottom is flexi made. “Boop” is the perfect hairstyle for an elegant gown. The big ribbon on the top and the wonderful updo in the back make this hairstyle an absolute extravagant and elegant one. “Shepa” is a wonderful straight hairstyle like a knot but  way bigger to the back. It goes lightly up at the end and makes it to something special. I like this one especially for geometric, avant-garde and straight stylings.

“Fiona” again is some for the smart and wild girls who dare to be different. the back-end is flexible and it goes really sweet into the forehead. “Eolion” again is kinda knot on the back of your head but it goes out to the back. the beginning looks wrapped around and the end very complicated twisted… simply great 🙂 “Lucrezia” again is a perfect updo for every elegant dress or gown. “Moira”, the long high ponytail for all who love long hairs. It falls down awesome in the back and starts higher on the back top of the head.

With “Carla” we have the classic knot that we all know from ballet or business outfits. “Donatella” is decorated with an amazing hairband. The hairband is modifiable and you can change the colors if needed. “Magda” looks close to “Lucrezia” but it is not that far in the back and you have sweet wisps that decorate the front of the head. “Arisa” is the classic wild ponytail. Not flexi made you will never loose the style 😉

I am sure, you will find your favourite hairstyle if you make your way to the Baiastice beauty shop. All hair styles are available in black, different blond, red and brown shades.


Hair: Baiastice

Skin: Baiastice – “Pulchra” /pale

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin