Fashion for Life 2012-“It’s Time…..”
March 10th-20th 2012
‘Fashion for Life’ is the longest running and most successful fashion fair in Second Life ™ and marks the annual start of the official ‘Relay for Life’ events that take place inworld each year.
All donations are given directly to the ‘Relay for Life’ general fund which benefits the ‘American Cancer Society’ and its thousands of beneficiaries who rely on the charity for support and advice.
Fashion for Life is a hundred percent not for profit, and all organisation, building work and coordination are driven by the work of its volunteers which helps to maximise donated money.
So what’s New for 2012?
This year, Fashion for Life spans an incredible TEN lag free sims with over 200 stores selling the latest fashions, accessories, hair and unique designer items made especially for this event. There will also be gacha areas, a hunt, a raffle and a SALE- all with the end goal of raising funds for the American Cancer Society via SL.
The sims will be laid out in a cross formation and will represent the theme “Its Time…” with builds representing stages in time: past, present, future and timeless. All building and landscaping have been created by some of SL’s top designers and builders to produce a beautiful environment for your charity shopping sprees!
Alongside the fabulous fashion, there will be a sim dedicated to providing a minimum of 12 hours entertainment and activities every day, so you can socialise, have fun and meet new people too.
Our sims have been kindly sponsored by ‘Dream Seeker Estate Corporation’ which has drastically reduced admin expenses, helping to free up even more money for Relay for Life.
Harper Beresford, Fashion for Life Lead executive says:
“Fashion for Life is not just about fashion and it’s not just about fund raising-it’s about supporting the members of our community in SL who have been touched by cancer.”
Cancer touches everyone. We sincerely hope you join us in this kick-off event for Relay for Life in SL, helping raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Press Information:
Main Contact:
Harper Beresford
ACS/RFL liaison:
Stingray9798 Raymaker
Fashion for Life Website:
Our sim builders include the talents of:
Cory Edo
DB Bailey
Grace Loudon
Anoron Hanson
Frederick Lancaster
Cierra Anatine
Nigel Riel
Rathmeous Dagger
Roscko Cobalt
Troy Vogel
Full list of FFL staff can be found at: