The Soul Mirror
Loki was an immortal, some even thought him to be a kind of evil god. In fact he was a magician who simply stole the life from others. Being a handsome man, he liked the girls wooing over him, wherever he met them. But he did not really care for the women he could have easily. And he could get quite obsessed with the ones that ignored him.
Once, his eye fell on a very pretty girl and he thought her an easy pray for his looks and charms. But she did not fall for him. Always polite, she turned him down. He sent her flowers, he sent her gifts and she always thanked him heartily – but her heart did not warm up to him.

He got mad at every man around her, even her brothers and made their lives difficult wherever he could. But that only made her care more for those who suffered his magical interferences. Loki got so frustrated about not getting his will, he decided to make her his by force.
He weaved a gown from cobwebs and added shiny mirrors made from frozen tears. When it was ready, he went to the girl under the pretext of saying goodbye. She let him in and accepted the farewell-gift. He begged her to try it on and she did. But as soon as she looked into one of the mirrors, she felt her soul being drawn into one of the mirrors. Her body stood there like a statue.

Loki snatched the mirror, her soul was trapped in and looked at her. “Now you are mine at last!” He cried out in triumph. She just looked at him with such a sadness, that what was left from his heart broke. Feeling he did something wrong for the first time in aeons overwhelmed in and he broke the mirror, and so the spell and let her go.
Having returned to her body she felt like she had fell asleep for some seconds. Looking at Loki clutching a piece of mirror in mental agony. He cut his hand and as his blood touched the magic mirror, some very old magic came to life. He was granted a wish. In his state the only thing he wished for was to be loved and cause no more harm.
He dropped dead to the floor – because this is the only way to grant someone never hurts somebody else again.

Outfit: SoliDea FoliEs & [AD] Creations – “Luxury” – NEW (mesh)
Hair: LoQ – “Pancake”
Jewelry: Mandala – “Lotus Earrings” & “Milky Way Bangles”
Shoes: [Diktator] – “Envy”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Android” – NEW
Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow” & Elysium: “Geometrica Line”
Tattoo: iNFLiCT – “Eternity Awaits”
Poses: *PosESioN*
Photographer: Dahriel
Story: Malicia Python
Models Dahriel & Wicca