Some brave women, not the famous ones, fought for the right to vote early in the last century, they were called Suffragettes in a pejorative manner. They went on hunger strikes, were forcibly fed, went into passive resistance and took other measures to claim that women are equal. After almost 20 years of fighting, the right to vote was finally granted in 1919 (USA) and 1920 (UK). Being a political decision, it had a strong impact on the women’s lives and their appearance. Long hair was cut, and skirts shortened, the corsets went. Around then Coco Chanel invented the little black dress offering an unknown freedom of movement tot he wearer. She was right when she said, this dress would be “a sort of uniform for all women of taste.“ Today we think of Flappers, thinking back tot he glorious 20s, who would not have been without some brave women fighting for their rights.
But there are other ways to be brave, face an illness, be there for others, raise children, solidarize and to speak up when needed, to name a few.
When talking about the Love Donna Event (http://lovedonnaflora.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/so-cancer-happened/), Mal and I decided to pay our tribute, too. I guess you will get why we picked the 20’s theme.
As Mal was too late fort he Love Donna Flora event, she will donate all her Flapper skins you buy in the main shop. Click here for more details https://wiccamerlin.de/silken-moon-flapper-line/
Or help by visiting the Love Donna Event and enjoy what the awesome designers of SL donated to pay their tribute. The Love for Donna Flora Event will take place from the 25th of July until August the 11th. For a Limo please click HERE (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brookridge/135/127/31)
Our hearts go out to Sqinternet, the person behind Donna Flora, please send your hearts, too.

Styling Details:
Dress: Donna Flora – “Medea”
Jewelery: Donna Flora – “Princess Set Black”
Shoes: *GF * – “Strap Shoes Alex Stlylish 5”
Hat: Vita’s Boudoir – “Chanelle Turban with feathers” (Part of the outfit)
Skin: Silken Moon – “Flappers Marlene Silent Movie” (100% Donation to the Love for Donna Flora Fundraiser)
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Flappers Red”
Eye Makeup: Silken Moon – “Signature eyeliner Cat, Silken Moon Eyeliner Deep set light”
Lashes: Miamai – “NoAlpha Lashes N06”
Hair: Tuty’s – “Chanel Retro Hairstyle”
Dress: Donna Flora – “Ariel”
Hair: Donna Flora – “Giulia”
Jewelry: Alienbear – “Lorraine”
Nails: Love Soul – “Lady in Love”
Shoes: *GF* – “Short Belt Boots Emma”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Flapper Djuna Silent Movie” (100% Donation to the Love for Donna Flora Fundraiser)
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Flappers Red”
Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Indulgence”
Text: Malicia Python
Photographer: Wicca Merlin