Wicca’s Wardrobe: First Snow

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Today we had the first snow of the year. It did not yet stay on the ground but the tiny white ice crystals were tickling my nose today when I was out with my dog. So I could not resist to have my first “Wicca in Snow” pictures for this year for the blog 😉

The outfit itself is a mix and match of different brands. The mesh jacket is made by N1CO. The amazing “Carla” jacket is a chameleon for your stylings. The modern style of it,  really is kinda a must have for every fashion loving girl. The textures are amazingly made and with the super HUD you get with it you can change texture and texture combinations so much, so you can wear this jacket to so many different looks it is simply awesome! The huge shoulder parts are very chic and if you like you can even wear some attachments to the upper arms who start at those.

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The mesh skirt is out of the Mea Culpa Pret a porter line. The “Leatherskirt” in black points with its awesome slim shape and the amazing textures besides the delicate leather. The belly part is decorated with kinda a short skirt over the long one and it totally matched the “Carla” jacket.

The amazing huge jewelry set was made by Zuri Lyric, owner and designer of Lazuri. The “Kaya” set is an everyday jewelry set. With the possibility to choose between wood and metal you always can match this modern and young looking set to every style. The menu as well let you change the texture AND the color of every gem. On top of that you can choose between 3 different styles. For example the necklace can be worn with one, 3 or 5 gems connected to it and you do not have 3 different necklaces in your inventory… No! Just one and with the menu you can change the style!

Since my basic look was black and white I decided to pop out with the color of the gems a little bit 😉 To match the color of the jewelry I used one of the amazing slink nail HUDs from Nailed It. One of the “Clubbing Night” set, was just perfect for the pink of the jewelry.

The cute and sexy looking clutch comes from GizzA. It is available in many more colors but for my basic black and white look, I saw the white version fit best 😉

The amazing hair, that comes with that cool hat, I found at EMO-tions. The”Farina” hairstyle is a wonderful casual hairstyle that comes in 3 different versions. Always with the hat you can decide between a rigged mesh pony tail, that’s the one I used for this post, a flexi pony tail and a updo version.

The awesome makeup was made by the sweet LovelyMiwako Menna for her store Lovely Mi.

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Jacket: N1CO – “Carla” (mesh)

Skirt: Mea Culpa – “Leatherskirt” (mesh)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Kaya”

Makeup: Lovely Mi – “Lybra au Gaga” (Fashionably Late)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Farina” (mesh)

Nail Polish: Nailed It – “Clubbing Nights”

Shoes: [GOS] – “Desire Boots” (mesh)

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Natzuka for the Typhoon Fundraiser

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Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing designs of Natzuka Miliandrovic, that she contributed for the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser.

As you know, in the past few days we have seen a very devastating news where Typhoon Haiyan hit Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is known as the strongest storm that ever happened and it has been reported to cause more than 10,000 death and more than 9 millions people are affected. At the moment, there’s no electricity, no water and no food. And they need our help.

For this reason the Typhoon Hayan Fundraiser Team lead by Jammeh Resident and sponsored by Zenshi started to organize different activities in Secondlifeâ„¢ and will send the 100% of the money raised to help the victims of this tragedy.

You can find more information about this charity at the following links:
Website: typhoonhaiyansl.tumblr.com/
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/typhoonhaiyansl/

Natzuka made 2 wonderful dresses. In pink and teal, the “Jamee” dress is a wonderful addition for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The top is ornamented with amazing little butterflies in white on a black ground and a sweet zipper on the left side up to the shoulder, gives the amazing little extra. With the “Jamee” dress you are looking super sexy and even more important in that case, you help when you buy at least one of them… and better both ;). All the money that gets raised with the “Jamee” dresses goes to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser.

Look great and help – They need you now!

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Dress: [Natzuka] – “Jamee” – NEW (mesh, donation to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Collien 2” (Picture 1) & “Harley” (Picture 2)

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Furniture: 222769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin