Wicca’s Wardrobe: Cancion De La Muerte

 Devils Violin 001a

Cancion de la muerte

Nathaniel had just finished school and wanted to make a trip through Europe before he started university. When he was in Spain, he had dinner in a little bar when he packed for the night, the landlord warned him not to go to the nearby ruins after sunset.

As every young man, Nathaniel did not care for advise and thought the locals superstitious. His curiosity tickled, he thought he might just see them before going to the hostel. As he got there, he started to feel a bit uneasy. Then he heard the sweetest music.
He followed the tune and saw a little girl playing. First she ignored him, playing with her eyes shut, then she looked at him, turned round and went into the direction of the ruins.

He hesitated, but decided to follow the girl. When he entered the ruins he thought he heard moans and muffled screams, but he told himself silly. “When the little girl is not afraid, I should not be either,” he told himself. He looked at the girl again and suddenly he realized what was so weird about her, she was slightly translucent. His heart started racing and he was about to let pride be pride and run, when the girl spoke. “Help us! We cannot live or die because of the music.”

He looked round and saw a few ghosts lingering around, they all seemed unnaturally aged. They all looked at him pleadingly, Mustering all his courage, he asked how he could help. The girl said “Stop the music. Come!” She led him into a room in the ruins. There was a fire burning in the fireplace and someone was sitting on a chair. The little girl stopped playing but the music went on. She pointed at the person in the chair.

He slowly went round the chair and gasped in horror, there was a mummified old woman looking at the notes before her playing the violin. She had the same eyes as the girl and he knew her ghost led him to her body – or what was left of it. She played on and on. “Burn the notes,” said the little girl. He went around the chair, took the notes “Pierre’s Requiem” from the stand and threw them into the fire. Then all went very fast, the fire blazed up in a roar, the ghost of the girl was drawn into her corpse. Then there was a flash of light and the sound of thunder. Then, the music started again.

He saw the person in the chair had turned into a beautiful young woman, smiling at him while playing a different tune. He saw there were new notes on the stand and went to throw them into the fire, too. When he stretched out his hand he saw it was aging fast until he saw his own body crumbling into dust. The song was called “Nathaniel’s Requiem”. The last thing he heard was the woman’s chuckle playing his song.

Devils Violin 002a


Top & Pants: Rfyre – “Spring Womens Black”

Skirt: [sys] – “Ascella”

Boots: *GF* – “Short Lace-Up Boots”

Corset: [Etchaflesh] – “Basic Black Leather Underbust Corset” (mesh)

Hair: LeLutka – “Rykiel”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose Ring”

Hat: Vanilla C. Designs – “Dress Hat Black”

Nails: [V] Couture – “Royal Purple Nails”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Morbida Haze”

Set: Tableau Vivant

Poses: *PosESioN*

Story: Malicia Python

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Sometimes you just wanna be with the cool kids ;)


Sometimes you feel casual but still wanna play with the cool kids 😉

It is no secret that my favourite color is black and so I wanted to try a black and cool casual look. The look originally was created for the latest HAUTE Magazine of Leah Mc Cullough (http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/) but I loved the look and the picture so much that I decided to put in on the blog as well 😉 At this point thank you so much LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for such an awesome picture 😉

As I made the styling it still was very cold outside, but since the winter seems coming back in germany… it again matches the weather perfectly.

The pants and the jacket come from DeLa as well as the neck- and arm warmers. For the pullover I decided to wear one of my long time favourites from LeeZu.

The glasses I found at Steinwerk and for the hair I used one of the older styles of LeLutka. What I really like are the mesh ears with the tubes that you can get at Mandala and I use them a lot lately for the casual and grungy stylings 😉 It really is fun if you try to make a casual simple styling and then you find this accessory in your inventory and that glasses and then maybe a bag… and all of a sudden you are far away from any minimal idea :p.

And now I will go out and see if I can find some cool kids to play with 😉


Pants: DeLa – “Uva” /black
Top: LeeZu – “WoolPulli” /black
Jacket: DeLa – “Belinda” /black
Tights: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights” /black semi sheer
Glasses: Steinwerk – “Aviator”
Hair: LeLutka – “Tokyo” /pitch
Boots: TEN”10″ – “Megas”
Bag: [AD] Creations – “Punk Bag”
Nails: Love Soul – “Spirit”
Neckpiece: DeLa – “Neckwarmer Basic” /black
Arm Parts: DeLa – “Armwarmer Basic” /black
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Makeup: Damned – “Tribal Makeup”
Lips: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead”

Photographer: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Spring Look for HAUTE Magazine


Yesterday the latest issue of the HAUTE Magazine was launched on the new website (hautesl.com).

Leah McCullough, owner of the amazing HAUTE Magazine, released the second issue of her great magazine and I was asked to make a few stylings, wich were showcased as “WWW” – Wicca’s Weird Wardrobe. Leah gave me the challenge to stay in a black/grey/white or brown/nude color rage and I really had fun doing this looks 😉

I had the great pleasure to work with LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the whole column and she did amazing pictures 🙂

For the first look I wanted to go with a fashion chic spring look. For the basic I decided to go with pants from LeLutka and a top from LeeZu. Then the idea of the hat and the bag came to my mind. It looked like a nice casual look and I wanted to pimp it a little bit and added a part of a Mea Culpa gown, glasses from Izzie’s and some gloves.

To see all of them at once you can visite the website and read the whole magazine online at http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/.

A special thanks goes to Leah McCullough and LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the great oppostunity and the wonderful pictures!


Pants: LeLutka – “Minnutuary” /tru
Top: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse” /bark
Shoulderparts: Mea Culpa – “Chaos Theory” (part of the dress)
Glasses: Izzie’s – “Oversized Sunglasses”
Hair: Burly – “Zia II”
Hat: O&N – “Feodora Buckle”
Necklace: Yasum – “Flower”
Bag: Yasum – “Traveler Bag”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca

Photographer: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 03/24/2013 – My First Pose Set!!!

Casual Jeans 002

Today I would like to talk about what I did the past days and weeks just for fun 😉

The basic look for this post was from my Silken Moon shoots, that I did with Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, for her new vendor pictures 😉

The skin is out of the new E-Clipse line of Silken Moon. The tone for this post is the ‘bisque’ and the type would be the ‘canvas’ skin. I really fell in love with the look that has no eyebrows at all. To see all the skin tones I will add the vendor picture mal made for the ‘canvas’ skin type.


The look is more a simple casual one, but especially this simple and clean casual look I liked a lot. The jacket and the jeans are from M.o.w., the wonderful necklace is a tattoo layer, that was made by Malicia Python. For the shoes, I went with one of the amazing designs of Diktator.

For the poses of my own pictures, I wanted to try again to make poses myself. Sometimes you style an outfit and you simply cannot find any poses that express that, what you feel in that very moment and so the best is you try on your own 😉 I did not use any outworld program to make my poses I used on of the existing inworld ones, wich I try for quite some time now. Usually I only make one or two poses for my posts, but this time I thought about making a set of 5 to practise a bit more 😉 So this will be my first official set called “Casual Jeans” 😉

WM - Poses Casual Jeans with letters

Like I said before, for this post I only used 2 or them and you can buy them HERE (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Napf/61/35/40) But It feels kinda good to have created something on your own and that’s why I wanted to share.

Casual Jeans 001


Jacket: M.o.w. – “White Open Sweater” (mesh)

Pants: M.o.w. – “Knotted Jeans” (mesh)

Jewelry Top: Silken Moon – “Silken Moon Necklace”

Belt: Mandala – “Saicho”

Shoes: Diktator – “Dare”

Skin: Silken Moon – “SM E-Clipse Bisque Nat Shine” – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM E-Clipse Color Eyes Silver” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “SM E-Clipse Canvas Taupe” – NEW

Freckles & Dimples: Silken Moon – “SM E-Clipse Dimple Freckles Dark” – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Rykiel”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Casual Jeans” – NEW (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Napf/61/35/40)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 03/23/2013

E-Clipse+Solidea 001

Today I would like to showcase a few things, that I had for some time already, but never had the idea how to put them together and how to make a cool pic. Yesterday it worked all of a sudden and so I am very happy to share it today 😉

The outfit comes from E-Clipse and is called “Black Carnival” it was originally made for the AVENUE Cinque event. The “Black Canival” caught my attention. I really love  the amazing flexible parts of the legs and the wrists. They make a great contrast to the solid upper body that is covered by an amazing texture together with the beautiful lace part it really becomes to a little piece of art. The huge belt underlines the artistic part even more 🙂

The incredible headpiece comes from SoliDea FoliEs and it is called “Love is Blindness”. It has a huge buckle in the back, that holds it in place, while front has lots of amazing gems and an amazing little red heart.

E-Clipse+Solidea 002


Outfit: E-Clipse – “Black Carnival” (mesh)

Head Piece: SoliDea FoliEs – “Love is Blindness”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead” & “Lipstripes Silver”

Shoes: [PM] – “Baby T – Plain”

Poses: PosESioN (Mainstore moved!!! New LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/34/60/22)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Rock’n’Roll High School – Malicia’s & Wicca’s Memories

At taking the new vendor pictures, Mal and I had time to talk about the good old times in school, driving our teachers nut. smoking in the boys’ room, skipping sports and being little brats. We found some piccies to share with you.

And whatever Mal tells you about me back then, she lies!

Mal und Wicca 001aLetter WiccaMal und Wicca 003aletter malMal und Wicca 002a

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Black Magic Butterflies

Solidea, E-CLipse, Cliche 001

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young witch, she practiced white magic and tried to do good to all the creature that sought her help. When she became the age of marrying she was courted by three handsome young men, a count who promised her power if she helped his county to prosper,  a rich man who promised her wealth if she saw to his business with her skills and a wizard who promised her everything and asked for nothing.

Whom would you have taken? The wizard, right? Well that’s what the young witch did,  and soon regretted. He wanted her powers to make them the most powerful magicians that ever lived. She did not yield to the temptations of dark magic, but the disappointment made her magic turn darker. And she left.

Solidea, E-CLipse, Cliche 002
So she went to see the rich merchant, but he was a vain man and grudged her choosing the wizard first. The count acted just the same. Bitter with the rejection her magic went almost black. But it was not in her to do harm and punish the men that hurt her.

She looked around and saw that the county was a really beautiful place, and a pretty butterfly even made her smile. So she decided to try to live a happy life on her own. Going far away. And the butterflies followed her, they did not want to live with the count, the rich merchant and the wizard. Ever since, there was not one butterfly to be seen in the county.

Solidea, E-CLipse, Cliche 003


Top: SoliDea FoliEs – “Riga”

Pants: E-Clipse – “Fringe Pants” (mesh)

Boots: [Cliche] – “Pillar Boots Red/Stuts”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: LovelyMi – “Avant Garde 01”

Lips: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips” & “Wicca Lip Stripes”

Corset: DE Designs – “Raven” (mesh)

Hair: blackliquid – “Succulent”

Bangles & Nails: Formanails – “Night”

Jewelry: *GD* – “Live Heart” (one of my wonderful rezzday presents from a wonderful guy 😉 )

Story: Malicia Python

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Paranoid

Natzuka Full

Lately I was talking to Natzuka Milandrovic, a very close friend of mine and we came across the new ‘trend’ of combining fetish elements to high fashion, couture and avantgarde. If I remember back, when I started modeling in SL it was not even to think about and nowadays more and more designer and agencies try to do that. After a while she told me about a casting, that as well requested stylings with fetish parts and she showed me the outfit she made by herself for this casting. I totally fell in love with and after I told her that she was so kind and gave it to me with some poses that are made for this cool outfit.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLG5OoB78vU&w=560&h=315]

As I saw the name of the outfit and the poses I had to grin and immediately I had the song “Paranoid” from Back Sabbath (linked above) stuck in my mind. So as I was styling the outfit, I listened to it most of the time and maybe that’s why the styling became a bit… crazy.

Natzuka Half

The outfit is named “Paranoid” and so is the pose set as well 😉 Nat founded a brand for all her different creations called Flighty Pixels. For this brand she did not set herself any boarders so I definately will keep my eyes on what she will create 😉

The “Paranoid” outfit contains a corset, the panty stripe some lace at the chest and the huge cool head-piece. I only added soe socks, the “Gothic Platforms” from L&B and the “Elle” hair from Zibska. The amazing arm tattoos are made by Talyia Tarber for her new brand The Makeup Artist. The amazing spades that cover the nipples, the front chest and the left eye are part of the “Spades” makeup and tattoo layers from Nuuna’s.

Natzuka Poses

With this interesting and cool outfit from Flighty Pixels Creative and the poses by Flighty Pixel Poses, Nat built a great base for her new brand. She already made quite a few poses besides the “Paranoid” set and I am really curious with what she will come up next 😉

Natzuka Face


Outfit (incl head-piece): Flighty Pixels Creative – “Paranoid” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: Zibska – “Elle”

Socks: :::insanya::: – “Stockings and Knee Socks n.4”

Boots: .:L&B:. – “Gothic Platforms”

Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hand – Short”

Tattoo: The Makeup Artist – “Indian Feather Armband Tattoo”

Pasties: Nuuna’s – “Spades Pasties”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Spades”

Poses: Flighty Pixels Poses – “Paranoid” – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: A broken heart is blind

LeeZu - Full2

Little black submarines
Operator please
Put me back on the line
Told my love I’d be back
Operator please
This is wrecking my mind

Oh, can it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind

Pick you up, let you down
When I wanna go
To a place I can hide
You know me, I had plans
But they just disappeared
To the back of my mind

Oh, can it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind

Treasure maps, falling trees
Operator please
Call me back when it’s time
Stolen friends and disease
Operator please
Patch me back to my mind

Oh, can it be
The voices calling me
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow
But everybody knows
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind
That a broken heart is blind

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_gU81C5LJ0&w=420&h=315]


Outfit: LeeZu – “Naiidi” (mesh) – NEW

Boots: LeeZu – “Time Square Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Prop & Poses: Tableau Vivant & PosESioN

Model & Artwork: Wicca Merlin

LeeZu - Full

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 02/05/2013 – Window Shopping!

Baboom Balloons Full

Yesterday I was not in the best mood so I decided to take a “day off” and just went some window shopping.

First I wanted to see the new store of Kyra Camel, owner and designer of Baboom. So I made my way to her new Mainstore. It was closed to the public still, so I had a dreamy time looking through all her stuff without lag and too many people there :p. I already have nearly the whole store, but as I was looking through the 2 floors of amazing designs this wonderful mesh tunic with the matching leggings caught my attention. I never saw them before. The “Legere” outfit you can find in different colors and as I was debating on wich color I should get, I saw it only was 99L$!!! No question, I had to take all of them*giggles*

After that, I went to the Couturier’s Docks to see what news I can find there. And I totally was caught by the “Miss Heart Black” hat from BaObA. This amazing combination of roses, hearts and some petals just did blow me away and I had to get it.

All of a sudden one of the latest releases from [Cliche] came to my mind and I remembered that I got the “Pilar” ankle boots lately with those amazing little studs. Slowly a look was growing in my mind as I saw the wonderful “Dangerous Spikes” jewelry set from A&Ana Fashion at the TDR Fusion.

Last but not least I made my way over to the new Collabor88 sim. They had a lot of amazing stuff as well and I got quite a few things there too but what really touched me was the “Room of Balloons” from Exposeur  & The Loft. The whole room is modify able and you can push and pull the balloons around like and change the colors to make it fit  to your picture idea. As well it has 12 single and 5 couple poses inbuilt. On top you get a sweet little green balloon as an extra prop you can carry as well.

As I was back home at my photo studio, I tried to figure out a picture. But all that I tried was not really satisfying. Maybe because the “Room of Balloons” was made for being snapped with shadows and I still cannot do pictures with shadows again as I always crash as soon as I enable lightning and shadows in SL. As I was shortly before despairing, my sweet little brother came over and saw the “Room of Balloons” and my styling and he asked me what I was doing. I told Dahriel about my little depression and that I seem not to be able to snap a good picture for what ever reason. He liked the room with all the balloons, so he decided to help me and made the snapshots for me. After he sent them over to me, I could work on them. That really saved my day 😉 Thank you sweet brother for helping me out 😉

I really enjoyed my window shopping and I was not planning on making a special post about it, but after all those amazing things I found, I thought it would be worth it 😉

Baboom Balloons Face


Outfit: Baboom – “Legere” (mesh)

Hat: BaObA – “Miss Heart Black” – NEW (Couturier’s Docks)

Shoes: [Cliche] – “Pilar Boots” /black studs – NEW

Hair: DeLa – “Julia II” (mesh)

Nails: Love Soul – “Rose Princess”

Jewelry: A&Ana Fashion – “Dangerous Spikes” – NEW (TDR Fusion)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Urban ES Central Park” – NEW, “SM Eclipse Soft Eye Mauve” – NEW & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver” – NEW

Lips: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead” – NEW

Prop & Poses: Exposeur & The Loft – “Room of Balloons” – NEW (Collabor88)

Model & Artwork: Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Dahriel (thank you so much for the snapshots bro!!!)