“Once you put your hand in the flame,
You can never be the same,
There’s a certain satisfaction,
In a little bit of pain.
I can see you understand me
Tell that you’re the same”
Sometimes it needs a kind person and some amazing conversations to be inspired for a certain picture. This happened today when I was thinking about doing a post about some awesome releases of the Fetish Fair that is currently running for a few more days. It is always difficult to do fetish or BDSM related pictures if you don’t want to be dirty or pornographic but ther is even editorial fashion shoots in the real world that are none of that. For my post I did not want the editorial ones only, I wanted some kind of emotion to it as well and that is, why I did not just use a blank background with simplistic furniture only. D/s is something very sensitive. It is part of the whole BDSM content but it is only one of a million different shades. But many people do have D/s relation ships without even being aware of. D/s itself can have a million different shades as well. Sometime girls like the fact that they are taken care of in life and that they only need to please (please ISN’T always only sexual!) a man, to be his precious he would take care of. Some girls do like older men, because they feel more safe with them and they like if they say how it goes (NOT only in a sexual way). That brings me to my next point… D/s doesn’t always have to be a sexual thing. Making a coffee for the man you belong to, because he asked for it… we could argue now if he did order you to get him one or if he just asked to have one… when you bring him that without starting a discussion or telling him off to get it on his own… you obey… you obey to a wish made by the person you love. So D/s is way more common as that we think about. Same if your partner tells you, he would like you to dress in a certain way… you can say, it is because you just love him and do it, because you know you please him with having him the gift of you wearing the particular outfit. But on the same hand you can sa it was an order you did obey to out of various reasons and motivations. D/s doesn’t mean anything else than, someone that gives orders (wishes, requests, begging… call it what ever you want) and someone that is willing to full fill them, either for a certain result or just because out of love, dedication or devotion. Where I live, we are lucky that we can be free in our choices that we make about our relation ships – I know this is not the case all over the world. And so all can decide how they want to have their relationships without being pointed with a finger at someone. Did you ever think about why in Second Life BDSM or D/s is so big? Because not everyone has the possibility to live their fantasies! Even if I made horrible experiences in Second Life with that kind of roleplay and gave up years ago in SL, because of wannabes and people who think they know it all only because they read the Story of O or saw 50 Shades of Grey on TV, it seems there is attraction in that kind of lifestyle for many and why not just let them do what ever they want as long as they to not violate any law or feelings of others who are not want to be involved? I have to admit I met a few people, that are living this lifestyle in the real world too and I had incredible amazing conversations about so many different things with them – I would not want to miss them. Most of those people are incredible skilled artists in one or both lifes and the lifestyle must have something that touches those sensitive and very special people.

Since my post tunred out totally different as intended and the shoes didn’t get the deserved spotlight on the pictures, I just thought I do a clean close up!
Recently I had the pleasure to talk more to someone, that I did know for a while and when we met, none of us did talk about BDSM or D/s or something like that. We just were assigned to do a print-work job together. It was a fashion job so far away from all of that. But when I arrived there, the way of how that person was talking already got me to my toes. I can not say why, but the way he used the English language wasn’t what I usually experienced. I mean, I did know his Flickr as I always look though peoples Flickr when I am assigned to work with them, but you find all kind of artists on that platform so I normally do not jump to conclusions if I do not know those people. The way he spoke, the use of words I never heard before for just normal conversations, did build some feelings or emotions that I could not sort the first time we met. It was a great shooting and the pictures turned out fantastic. It wasn’t the only time I had the pleasure to work with that person and I do not even remember anymore when or why I started to call him Sir, just in a normal conversation. I remember quite well, how bad I was blushing in real life, when I realized what I just said, but it just felt normal and right. He did not seem irritated by that and since it felt right, it was just normal for me to call him Sir whenever we worked together. A couple times we even just made pictures together, without any particular job behind it and they are some of the best pictures I ever had together with someone. Not too long go we got to talk more in IMs here and there and I had the pleasure to know him more each time we talked. It feels amazing if you can talk with someone in a natural way without ulterior motives, just because you are friends and respect someone. There are no words to describe our conversations, but I feel very honored to be allowed to have them. They unleash creativity, they reduce anxieties about some things, they even are an enrichment for my English skills, as I learn new words and different ways to say things. After all it feels incredible amazing to have someone, that does understand you, the way how you behave, or who you are. I have to admit, I guess I can be happy that he is so far away as I have no idea, if I could stand those eyes and voice, if I would be near him, but since I am happy in my own relationship (Yes – my partner knows about our conversations // NO – that isn’t anywhere near cheating) and far away, I just immensely enjoy those conversations and projects and hope there will be many more. Thank you Sir, for inspiring me for todays post and pictures!
Outfit: :::insanya::: – “Helga Top & Shorts” (Maitreya)
Cuffs: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Bondage Deluxe Set” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair // August 2019
Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Vini Stockings” (Maitreya Applier)
Shoes: [Gos] – “Tamara Ankle Boots” (Maitreya)
Nails: .:Avanti:. – “Byzzy Nails” (Maitreya, Bento)
Rings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Morphine Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Piercing: Blaxium – “Dangerous Bento Piercing – Simone” (LeLutka, Bento)
Septum: Blaxium – “Aracnida Septum Piercing Unrigged – Silver” (Gacha, Common)
Hair & Makeup
Makeup: Livia – “Desire Eyeshadow” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)
Hair: no.match – “No.Aspects” – NEW @ Hairfair // August 2019
Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Tattoo: RedFish – “Roses Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Fetish Fair // August 2019
Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna”
Lashes: Livia – “Whisper Lashes” (LeLutka Applier)
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses: Foxcity
3rd Eye Perceptions – “Hanging Chain Curtain”
~*S.E.*~ – “Wall Pallet Bed (PG)”
[Since1975] – “All in1-BDSM Cage/Pole(Maledom)”
[Since1975] – “All in1-BDSM Cage/Hanger(Maledom)”
[Arch] Deco – “Box of Chains v1.0”
Mushilu – “0005bg Whip and Whispers complete”
ED. – “Anu Whip Black”
22769 – “Toys and Lube”
22769 – “Handcuffs”
22769 – “Leather Whip”
Face Animatin Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”