Outbreak – A world after tomroow…

Post Apocalyptic 2

Yes, I have an addiction for post apocalyptic looks…

I do not know why, but maybe it is the strong attitude, the cool survival look or the fact of a very energetic instinct of self-preservation that makes the whole scenario and it’s fashions so attractive to me.

Today I was not looking for a special style in the beginning, but when I was wandering over a few post apocalyptic sims I discovered the “Outbreak” sim. A survival roleplay sim with an urban post apocalyptic flair. (more information you will find at www.outbreak.sl)

When I was roaming over the sim and saw its many different places, locations and RP sections, I more and more wanted to dress me like a part of this fantastic scenario, even if I will never find enough time to actually really RP at the moment.

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So I ran home and looked for someting appropriate to put on.

I started with the “Natasha Corset” from Azuchi. It is available at the actual round of We <3 RP and with the amazing shoulder strap and the incredible detailed corset it was a wonderful basic part for a corset lover 😉

Sometimes I get the feeling that bare arms are like a hole in a styling and so I searched through my inventory, what I could use to cover my arms and give the look still a cool attitude. After some time i found the “Sleevies” from PEQE. I know I got them from an event, as I thought something like this would be useful someday but I cannot remember which one it was. Since they are not that new I guess they can be found at their main store now 😉

For the pants I wanted something shiny as well, as the corset had a very amazing shine to it too. I was looking through my pants folder, but most of the pants were too high and poked through the corset. Finally I tried the “Anakri” pants I made for Wicca’s wardrobe longer ago. They are still some of my fave pants of the store 😉 and with the HUD you get 6 different options in black and white to choose from.

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The cool heavy boots are made by wonderful friends of mine for their label “FrEgo”, which you still can find on Marketplace (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/117990)

While I was trying a lot of different hair and not one did look right, I remembered the awesome “Kazakh” leather cap from [sys] with the cool goggles attached to them. With this cap I only needed a hair base, as the cap would be big enough to hide any hair inside of it 😉

For the tattoo I again went with one of the newest ones from White Widow, the “Charade”. It is available at the actual Epiphany event as a gacha. One exclusive rare tattoo in 3 colors, 4 exclusive common items you can mix together in 3 colors as well and one exclusive tattoo you only can buy with Epiphany points, which you will not be able to get after the event is over.

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The amazing face ornaments are from Elysium and together with the Face makeup from Nuuna’s – which is one of my favourite stores for interesting and outstanding looking face art – it made the perfect look for such a tenacious look 😉

Certainly I had to have some piercings as well. The cool septum was made by Real Evil and the kick ass ear piercings coming from House of Darcy.

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Ready styled I went back to the amazing Outbreak sim and continued my little roam over the sim, when I figured out it was not only one sim… it was 2. Both are built with an amazing eye for details and all the people I met were very friendly and did not mind me taking pictures. I just was asked to not disturb the ongoing RP or violate privacy, what to me is anyways obvious.

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Corset: Azuchi – “Natasha Corset” @ We <3 RP

Sleeves: PEQE – “Sleevies”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri Pants”

Shoes: FrEgo – “Woman’s Combat Boots”

Cap: [sys] – “Kazakh”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Charade” @ Epiphany

Earrings: HoD – “Downward Spiral Gauge”

Piercing: Real Evil Industries – “Dark Queen Septum Ring”

Eye Parts: Elysium – “Eye deco”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Ku-My” & “Ere Makeup”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Location: Outbreak

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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