If you look out the window, the days become darker and shorter. The sun hides and the leaves getting colored and falling down. I took my short summer dresses and put them in the back of my wardrobe and thought of some new for the autumn. I made my way up to Beauty Avatar. I remembered great stylish chick and that was exactly what I wanted to wear. The great new shop is fantastic parted into each kind of outfits. I passed the shoes and made my way first to the casual outfits. Looking around, my eyes spied a great sqared dress…omg I love squares…I got closer and I could not get my eyes from this great outfit.

An awsome short dress with black and grey quares parted in the middle of a great black fabric belt. Perfectly fitting with a black leggins that has great ruffled lowerparts. Fantastic detailed work. The black necklace surrounds the decollete in a very playfully way. The Jenna outfit of Beauty Avatar a totally must have for the stylish fashionista!!! It’s hip to be square!!! đ
So I found an everyday outfit..but what to wear for a nice classy evening…maybe a dinner with my boyfriend…or finally for a buisness meeting? I looked futher and suddenly my eyes stuck on a vendor advert. I looked at this lady and I was sure that is the outfit of my desire! Very high fashion looking pants with big wide legs…suddenly a kind of a vintage style touched my heart…this great pants have a nice knotted ribbon belt, that gives a sweet highlight on the plain grey pants. The top with its brown part breaks the monton classy grey in a very nice way without taking the view off the whole outfit. The collar part made me breathless…such a little acessory but so dreamy matching the classy outfit to a totally high fashion style…very glamurous!!!

I hardly got my eyes away from the advertise and searched for that great July pants. Right beside I found the second object of my desire – the Tessa top with that great collar. A black ruffled collar that caresses your neck and frames your face in an awesome way. After I got both, I made my way further to the skins. A new look deserves a new skin, that fits to the season. I did not have to search long as the Isis Dark Goddess Skin found its way to my heart. A light skin with a totally amazing eye makeup that brings out the great Diamante eyes that I also found at Beauty Avatar! My head turned as i noticed the great lashes…omg i had to have one of the Devine lashes!!! Ok so if I renew my whole style I can add one of the great new Beauty Avatar  hair also… my decision felt on Zara. I ran home and got all on… a peek in the mirror..ok it was longer, cause I could not take my eyes off what I saw*lol*…yes that totally was what i searched for!!!
Make your way to the Beauty Avatar Mainstore..and I am sure you will find the objects of your desire and your fall dreams will come true too!!!
Picture 1
Outfit: Beauty Avatar Couture – Jenna(grey)
Hair: Beauty Avatar Hair – Zara(black)
Skin: Beauty Avatar A&A  – ISIS Dark Goddess
Eyes: Beauty Avatar – Diamante 09
Shoes: Maitreya – Chi Chi pumps (black)
Picture 2
Top: Beauty Avatar Couture – Tessa(brown)
Pants: Bauty Avatar Couture – July(black)
Hair: Beauty Avatar Hair – Zara(black)
Skin: Beauty Avatar A&A  – ISIS Dark Goddess
Eyes: Beauty Avatar – Diamante 09
Lashes: Beauty Avatar – Divine lashes 12
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin