“The most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside. That’s what’s really going to make you look like you’re ready to rock the world.”
— Alicia Keys
Sometimes you do not need much to express yourself. Simplicity can be the key as well 😉
Not too long ago, I only knew Dahriel by name, before Raven Pennyfeather, owner and designer of RFyre, brought us together 😉 We started to do pics together and more and more we discovered that we have a lot of things together depending on fashion style and even personality. Sometimes it is just scaring how close alike we think and act. For me it is not something that happened a lot, that you know a person for not too long and already feel you would have known this person for your whole life. I am very grateful that Raven played fate and introduced us to each other 😉
The more we worked on pictures, the more we both discovered that we would like to make more out of our ideas and just post together sometimes. We kind wanted to have a project together. We both are busy bees, Dahriel with his pose store *PosESioN* and me with blogging teaching and modeling but still we wanted to use the little free time to make something together. As we were asked for doing a column for a magazine, the “Crazy Connection” was born.
We both like the non usual and the different view on things, as well we like to have fun and be creative and we both felt kinda connected to each other, so the name was just perfect 😉
Today we wanted to make something special with a minimal style. What could fit better to start with as the wonderful creations of Nyunyu Kimono, owner and designer of NYU – Minimalistic High Fashion Couture. Dahriel picked the “Cropped Jumpsuit” and the “Tux Loafers” from NYU while I decided to go with the “Cotton Dress” with the “Cotton Cuffs” and the “Collared Bow Heels”.
Dahriel had the idea to use one of the cool buildings from Ewan Crumb for the scenery and he made the 2 poses we are using… I am sure that he will soon sell them at *PosESioN* 😉
For the skins we wanted something very pale that goes with the white stylings and Dahriel decided to wear one of his favourite skins from Fruk, while I used one of the new skins by Silken Moon. The blindfold was kinda the perfect finish for the whole look and it felt like a strong symbol for being open-minded and not just to believe what you can see 🙂
We hope you enjoyed our simple and minimalistic journey.

Wicca’s Style:
Dress: NYU – “Cotton Dress”
Hands: Slink – “Mesh hands Casual”
Earrings: LeeZu – “Amour Serpent”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Cosma”
Blindfold: Illusion – “Silk Blindfold”
Piercing: [iN] – “Moon Chaser”
Cuffs: NYU – “Cotton Cuffs” – NEW
Shoes: NYU – “Collared Bow Heels” – NEW
Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Eyeliner Deep Set” & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver”
Lipstick: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Canvas Icecream” – NEW
Dahriel’s Style:
Skin: Fruk Bennett – Thanatos series – Blond/yellow –NEW (at Mens Dep)
Hair: *Birth* Stripe Hair – Platinum
Blindfold: Schöen [White] Satin Blindfold with charm – NEW (FFL Gachas)
Piercings: – .HoD. – Bulletproof v3 – Frost, – .HoD. – Compassion Piercing Set Prt. 1 Frost, – .HoD. – Sideswept v3 Piercing – Frost
Earings: – .HoD. – Dragon’s Tail Gauge Frost
Lips: Madrid Solo – Pouting Thomas-Silver NEW (at FFL)
Outfit: NYU – Cropped Jumpsuit, Vanilla
Shoes: NYU – Tux Loafers – Cream, Male
Both poses: *PosESioN* (Comming Soon)
Skybox: CONTEMPO (by Ewan Crumb)
Photographer: Dahriel
Models: Wicca Merlin & Dahriel