I’m gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up
I’m gonna tell ’em that
I’ve got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I’m looking up
I’m gonna soak up the sun
I’m gonna soak up the sun
[Sheryl Crow]
Mix & Match… still my favourite way of styling even if mesh makes it more and more hard;)
With the mesh body rigged clothing it is even harder as it already was with standard mesh sizes, but if you try hard enough it still works somehow… mostly :p
Especially if you want to wander around with your mix and match styles in SL and not just do pictures, where you can cheat about poke through or bad back views
Sometimes it can help that you combine several parts of one designer, but not always you find what you want by just going through several outfits from one designer – plus I really do love the challenge to combine different creators as well
I had a talk lately with one of my close friends about what is the advantage of standard sizes and mesh body sizes, because many designers do not even offer standard sizes anymore.
Part of that is that the SL community more and more uses the mesh bodies and standard sizes not always do fit on those, even if you can work many especially if you are not going to show too much skin. sometimes it does not matter for a simple pair of jeans, if you can alpha out everything properly what is covered by the jeans, or if you wear a full body suit with long sleeves for arms and legs. The more skin you show the more difficult it becomes because of the default alpha HUD for each mesh body.
But with the bigger usage of mesh bodies, certainly designers will tend towards the appropriate sizes and rigging to those as well. So I guess some when the standard sizes will be gone due the fact that they will not sell to well anymore.
And exactly because of this, I keep some parts even if they are older. I know many laughed when I told about my inventory numbers and called me a fool that needs to rezz forever, but for mix and matches sometimes if you sneak in an older part it can make it interesting again and as well spares you a lot of headaches by fiddling with fitted mesh only (I am not saying i would use my hair from 2008 or really old looking accessories from 2010 all the time, but I do keep some things that are timeless for me and probably useful)
I am looking forward where SecondLife will go and with the new Bento possibilities it will be a new adventure like it was with every new possibility the past years – That keeps SL exciting to me… working out new things and new ways of importing likes and dislikes into a new way of virtual life
Maybe in 10 years we laugh about good old times with standard mesh sizes, like we do now about flexible prims and sculpts :p
Pants: [sys] – “Mellow” NEW @ The Liaison Collaborative
Top: Asteria – “Rhapsody Fringe Top”
Pullover: Asteria – “Michelle-Cardigan Hanging Shoulder”
Waistcorset: Asteria – “Capretto Corset”
Shoes: Glamistry – “Lantana”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Vera”
Necklace: Eudora 3D – “Dream Catcher” – NEW @ Enchantment
Braclet left: Enfant Terrible – “L’odeur du Cuir”
Bracelet right: [kunst] – “Conrad”
Poses: ALIUD
Location: StoryBrooke Gardens
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin