Dead Inside


You’re free to touch the sky
Whilst I am crushed and pulverized
Because you need control
Now I’m the one who’s letting go
You like to give an inch
Whilst I am giving infinity
But now I’ve got nothing left
You have no cares and I’m bereft
[- Muse -]


Socks: [CX] – “Chiyou Legwraps Oil Spill” (Maitreya)

Outfit: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Sil Lingerie Black” (Maitreya)


Horns: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Tartarus} Horns”

Collar: [CX] – “XenoCircuit – Night” (Maitreya)

Wings: darkendStare. – “R’lyeh Wings [Oil]”

Right Leg: amias – “Leonie leg belt” (Maitreya)

Feet Claws: L’Emporio&PL – “Damned Claws – Flat Feet v.2” (Maitreya)

Rings & Nails: [CX] x BUENO – “Welded Eye – Silver” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Dura – “B98-Hair-Fat Pack A:right (diamond face line)”

Faceart: Nefekalum Tattoos – “My Anubis 2.0 (Gloom)” (Materials Enabled, LeLUTKA Evo. HD Materials)

Lashes: ~Shiny Stuffs~ – “Lash Parade” (LeLUTKA Evo. HD Appliers)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.5”

Eyes: Madame Noir – “Enigma HD Eyes”  (LeLUTKA Evo. HD Applier) – NEW @ The Darkness Event // January 2021

Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo 1: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Your Anubis (Gloom)” (Maitreya Applier, Materials Enabled)

Tattoo 2: TF – “Machinist (F) :: Chest – Light 75%” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: Foxcity – “FOXCITY. Photo Booth – Ghostly I (Ghost Goo+Materials)”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Blue Mood

Did you ever have that… that you didn’t have quite an idea for a picture but you wanted to have it in y special color? Lately that happens a lot to me, that I know what colors the general over all picture should have and then I just try to squeeze what ever it becomes to match those color ideas *giggles*

Today it was blue – I really had a Blue Mood today, I do not know why though.

For this pictures I had 2 basics I wanted to blog – the new dress from A&Y, which they offer at the current round of ROMP (I wanted to do that earlier but with my sickness and the need to lay down, I wasn’t able to sadly) and the super cute little “Chonk Demon” from HILTED, which they released at the current round of Aenigma, a new event that happens the first time this month.

I LOVE A&Y for their design ideas as well as for their incredible latex textures. Usually I try to style up something cyber or sci-fi with their designs, but this time I wanted to show that even if it is latex, it can be very versatile in different looks. I combined the awesome “Jane Dress” with a fur stole from {le fill casse} and the whole look got a lightly elegant chic. I so would go to a cocktail party or on a red carpet like that *snickers*

Certainly the look has to have my personal twist and I added some of the amazing piercings from CerberusXing and I painted me some eyebrows for today, as I saw fit for them to complete my look. The strong makeup I needed I found at alaskametro<3. I recently got the BoM layers for all those awesome makeups I had as appliers, as I just could not live without them anymore.

The cool hair, which was right perfect for todays look was made by no.match and you can grab it at the eBento event at the moment. I always had an addiction for non-symmetric hair that has a little bit of a wild touch so the “No_Shit” hair style was right down my alley.

Another addiction of mine are nails and rings,  usually claws I do love even more and if they come with huge statement rings – even better! The “Conjuration Claws of CerberusXing are just a perfect example of that. Huge, sharp claws and different rings for all fingers. For the claws you even can decide if you want a plain or a scaled version to make them even more evil 😉


Dress: A&Y – “Jane Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP //February 2020

Stola: {le fil casse} – “Danity Fur” (Maitreya)

Shoes: BAX – “Regency Boots Black Leather” (Maitreya)


Piercing 1: [CX] – “Monstrum Catena – Silver”

Piercing 2: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge (Silver)”

Collar: -SU!- – “Lynexia Collar” (Group Gift)

Bracelet left: .aisling. – “Isobel Black” (Gacha, Common)

Bracelet right: amias – “Jasna black”

Nails & Rings: [CX] – Conjuration Claws – Silver / Plain w. Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Shit” – NEW @ eBento

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Space Unicorn eyeshadow 05 FIT A” (BoM)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “Space Unicorn lipstick 05 FIT A” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – Nova 1.0″

Ear: [CX] – “Withered Berzerker Ears”

Freckles: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes – Freckles” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Tattoo: -Endless Pain Tattoos- – “Akela” (BoM)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity – “Melancholy” (Bento)

Backdrop: Foxcity – ” Photo Booth – Desolation (With Lights)”

Tires: HILTED – “Hydron Hyperway Gacha – Stack – Dark” (Gacha, Common)

Pet: HILTED – “Chonk Demon – Black” – NEW @ Aenigma // February/March 2020

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Me, myself and I

Recently I was asked, why you never do casual anymore? Are you only going to do scary and creepy pictures now? Are you going to give up your versatileness?

The simple answer is… NO!

But what I gave up is to let others dictate me what I am doing or how I am showcasing things on my blog *winks*

I am in Second Life nearly 13 years now and I tried a lot of things on my blog. When I started I thought I have to have as many posts a day as I can pump out on one day and that 7 days a week. I had times where I ran though 5 to 7 “posts” a day – Posts in terms of I do a quick snap shot and post a style card. That didn’t satisfy me after some time and I started to write something to every picture. First the facts about the clothing, like what kind of HUDs, how many colors or what special features they had. Later even a little bit of a review about what I liked most of the items and designs I was given to blog. Again I felt at some point that that wasn’t the only thing what I liked to do and I dared to write a little bit about things in SL that bothered me, or about certain topics to explain them better as I had a feeling they were misunderstood and underestimated a lot. That I still like to do and sometimes my blog even was a place to vent for me and write things just off my soul to get rid of them. In my view a blog has to be more than just a style card. If I just would like to have style cards nowadays, I would just blog on Flickr I guess. But since I usually need or want more than one picture to showcase my styling, to as well highlight the details, I decided to keep my blog and continue to write what comes to my mind or sometimes even just post lyrics and tunes if I feel like it or have nothing to say.


Today I really felt kinda casual, or better I felt like doing my way of casual styling. When I showed my look to a friend and said I felt casual, she laughed her ass of and said: “Yeah, maybe for you that would be casual… could you ever imagine to go out like that?” My answer was: “Oh yeah… I did that in my 20s”. she stopped talking and asked if I would be serious… yes, I am serious. I was a little rebel in my RL as well – probably I am still one, but my temper might be more adult now as it used to be *snickers*

So lets take a look at the style… I wanted to use the “Fianna” face tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos, parts of the “Voodoo Dolls Backpack and Mouthdoll” gacha set and the brand new “Infernal Claws” from .:E.A.Studio:. , the “Pepper Ankle Boots” from [Gos] and the “Heavy Duty Collar” made by CerberusXing. So I put that all on and looked at it thinking how the hell I could make this work as a look that I would call casual…

Maybe lets take a closer look at the “basic” parts I just had put on and then go from there. The “Pepper Ankle Boots” from [Gos] are a perfect pair of shoes for many kind of genres you want to style for. You can wear them to jeans, skirts, dresses or even to lingerie. With the edgy tip of the shoes and the huge, heavy heel it is very versatile as it combines the smart with the elegant for me. With the possibility to choose from many leather colors as well as from metal, shiny colors it allowed a huge range of use.

The “Voodoo Doll Backpack” is part of a gacha from .:E.A.Studio:. it is one of the rares and comes with a huge HUD to customize it for different colors and outfits. It is designed to wear it over one shoulder with a little buckled strap. The “Infernal Claws ” you will find at the 3rd Edition of the Fetish Fair at the booth of .:E.A.Studio:. until the 27th of December. You can choose if you want to wear only the rings or the nails or the whole set of it. With the HUD you have the possibility to color the metals and leather, the claw itself on the middle finger, the rings and the you even can color and hide all the nails separate for each finger. An amazing set and a must have for every Gothic wardrobe!

The “Heavy Duty Collar” from CerberusXing lives up to its name. It is a heavy iron collar, which lays around your neck with an attached leash in the front. It really has a martial look but I do love the feeling when a heavy cold metal collar gets locked around my neck *grins wickedly*. The face tattoo, even better the Face art comes from Skye Nefekalum for his brand Nefekalum Tattoos. It is very special and for me it did support the martial look of the collar perfectly as it as well is very harsh and dark.

To me that makes a perfect “Wicca Casual” and even if I am aware of, that this might not be a casual for everyone… this is my blog, my Second Life,  my personal fun and creativity and the spot where I can be 100% me, myself and I *winks*


Dress: Bombshell – “Fanatine” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 3rd Edition // December 2019

Sleeves: [NC] – “AmazonQ – Arm Spikes” (Maitreya, Gacha, Ultrarare)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons V1” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Pepper Ankle Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed //December 2019


Backpack: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Voodoo Dolls Backpack and Mouthdoll” (Gacha) – NEW @ Kinky Event // November 2019

Nails & Rings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Infernal Claw Ring Set” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 3rd Edition // December 2019

Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Tenebra Earrings”

Collar:[CX] – “Heavy Duty Collar – Rusty Filth (Un-Rigged)”

Glasses: SU!– “Poison Sunglasses”

Piercing: [CX] – “Mostrum Catena – Silver”

Bracelet (left): [CX] – “Ring Bracelet (L)”

Bracelet (right): amias – “JAASNA black right”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Gavri’ela”

Faceart: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Fianna” (Omega Applier, Materials Enabled)

Lipstick: .{Psycho:Byts}. – “Hecate Lipstick” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Vodoo”

Horns: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Horns Dracarys”

Tattoo: -Endless Pain Tattoos- – “Clary” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity


Backdrop: Paparazzi – “BACKDROP – Grime Block Balcony”

Cases: DRD – “San Mora – Survival Storage – Durable A & B”

Trash: DRD – “San Mora – City Trash – Bins”

Cat 1: JIAN – “Curious Kitties :: Wanderer Gry Tabby” (Gacha, Common)

Cat 2: JIAN – “Curious Kitties :: Wanderer Calico” (Gacha, Common)

Rat: JIAN – “Rascal Rats 2. Black Companion” (Gacha, Common)

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

The Ark – Animalish Moments

See the dark night has come down on us
The world is livin’ in its dream
But now we know that we can wake up from this sleep
And set out on the journey
Find a ship to take us on the way.

[Gerry Rafferty]

Today I would like to highlight an interesting event, that I didn’t see like that before. It is called “The Ark” and it is hosted by Palegirl Productions. Today sadly is the last day, but RL kept me so busy, that I wasn’t able top post earlier.

You can find all kind of designs inspired by animals there, not limited to animals and decor itself *winks* I saw that dress – yes a dress – and even if I am not too much into dresses, the way it was designed caught my attention. I loved the way the cut-outs are done at the sides and especially the arms with the sleeves connected to the middle finger. I never saw such a design before.

If you know me, it was clear, that I could not do just a simple casual look with that dress, so I was thinking a long time what I could do with that. Suddenly I came across the “Fibrous” tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos again and thought, that would be a great challenge to make an editorial look with that tattoo and the dress! Certainly Zibska had to be involved with that idea too and her “WildThang” leggings just perfectly matched the animal print the dress carried too 🙂

I know the look will probably disturb many that are used to a more casual use of dresses, but that is my personal take on for that dress – even if it really took some time to find the right surrounding for it for my pictures 😉


Outfit: [NC] – “Gira Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Ark

Leggins: Zibska – “WildThang” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Barbara Sandals” (Maitreya)


Belt: amias – “Fenna” (Maitreya, part of a whole outfit)

Collar: -SU! – “Lynexia” (Group Gift)

Glasses: -SU! – “The Shagi Glasses” (Group Gift)

Horns: glutz – “Ramifications Horns” – NEW @ The Ark

Piercing: *PKC* – Collar Lip Piercing” (LeLutka Simone, Bento)

Nails: [FORMANAILS] – “Mayra XXL” (Maitreya, Bento)

Rings: : CULT : – “Rou Rings Set” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Water”

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Fibrous” (Omega Applier – Head & Body)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Akasuna”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Fibrous” (Omega Applier – Head & Body)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity

Fontain: [FOURTH WALL] – “Minimalist Garden Fountain – Black”

Animals: Jinx – “Snow Cloud Gacha” (Commons) – NEW @ The Ark

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

“Wait for me at 8 o’clock” he said…

“Alone in the room, she impatiently waited
No aphrodisiac could have kept her sedated
Quietly, he entered, his scent filled the room
He knew her lust for him, would be her doom…”
[Dorinda Duclos]

Today I was in a little bit of a fetish mood and wanted to play a little bit *grins*

The “Aida” head from LeLutka, had such cute, but as well smart touch for me, that I came across the idea of a girl waiting for her Master coming home. I read many novels and books about BDSM and submission. Many of them had the situation in them, about a girl being at home waiting for her Master’s return (from work or what ever). Even in the Fifty Shades of Grey fairytale, he wants her to wait kneeling at the door of the playroom when he enters. That kind of situation I had in mind when I was taking todays pictures.

I did not want to do a mainstream nude or lingerie picture and when I found the “Leonie” dress from amias, I could not resist to use that one and pimp it a little bit with the “Collar of O” And the “Dandy Harness” from Salt & Pepper.

Today I would love to talk a little bit about shapes. I had a talk with a dear friend lately and she creates shapes. During my modeling times, I have to admit I never was wearing pre-made shapes.  I learned in several model schools, that the shape/face is the models trademark and somehow that is true. I come from a time in SL where we not even yet dreamed of sculpts or mesh or other body parts than the system body Second Life gave us. So we had to learn how to make our own unique shape and be able to change and twist it if needed for clothing, skins or accessories. When the first generation of sculpted body parts came out or even more when the first generation of bento heads came out – the static ones – it was quite a problem as all of a sudden we could not anymore work on our faces more than having different skins to make them look at least a bit different from others that bought the same head. When the next generation of the bento heads came out we all were kinda relieved as we now had at least a little bot of our freedom back to customize our facial shape again a little more due new bones.

While I always made my shapes myself as a model, I learned how handy pre-made shapes can be when I have to to vendors and teasers for the store or if I am showcasing different heads. If you go out and ask people about their shapes, most will snort and tell you, they won’t be up for sale as they made them their own. If you ask others where they bought their shapes they will tell you what kind of a loss of money it would be, as you can make your own shape. But maybe sometimes you do not feel to sit down and make your own shape? Or you tried and they end up looking always the same and you want to look different? Or they do not feel comfortable with what they did because they do have trouble with finding the right proportions? There is various reasons why people try ready made shapes and there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the shapes I know are even modifiable and you can use them as a base to create your own, having a rough idea for the basic numbers of a direction you like.

So, today I am wearing one of WrenNoir Cerise’s shapes. The “Alba” shape from {wren”s nest} was made for the “Aida” head from LeLutka. Most of the shapes nowadays are based on one specific heads, as you can really get funny looks if you do the wrong thing to a shape for a certain head. I sometimes tried for fun to wear shapes made for LeLutka on LAQ heads what really looks incredible funny. Wren usually has more than one shape in her packs – she provides for example a ‘proportional’ one, a ‘slightly curvy’ and a ‘tall & slender’ and if you get lucky sometimes even a ‘BONUS Candy Size’ which is a little smaller and I do love exactly those 🙂 With the “Alba” shape I was lucky, there was a ‘candy size’ one in there. As well you will find different eyebrow shapes in the pack and as well a style-card. The style card might be useful, if you would like to copy the exact look of the vendor picture, because even skins do matter and not every skin will make the shape and/or the head look the same. For this post I did not work on the shape at all, so what you see is exact the one I pulled from the pack, but as I mentioned before, you can modify them!

Next time you get asked, where you have your shape from or if you would know a place where good shapes are sold… don’t drag them down by only saying they should make their own… give them a chance to learn from ready made shapes or just being lazy and still look good 😉


Outfit: amias – “Leonie” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Blueberry – “Cupcake Boots – Sharp Heels” (Maitreya)


Collar: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Collar of O” (Maitreya)

Harness: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Dandy Harness” (Miitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Wedding” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Click”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Aida 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Shape: {wren’s nest} – “Alba Proportional – LeLutka Aida Bento Head”

Skin: alaskametro<3 – “Sunny” (LeLutka/Omega Applier)

Eyes: LeLutka – “Eyes.Korina 3.3”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Couch: 22769 – “Chesterfield Couch Black”

Table: DRD – “Bondage Sidetable Dark”

Glass: 22769 – “Martini” (Gacha, Common)

Sculpture 1: 22769 – “The Hidden”

Sculpture 2: 22769 – “Bronze Flamingo Figurines” (Gacha, Common)

Toys: BackBone – “Toy Rack”

Whip: 22769 – “Leather Whip”

Wallart: 22769 – “Metal Wallart” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

A Nightout!

It was the hat!

I wanted to make a post with that cool hat and thought so long about, what I could do with it – Finally I had an idea!

I rarely based a style of a hat only, but this time the hat was too cool and I had to find something that goes with it without loosing the focus 😉 The cap was made by Peculiar Things for the last round of the Eclipse Event, but I am sure you can find it at the main store now. The “Burning Glory Cap” is available in 5 colors plus one limited color! I certainly had to use the black one…

The cap is a masterpiece of materials. It combines the shimmering gemstones with a more muted basic fabric and it reacts amazingly on SL lights!

The cool backdrop I got at Foxcity. I really do adore her poses and backdrops.

Speaking of backdrops… I have to admit I am addicted to backdrops, even if I add some things here and there to make them more “me”, but the much I love them, the more I am sad that you usually just use them once or twice at max, as it feels like you would bore your flickr followers, if you have the same backdrop over and over, even if they are uber cool. I love back drops even more if they have more than one room or different corners. That gives me the option to use them more than just 2 times 🙂

As well most backdrops are cool for editorials, like the Foxcity ones with the amazing lights and materials but if you really want to have a natural looking environment, I guess you need the skills to really built y scene yourself using all those amazing designs, that people make for environment and accessorizing places. I still learn how to make a cool scene and I really be grateful for the ready to shoot backdrops, so I think a good mixture of both will be the goal – at least for me, as I do like both and if I do not have to decide I am happy!



Top & Pants: JF Design – “Dream” (Maitreya)

Shoes: {Livalle} – “Payne – Combat Boots” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: amias – “Ari black” (Maitreya, Bento)


Cap: Peculiar Things – “Burning Glory Cap”

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”

Earrings: Aurealis Jewellery – “Promesa Earrings” – NEW @ Dubai

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Opale – “Yunjin”

Makeup & Lipstick: Zibska – “Radi” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Replicas” (Maitreya Applier)

Eyebrows: Bossie – “Nyx Eyebrows” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: FOXCITY – “Lucid” (Bento)

Backdrop: FOXCITY – “Photo Booth – Lit”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Even Angels enjoy the first Snow?

I know I am usually not the white person, but I do desire the snow so much, now that it gets more and more close to Christmas. There are so many amazing winter designs around at the moment, even if I am not the biggest landscaper I tried to create a little winter scenery for my snow angel 😉

The super sexy over-knee boots I am wearing, are one of the latest releases from [Gos] for the Holiday round of Epiphany. The “Frenchie Knit Boots” are a gacha a 21 items gacha with 3 rares (black, gold and the fatpack HUD) You have the choice between a slim and a block heel for your boots and the darker the colors become, the more you can see the knitted fabric. The boots are available for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Isis & Freya and Slink Hourglass, you just have to play the right button for your size 😉

The amazing hair, that looks like waving in the wind, was made by no.match for the MOM (Mens only Monthly) event. Even if the event is called mens only… I like the hairstyles for females as well 😉

I hope you slowly get into the Holiday mood as well and maybe even Angels enjoy the first Snow 😉


Dress: -:zk:- – “Miu Dress” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Frenchie Knit Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Tights: Nanika – “Alina TIghts” (Maitreya Applier)


Arms: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Gloves: amias – “ARI white” (Maitreya)

Wings: Blueberry – “Oakley Wings – White” (Gacha)

Collar: Happy Undead – “Charming Collar (XXS-XS)”

Hair & Makeup

Makeup, Lipstick & Lashes: Izzie’s – “First Snow Make-Up Set” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: no.match – “No.Chains” – NEW @ MOM

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron”

Poses & Props

Pose: Foxcity – “Sits VOL2-4m”


Lake & Stones: Mushilu – “Snow Lake & Formations” – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Path: E.V.E Studio – “When Atlantis Fell / Cracked Ice Snow” (5 different shapes)

Branches: E.V.E Studio – “{MOD} Ivy Tree [M02-No leaves] Snowed” & “Ivy Bonsai {Snowed}”

Fountain: Atelier Visconti – “Fountain Clover Snowy”

Trees: Little Branch – “MysticBoardLeaf.v1{4Seasons}”, “Birch1_with_season_change”, “OldOakTree{4Seasons}”, “DownyBirch{Seasons}” & “WeepingWillow_4Seasons+Pink”

Grass: Little Branch – “Grass1l{Winter}”

Deers: Mushilu – “Ligth Snow Deer” & “Ligth Snow Bambi” – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin