Halloween with Mea Culpa & Silken Moon

Mea Culpa - Crow 002

Halloween is not too far away and SL’s top designers already released their Halloween collections and items. I would like to do a series of Halloween 2013 looks and decided to start with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa.

Mea Culpa - Crow 001

The “Lunar Crow” is the perfect styling for an avant garde Halloween look. For all of those who prefer a couture look instead of a scary, cruel looking style, the “Lunar Crow” will be the right choice. The outfit is partwise mesh made. The skirt and the neck corset are mesh made and combined with the prims of the hat and the moving prims of the shoulder parts it makes a perfect match between old and new design tools. The layers are made with a delicate lace texture and the huge headpiece adds an extra avant touch.

Mea Culpa has an awesome Halloween special! Till Halloween on the 31st ofΒ  October, there will be different Halloween matching outfits for a special discount of 50% off!!! This is a chance, you should not miss… one of the great Mea Culpa designs for only the half prize!!!

Every week, there will be a selection of outfits that are set to 50% off. This week it is the “Black Mamba” (https://wiccamerlin.de/mea-culpa-goes-fetish-fashion/), the “Call of the Siren” (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/news-and-spectacular-christmas-special-at-mea-culpa/) and the “Dark Desire” (http://www.flickr.com/photos/meaculpahighfashion/6303396627/)

For all the males – do not be sad you have as well your Mea Culpa Halloween special. If you wanna know what it is this week just take a peek at the new Mea Culpa Mainstore! (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23)

The nails are my favourite ones from Formanails. The “Madonna Skeleton” nails are prim nails, that fit to the regula avatar hands.

The incredible makeup comes out of the hand of Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” makeup is one of the new releases, and for me it was the perfect match for today’s Halloween styling. The strong and dark ornaments round the eyes give you a certain kinda mystic look and together with the lip stripe that has that sharp line going down… it just caught my heart πŸ˜‰ .

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Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lunar Crow” – NEW (part mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki” – NEW

Earrings: PosESioN [Jewelry] – “Angelical”

Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe Poses – “Buccaneer” – NEW

Dark Femme Fatale with GizzA & Finesmith

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Days get shorter, colder and my favourite season of the years starts… the mystical autumn.

Autumn contains some of my most favourite days like Halloween. I like the dark and foggy ambience what always has something dreamy and creepy scary when the sun goes down ;). This is the time of the little scary stories, which I really love a lot. Anyways if legends or fairy tales, I like the feeling that you have when you sit inside your house, the wind blows outside and shadows play little games outside πŸ˜‰ .

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I am sure that the new “Femme Fatale” outfit from GizzA was not meant to be shown in a dark and scary way but my mind was so much caught by the darkness of the season that I could not resist πŸ˜‰ . The “Femme Fatale” in black is a huge folder with many parts and items, which make an amazing ready-to-wear outfit. What first caught my eyes was the long, sheer mesh coat with the amazing frills. The sheer coat makes it possible that you can see the awesome mesh corset, the beautiful lace body and the super cool mesh overknee boots. Even the wonderful eye makeup is included.

To underline the dark look I decided to wear the “Black Bride” horns from Finesmith, with the veil made of branches. For the jewelry as well I added some parts of the amazing Finesmith jewelry, the “Shiraz” earrings and necklace in onyx.

The “Diavolo” hair from Vanity hair was the best match in name and style to complete my dark “Femme Fatale”. For the skin I was wearing my new and updated “Wicca Lumee Lunette” skin from Silken Moon. Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, will kill me, if I do not add that the green tone, that my skin got came from my windlight settings as the skin itself carries the popular lumee tone of her new Eclipse skin line πŸ˜‰ .

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Outfit (incl boots and eye makeup): GizzA – “Femme Fatale” – NEW (mesh)

Headpiece: Finesmith – “Black Bride”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Shiraz”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Tarbaby”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Diavolo”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Buccaneer” – NEW

In the year 2050 – News from Creepy’s Fetishwear

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Sometimes you think what fashion or clothing in the future might be… with Creepy’s ideas and creations you might get an idea of what future fashion will be πŸ˜‰

The new “Cyber Punk Catsuit” in pink i guess you will be prepared to be a future fashionista. For me the idea of future fashion goes 2 different ways. One that will be a colorful and shining huge wardrobe and the other will be a very tight and shape based tight wardrobe, what allows you to be fast and very sexy πŸ˜‰ .

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The “Cyber Punk Catsuit” from Creepy’s is a mixture of layers and mesh prims. The basic pink catsuit accents the well-shaped body in an awesome way. The high over knee boots are mesh made and so you do not have any longer the weird angles on your knees. The super tight corset and the amazing jacket with the half face mask are as well mesh parts and perfectly lay on you body. The combination of the latex texture of the catsuit and the more structured one of the jacket, boots and corset are a perfect mix for me.

The “Cyber Punk Catsuit” is available in different colors. So make your way to the Creepy’s Fetishwear Mainstore and get your favourite πŸ˜‰ .

The makeup I choose comes from Lovely Mi. The “Ashraya Pink” eye makeup, with the pink down part and the white upper part was the perfect match for my todays look. Together with the “Diavolo” hairstyle from Vanity Hair, my vision of a future fashion look was complete. The wings are something, I got way in the past for a lingerie show but colored in pink they just gave the extra touch of being crazy for me πŸ˜‰ .

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Outfit (incl. boots): Creepy’s Fetishwear – “Cyber Punk Catsuit” – NEW (mesh)

Makeup: Lovely Mi – “Ashraya Pink”

Hair: Vanity Hair – “Diavolo”

Poses: Del May

Model & Phoographer: Wicca Merlin

Buccaneer – New Expressive Male Poses at Wicca’s Wardrobe!

WM - Poses Buccaneer Set

Not too long ago I had the honor to sponsor the opening show of the Autumn Symphony shows of Solo Evane with my poses. It was the first time I was asked and so I was quite a bit nervous πŸ˜‰ . Usually I make poses I need for my own pictures of blog, so this was something new to me, especially the male poses. It was a challenge for me to think of expressive and interesting poses for the guys and it was fun as well to make them πŸ™‚ .

The “Buccaneer Set” is one of the new male sets I made for my little store Wicca’s Wardrobe. I wanted to make some poses that are not just simple runway poses since I love it if the poses are expressing something. That is as well the reason for the name. A Buccaneer for me is a strong and powerful guy, so I thought the name matches the poses ;). Thank you Malicia for the help with the name πŸ˜‰ .

I am very happy and grateful that my brother Dahriel accepted, as I asked him if he would pose for the vendor. He made a kick ass avantgarde styling, what underlined the intention of the poses so well. Thank you for that and your time bro!

I recently moved my store to be together with Dahriel and Malicia. I was so happy and as well lucky as they asked me, if I would like to join them since I love both of them and as well love working with them. So I joined the Crazy Connection at the NEW sim. (Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/18/67/24)

Like always you can buy the poses single via the pose stand and as well as a fatpack with a little discount via picture with the fatpack sign πŸ˜‰ .

WM - Poses Buccaneer Set - Fatpack

News by Mea Culpa and Wicca’s Wardrobe!

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 001

Mea Culpa has moved! Back with a new look on a new location. At the new Mainshop you will find a lot of news and as well a special outlet place where you are able to purchase a few of the older creations and as well some single parts for mix and match stylings. If you wanna take a look – here is a taxi directly to the new Mea Culpa Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23

I am happy to showcase one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi”.

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The “Karasu Hebi” outfit is an amazing surreal outfit with incredible textures and amazing huge and fashionable prims. The look kinda a snake that wraps up round your body and the laced textured full bodysuit with the golden ornaments really gives the whole outfit a very seductive and sexy touch. The headpiece as well is part of the outfit and completes the whole outfit to an amazing art piece.

I was very happy that I was allowed to wear this amazing outfit for the Autumn Symphony show from Solo Evane. It was a very exciting and special show to me, as I was allowed to sponsor the show with my own poses from Wicca’s Wardrobe, my new label. I made all the poses for the showcased Mea Culpa outfits, as well for the “Karasu Hebi”.

WM - Poses Constricted Set

I made the new “Constricted” set so that it goes well with all the prims and textures. Sometimes it is not easy to pose outfits with such huge prims without getting in trouble or always have your arms spread or high up in the air. I wanted some dramatic and still not too spread out poses for the outfit since it has an avantgarde attitude for me. The “Constricted” pose set does not only work for the “Karasu Hebi” outfit, you can try those poses with many other outfits, that are prim heavy just try them in my new store πŸ˜‰ If you wanna see… just take the limo πŸ˜‰ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/32/64/22

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Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi” – NEW

Shoes: Diktator – “Envy”

Nails: InSpired Designs – “Nightstalker Nails Noir”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Constricted”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 005

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 09/23/2013 – A Tribute to Marlene Dietrich

Wicca Marlene 001

Some time ago I made my way over to the Colabor88 as they had their anniversary. Many items and designs were there and the decisions were super hard, but I forced my self not to overstep the budget, that I set for myself for this shopping trip πŸ˜‰

I found the “Razzle” vest from ISON and I thought this could go perfect with the “Crew Skinny” pants from Ariskea, which I found on a shopping trip in the past and never used until now. As well at the Colabor88, I found the “Daisy” hair style from [monso]. The basic look brought me on the vintage look and in the end to the Marlene Dietrich tribute πŸ˜‰ .

So I added the “British Lofers” from Redgrave and the “Lana” top and tie and the “Valerie” blouse from LeeZu.

To built the ‘stage’ for the picture I had the honor to be helped by Redclaw Inshan, who made me the stairs the lights and the surrounding πŸ™‚

The poses I used are made by myself and they are available as part of the “Swag Casual” set at my store Wicca’s Wardrobe.

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Pants: Ariskea – “Crew Skinny Pants” (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Lana Vintage”

Blouse: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse”

Tie: LeeZu – “Lana Tie”

Jacket: ISON – “Razzle Vest” (mesh, Colabor88)

Hair: [monso] – “My Hair Daisy” (mesh, Colabor88)

Shoes: Redgrave – “British Lofers”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Swag Casual”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Between LeeZu shifts with Malicia ;)

LeeZu Mal & Wicca 001

Thank goodness for flat shoes! Standing in a shop for hours makes you notice each single bone in your feet. Usually Mal and I relax pitying our poor feet after a shift at your fave Cafe. Mal has tea, I usually go for coffee. Today though we both showed off the wonderful Yukatan Pants, a new release by Leezu ….. and with the flat shoes we even had some energy left to snap some piccies for you.

To know more about Malicia’s styling you can take a look at her bloghttp://silkenmoon.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/a-sip-of-tea-after-work-flat-heel-heaven/

The “Yukatan” pants are one of the latest releases from LeeZu and again she didΒ  what I loved so much on some of the other designs of LeeZu. She combined pants and shoes. With mesh you always get trouble if you wanna add shoes. Sometimes the shoes get stuck in the pants or even they peek out of the pants sleeves. So what better solution you can have, than have the best matching shoes already together with the pants?. For the “Yukatan” pants LeeZu decided to add some flat, casual, urban looking boots. The details on them, like the buckles, straps and lines again show the skills and the dedication of LeeZu, that she puts in her designs.Β  Besides the new “Yukatan” pants I decided to go with one of my favourite jackets from LeeZu, the “Tasia” jacket.

The hair is one of the latest releases of EMO-tions. The “Brooklyn” hair is a short, casual and still smart-looking every day style. I am a short hair addicted anyways and the “Brooklyn” hair will be one of my favourites with the neat wisps that you have on top of a very modern and fresh looking hair style.

The cool belly tattoo is the new group gift from Silken Moon so you better run there and get it before it is gone πŸ˜‰

The amazing furniture and house that i used for the pictures comes from 22769. For the food fair they made wonderful bistro with all parts you need to get the perfect illusion of a sweet little bistro where you can take breaks from work and let your soul fly and chat with friends πŸ˜‰

LeeZu Mal & Wicca Wicca 004


Pants (with bootsL): LeeZu – “Yukatan” – NEW (mesh)

Jacket: LeeZu – “Tasia” (mesh)

Bellytattoo: Silken Moon – “Putty Naveltatt” – NEW (group gift)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Brooklyn” – NEW

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Little Tiny Dagger”

Pose (pic 2): Wicca’s Wardrobe

Models: Malicia Python & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe at the Couturier’s Docks!

WM - Elegant Evening Set

Today’s post is very special for me πŸ™‚ . I was invited to be part of the Couturier’s Docks with my new brand Wicca’s Wardrobe. Some of you might know already that I started making poses for my blog posts and pictures. At some point people asked me why I would not sell them… and so my store Wicca’s Wardrobe was born πŸ˜‰ . I thought a lot of what kind of poses I would like to do, as I have many dear friends who make poses and as well there is a lot of pose stores on the grid already. So I decided not to make only runway poses. I wanted to do ‘Poses for Purposes’. Sets of 5 poses who always are made for a special purpose, like huge hats or cool handbags. Tha’s as well the reason, why all my pose sets carry kinda funny names as they always kinda tell what they are made for.

You can imagine, how happy and excited I was. when I got asked if I would like to be part of the Couturier’s Docks of Mila Tatham. The Couturier’s Docks are a special place at SaliMar, where all those amazing and popular designers sell special items, which are limited to 50 pieces each. For me it was – and is – a huge honor that I may be part of that. I wanted to create a very special set for this event.

It was kinda fate that, at the time when I was thinking what set I could make, I met a very dear friend of mine. Sazzy Nirpaw, in the past she was one of my students and over the time a wonderful friendship developed. She popped in my IMs and asked me if I could take a look at one of her stylings. She always dresses very classy and elegant but never boring what I really admire. As I saw her in that fabulous outfit an idea was born in my head for a pose set. I asked her if she would have some time to work with me on a pose set, that would go with her amazing outfit. She agreed and so we started working. After some time the “Elegant Evening Set” was born πŸ™‚ . Thank you so much Sazzy for your time and patience!

The “Elegant Evening Set” is a special set for… like the name says.. an elegant evening outfit, that as well works with a little clutch. The poses are not only safe and nice, they have some edges that let every fashionista shine with pride and self-esteem.

Only 50 sets of the “Elegant Evening Set” are available at the Couturier’s Docks and quite some already got sold. So if you wanna own your special “Elegant Evening Set”, make your way over to SaliMar, where the Couturier’s Docks are located πŸ˜‰ .

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SaliMar/76/126/503

Incredible Sale at Silken Moon!!!

Sale posterSilken Moon

Today I was in Malicia Pythons office to take a look at her bloggers list since she asked me if I maybe could help a bit sorting and finding new bloggers for her brand. I went over her desk… and you know how desks of genius minds look… to find the list. While I was looking a picture fell into my hand with some hand scribbled note that Malicia did. Since one of my most huge weakness is being curious, I had to take a closer look…

UNBELIEVABLE!!! The note said that Malicia will have a special weekend sale for makeup and nails!?!

50% off for lipsticks and makeups of the Eclipse line and as well for the nails that work with the Slink hands… ok that’s quite a tempting offer!!!

While I was drooling over the pic and the note I heard steps in front of the door… damn Mal was coming back, probably she forgot something…

I grabbed the picture and stuffed it in the back pocket of my jeans as the door opened and Mal came in.

She looked at me wondering what I did here and I explained that I was looking for the bloggers list and tried to make an innocent face. Usually she discovers in between seconds if I did something I should not have

but she seemed to be already tired since it was way after her bedtime and she just forgot something in the office so I could get away with my innocent look and a secret in my back picket of my jeans πŸ˜‰

So mark this weekend in your calendar and make your way over to the Silken Moon Mainstore… you do not wanna miss that incredible sale!!!

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Napf/53/49/28

Some Steampunk with LeeZu, EMO-tions & Finesmith

LeeZu Steampunk 001

Today I have the great pleasure to show you one of the latest releases of LeeZu. The “Deklannche” top is one of the latest additions to the new LeeZu Mainstore. I was looking for a styling for my LeeZu shift today and I wanted to use the “Deklannche” top in a different way. The top comes in various colors and each one has a HUD to it so you can even change and customize the fabric of the snake skin looking part.

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There is no alpha to it since it has so many parts where you can look through. An extra shadow layer as well is part of the top and you can use it if you are not running the SL shadows. The lines and the cream and brown colors brought me on that steam punk idea and I looked though my LeeZu folder what else I could add to make that imagination get real that built up in my head more and more. The “Heather” hot pants are very well mesh made short pants that totally matched the top and did not drag too much focus off the top πŸ˜‰ I looked a while at it and decided I need to find something top cover my belly since it looked too much girly like instead of what I had in mind. I looked though all my LeeZu tops until I remembered the “Lea Vivendi Pants” those pants are very high waisted and the waist part was justΒ  the part I was looking for. To cover my legs I chose for the “LaLun” tights and for the shoes I decided to go with my absolute favourites from LeeZu, the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots”.

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Now the base for the look was created and I had to find some cool accessories who underline and complete my imagination. I remembered the “Time Piece” of Finesmith. The amazing headpiece with all those little clocks hanging down from the branches. The cute butterflies make a wonderful contrast to the brown steam punk look. To make a smooth look for the part that is connected to the head yula Finesmith added some organic looking parts to give the whole head piece a touch of life, that totally makes that amazing contrast to the rest of the outfit and the scenery I chose for snapping.

The hair is made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions. The “Jade” hair style is made of cool dreadlocks that are bind together to a kinda up-do look even if they have not a super elegant look, but I did not need an elegant up-do for this look so the “Jade” hair was just the perfect addition πŸ˜‰ .

For the jewelry I wanted just some bracelets that underline the style and not get too much into the focus. I chose the “Wanderer Bracelets” from League. The wooden pearls seemed to be the right choice for me.

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The skin still is my “Wicca” skin that Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon, made for me, but in one of the skin tones she made for her new Eclipse line. The “Lumee” tone is a very light and sophisticated tone and I asked Mal if I could have one version of my “Wicca” skin as well in that amazing pale tone. So if you want to try that amazing, smooth and classy and elegant lumee tone you just ned to try one of the amazing demos of the Eclipse skins at Silken Moon πŸ˜‰ .

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Top: LeeZu – “Deklannche” – NEW (mesh)

Waistpart: LeeZu – “Lea Vivendi Pants” (jacket layers only)

Pants: LeeZu – “Heather Hotpants” (mesh)

Leggings: LeeZu – “LaLun Tights”

Boots: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee”

Head Piece: Finesmith – “Time Piece”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Jade”

Bracelets: League – “Wanderer”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin