LOTD 07/14/2014 – News from LeeZu!

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LeeZu time again!

Again LeeZu surprises us with amazing new releases. I already blogged the “BonBon” dress, wich was made for the FFL (https://wiccamerlin.de/lotd-06242014-leezu-meets-miamai/) and today I would like to showcase some more amazing news by LeeZu.

Let’s starts with the “Cora Ruffleskirt” This sexy short mesh skirt as well was part of the FFL 2014 contributions of LeeZu. I love short skirts but as well, in my opinion, it is more sexy to cover the legs under them with something like a sheer panty hose or stockings. There are times to show those long pixel legs and then there is times where to cover them 😉 . I remembered the “Brigitte Body Tights”,  as well from LeeZu and it was the perfect addition to the “Cora Ruffleskirt”.

For the top I wanted something cool and red. I had a special love for the “Dekannche Top” before and I know, that I used it some times before but never in red 😉 .

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The boots are a cool new release from LeeZu as well. The “Mila Boots” are super cool mesh boots. They have the possibility to change the color of the laces with a HUD and as well you can resize them with a built-in resizer. Those boots are a mixture of heavy boots, with a wonderful detailed texture and the lower leg part with those huge holes makes them even fit to more than just a normal casual style 😉

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The amazing fire-red hair is called “Tariel” and comes from EMO-tions. With the sweet little tails that fall down over the shoulders and the chest and the pulled back hair at the top it was the right style to complete my look. Certainly the hair is available in more than just the fire-red tone. With the fatpack you will get all the amazing colors that we know from EMO-tions.

For the location I decided to try the actual sim environment of Bryn Oh. With that amazing dark and creepy surrounding, the look was totally matching in 😉 I explored the sim and was send home dead a few times :p . You will find killer bunnies and spooky looking dogs wich will hunt you down if you are not careful enough and keep moving. For me it was a funny and interesting trip over the sim and I just can advise you to try it as well 😉

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Skirt: LeeZu – “Cora Miniruffleskirt” – NEW (mesh)

Top: LeeZu – “Deklannche Top”

Body Suit: LeeZu – “Brigitte Body Tights”

Boots: LeeZu – “Milo Boots” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tariel”

Cuffs: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Metal Cuffs” (color modified)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3/peach”

Make Up: Nuuna – “Tattoo Layer Makeups v7 11” & “Astro Glam/Red”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Skyfall”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Location: Immersiva by Bryn Oh

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin