Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young witch, she practiced white magic and tried to do good to all the creature that sought her help. When she became the age of marrying she was courted by three handsome young men, a count who promised her power if she helped his county to prosper, a rich man who promised her wealth if she saw to his business with her skills and a wizard who promised her everything and asked for nothing.
Whom would you have taken? The wizard, right? Well that’s what the young witch did, and soon regretted. He wanted her powers to make them the most powerful magicians that ever lived. She did not yield to the temptations of dark magic, but the disappointment made her magic turn darker. And she left.

So she went to see the rich merchant, but he was a vain man and grudged her choosing the wizard first. The count acted just the same. Bitter with the rejection her magic went almost black. But it was not in her to do harm and punish the men that hurt her.
She looked around and saw that the county was a really beautiful place, and a pretty butterfly even made her smile. So she decided to try to live a happy life on her own. Going far away. And the butterflies followed her, they did not want to live with the count, the rich merchant and the wizard. Ever since, there was not one butterfly to be seen in the county.

Top: SoliDea FoliEs – “Riga”
Pants: E-Clipse – “Fringe Pants” (mesh)
Boots: [Cliche] – “Pillar Boots Red/Stuts”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Makeup: LovelyMi – “Avant Garde 01”
Lips: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips” & “Wicca Lip Stripes”
Corset: DE Designs – “Raven” (mesh)
Hair: blackliquid – “Succulent”
Bangles & Nails: Formanails – “Night”
Jewelry: *GD* – “Live Heart” (one of my wonderful rezzday presents from a wonderful guy 😉 )
Story: Malicia Python
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin