Dark Vision

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you’re searching for the light?
Sometimes when you’re scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You’ve sensed that something’s watching you
[Iron Maiden]

Challenge Today: Combine Sweet Shoes with a Bow and Scary Gloves with Teeth & Tongue!

Lately I do have a lot of fun to give myself little ‘challenges’ for my styles and trying to complete the task. I thought about a way, how I can re invent my view on my blogging pictures. Certainly we do have our ‘duties’ too with deadlines and blogging rules, but I do not wanna see it just as a job. I realized if I just do pictures without any special thoughts behind them they start looking the same. I do not want to have the same look over and over again and those little challenges as well remind me what I do have in my inventory. After 10 years of blogging, you easily can loose track of what you have, but with little challenges and the fact that you force yourself to not just buy new accessories, but use what you already got, it really gets an interesting aspect again. Plus it has another great advantage, you stumble over things you would never wear again, as they are outdated or used too often already and you can just delete those and make room for new stuff 😉
Actually todays challenge was a fun one, as I really could go crazy again. Do you know that, if you got something because you liked  it and then you have no clue what you can do with it? That was what happened to me with the cool “Koronay Veil” from cinphul. I saw it and thought I need to have that and then I was sitting and staring at it a little frustrated, as nothing wanted to come to my mind besides that I love it. Sometimes you have to put things aside until they talk to you 😉 This happened today while I was trying to combine those awesome, sweet “Desir Stilettos” from Poison Rouge and the kick ass, uber cool “Voracity Gloves” from Cubic Cherry. I do have an addiction to scary, dark stuffs – and that felt like it could go directly into that direction.
As you can see.. it did :p


Top/ Headpiece: cinphul – “Koronary Veil” (Maitreya)

Pasties: Moon Elixir – “Gothique Onyx Pasties” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Panty: [CX] – “Pantsu Codex” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Eclipse – October never dies! \\ March 2019

Gloves: [Cubic Cherry] – “Voracity Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)  – NEW @ Eclipse – October never dies! \\ March 2019

Shoes: Poison Rouge – “Desir Stilettos with Bow” (Maitreya)


Wings, Halo & Horns: C L A Vv. – “Shattered Angel” (Gacha)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Entwined – “Jana”

Faceart: THIS IS WRONG – “Nightmare” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Black Lipstick” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tatoo: THIS IS WRONG – “Nightmare” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Background: :Fanatik Architecture: – “Lake Chamber PG”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Together – Even if the World fell apart

I am so caught by the Thereafter event and it’s creations and exclusives I could do nothing else that just snapping pictures all day long in post apocalyptic outfits on the Thereafter sim :p

Today is very special to me because Red usually never agrees or even asks me to do pictures with him. He usually rarely changes clothes, but with the “Survival Mask & Helmet” from ~isil~ he could not resist 😉

So while he was styling his helmet, I was thinking what I could do since I had blogged the mask already a few days ago, BUT without the helmet!

This time I want to show the helmet AND the mask 😉 Even if you could wear the helmet only as well, but I just loved the look of the combination of both so much – together with Red it looked like we were hunting or exploring 😉

Red as well has a weapon addiction and the theme and looks allowed weapons as well – great fortune for cool pictures together with him. The weapons we use are mainly rom Breach, only for some poses I used the pose props pistols from Gingerfish, which I will showcase on a nother post soon, just because they were modifiable and fitted better into my little hands*snickers*

When I was looking for poses – couple poses I am not that familiar with as I rarely use them, especially those kind of poses – and I discovered that I have so many older ones I never used from various events. As you know I am not a huge fan of simple standing poses anymore for pictures, as I really do love movement and action shown in pics, so I wanted to find some that are in that direction too. When I found a few that I liked, we went again on the Thereafter sim for pictures – I so do enjoy that sim and I am already sad that the event will be over at the 27th and the sim will be gone 🙁

I made so many pictures… it really was hard to decide which ones to use for the post – not to mention how much fun I had doing pics with Red, since that happens so rarely 😉

I just can warmly commend the Thereafter sim and the event to you. It is an amazing experience and around the stores of the amazing designer – which made wonderful items according to the theme and the event – you can find so many cool corners and spots for pictures or just hang out and chat and enjoy the environment until the 27th of August.

Details Wicca

Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Haley” – (Maitreya) NEW @ Thereafter

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Naesala Boots” (Maitreya)

Headpiece: ~isil~ – “Survival Mask & Helmet” – NEW @ Thereafter

Backpack: C L A Vv. – “Survival Bag” – NEW @ Thereafter

Necklace: Moon Elixir – “Rope Necklace”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Details Redclaw

Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Nestor Outfit”

Headpiece: ~isil~ – “Survival Mask & Helmet” – NEW @ Thereafter

Boots: Livalle – “Hax Combat Boots”

Models: Redclaw Inshan & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Location: Thereafter