LOTD 04/13/2014

Lybra & Finesmith 002

Sometimes you do not really know what you wanna style, or what you wanna wear and then you maybe just start with the basic idea of the color. Today I was in a black & white mood.

For the base I took the amazing “Tigress Gown” by Lybra. Lybra made this for the Tiger Alley event at SAVIAD. The imagination of a white tiger is not to deny ;). The long tight shape of the mesh dress, that opens towards the floor, with its tiger looking top and the more black wider bottom was the perfect start to create one of my very own looks 😉 .  If you put on a dress you have various possibilities how to style it. You can go for the elegant and pretty look, or you can go a bit more couture or wild. For today I had no particular style in mind and just followed my feelings. The jewelry I took from the “Amit” of Finesmith. Usually the set comes with a black short leather dress but the jewelry itself was so perfect to the “Tigress Gown” from Lybra, so I decided to just mix those 2 😉 The wonderful head piece with the flower heads wich were repeated at the bracelet and the chest part give some kind of a spring feeling even if they are black. The petals that run down over the face for me give a lightly mystic or dreamy looking attitude to the whole look.

Lybra & Finesmith 001a

Now the whole look became  bit too elegant for my actual mood and I remembered the amazing “Gacha Horns” that I got from a gacha at the Arcade. Those made the perfect contrast to the basic elegant look 😉 .

The amazing necklace as well was made for a gacha with a lot of different colors. Natzuka made those and as well some wonderful spring looking rings for her gachas at the SAVIAD Spring Fair.

And now please take  look at those evil long and sharp nails… aren’t they just cool?

They are made by Formanails. Formanails started to make nails for the Slink hands not too long ago and I already had a special about them. Ivi Bing keeps herself busy and brings more and more amazing designs. The latest ones are the “XXL” nails. With an inbuilt menu you can change the textures on them by touch and I really was happy when I found a black and white one that was just perfect for my todays look 🙂

Lybra & Finesmith 003


Dress: Lybra – “Tigress Gown” (mesh, Tiger Alley)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Amit” (part of a full outfit)

Nails: Formanails – “XXL Nails” (for casual Slink hands)

Necklace: Natzuka – “Latex Necklace Black” (FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014, gacha RARE)

Makeup: Zibska – “Dahlinka Wild”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca 3”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA & *PosESioN* for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

SAVIAD GizzA + Finesmith 001

One more post for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 for today 😉

This time I would like to show case one of the amazing creations of GizzA at the SAVIAD sim. The “Lolita Dress” comes with leggings that have the heels included, the hat and the wonderful butterfly belt accessories. With the light brown and beige color it really gives you a feeling of the coming warmer days of spring.

For the jewelry I decided to go with the “Geula” set of Finesmith. The golden brown textures give a wonderful frame for the huge gem and with the beige of the outfit it was just as it was made for it 😉 .

To match the beautiful gem I wanted to add some more color to the beige and brown. I remembered one of the “Rainbow” eye shadows. The “Rainbow Mauve” catched the colors of the gem so wonderful and gave the whole look the little bit of color I wanted.

The little bag, I made by myself and I like it so much that I decided to make a few white ones, wich you can find at my first gacha on the SAVIAD sim as well 😉

Now I wanna share a secret with you… if you take a look on my skin… yes it is still my custom-made Wicca skin by Silken Moon, but Malicia updated it!

She made a whole new body and as well updated a lot of my facial features. And besides my usual super light tone she made me one version in the new peach tone she made for her new skin line as well! But this I would like to pull over onto a nother post with a total spotlight on my new updated Wicca 😉

SAVIAD GizzA + Finesmith 002


Dress (incl. hat and leggings with heels): GizzA – “Lolita” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Geula”

Bag: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Coco”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Luana”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Relaxed”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca – 3” /peach – NEW

Eyeshadow: Silken Moon – “Rainbow Mauve”

Poses: *PosESioN*  – NEW (SAVIAD)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

~ghee~ & *PosESioN* for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

SAVIAD ghee 001

This wonderful gown was made by ghee for the FIERA Spring FAshion Fair 2014 at SAVIAD. The beautiful black & white “Vivid Garden” gown gives you a very elegant look. I like the mixture of mesh and flexible parts as it gives the whole creation the feeling of life.

The amazing B&W Shimmer Bloom”hat was made by Beatrice Serendipity and it perfectly fits to the “Vivid Garden” gown.

I just added some gloves and the wonderful “Ariel” jewelry set from EMO-tions to complete my look.

The poses as well you can find at the SAVIAD sim at the store of *PosESioN*.

SAVIAD ghee 002


Dress: ~ghee~ – “Vivid Garden Gown” /black-sheer – NEW (SAVIAD)

Hat: ~ghee~ – “B&W Shimmer Bloom” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Ariel”

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Elegant”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears”

Hair: LeLutka – “Pocahontas”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD – Part 1

Spring Flower Dress Vendor

Today I am very excited… The FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 is the first event I was asked to be part as a designer!

I started making poses longer ago and lately I found fun in making shoes and clothing. I started with some black and white clothing and so the SAVIAD event really was a challenge for me. The request was to create something spring looking. I thought a long time anbout what I could do and did some research of the colors for spring 2014. In the end the result was 2 very different creations and the first one I would like to show you today.

The “Spring Flower” dress is a short, non symetric dress with amezing ruffles on the outside of the right leg, wich is a little longer than the left side. To underline the soft orange color I decided to add some orchids and Daisys in front of the dress. I started with the sash of flowers and while I was putting them together one by one the idea came to my mind to extend them even down the ruffles. When I saw the final result i wanted to add some more flowers round the head and so the idea of  a little hat was born 😉

Spring Flower Hat Vendor

To add some more flowers i decided to include 2 little daisys to the dress as earrings. When I took a final look over the dress with the hat, I could not resist to even make booties for it as I like to create whole looks where all works together. Sometimes I have trouble while styling to find the right color for the shoes and so the “Spring Flowers Booties” were born 🙂 . The “Spring Flower Booties” match the color of the dress and as well repeats the orchids and flowers I used for the dress sash and the head piece.

Spring Flower Booties Vendor

In the end I liked the dress so much that I wanted to make it in another color, so I decided to make a white version of the “Spring Flower” dress and the booties as well.

TAXI to Wicca’s Wardrobe @ SAVIAD: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/CSW%20Island/228/120/2812

Spring Dress & Booties white


Dress: Wicca’s Wardrobe (incl. earrings)- “Spring Flower Dress” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Spring Flower Hat” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Spring Flower Booties” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Elegant Clutch Set” – NEW (coming soon)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dead Dollz & *PosESioN* for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD


SAVIAD Dead Dollz 001

Today I have again one of the wonderful creations of the FIERA Spring Fair 2014. This time it is one of the exclusives of DeadDollz.

The amazing “Hasu” dress is a tight long dress with free shoulders. The top part is ornamented with a wonderful texture that gives the imagination of a lace that’s laid over the basic fabric. This ornament comes back and the upper legs. The sweet umbrella is in the shape of a hat as well comes from Dead Dollz and it is their the gacha item for the event.

The beautiful jewelry is made by EMO-tions. The “Fairytale” set is mesh made. With the blue gems the silver set was the perfect addition for the dress for me.

The hair as well was made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions. The short kinda updo has a modern look. With the hair up on the top of the head it is not like the usual updos that are just used for an elegant gown. It more has the fresh, modern look that you as well can add to a more casual dress to add some elegance and high fashion.

For the poses, I again chose to use some from *PosESioN* 😉

SAVIAD Dead Dollz 002a


Dress: Dead Dollz – “Hasu” – NEW (mesh, SAVIAD)

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Fairytale” (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Judith” (mesh)

Umbrella: Dead Dollz – “Hatrella Dew” – NEW (mesh, SAVIAD gacha)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” (custom skin)

Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Casual” (mesh)

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

[AD] Creations & *PosESioN* for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD


[AD] Creations – “Ecate” for the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 @ SAVIAD

The FIERA Spring Fashion Fair 2014 at SAVIAD is open. It will last until the 31st of March and many designers made wonderful spring themed creations.

TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/CSW%20Island/72/191/2802

For my second post I want to showcase one of the wonderful creations of [AD] Creations. Aliza Karu is one of the owners of SAVIAD and so she is part of a genius 3-some of designers, who make this possible.

The wonderful “Ecate” mesh dress is a wonderful dark, elegant and as well fantasy looking creation. The combination of opaque fabrics, laced decorations and fantasy looking wings just made this creation to a must have for me. The “Ecate” gown has so many different way to style it up, I will have a lot of more fun with that in the future, too 😉

The tight basic accents the shape in a wonderful way and gives the whole look the elegant and adult looking touch. The laces parts at the shoulders again make it more playful and romantic again. If you like it more simle you just can use the shoulder arts without the ruffles as it is as well included in the whole pack. The hear piece as well is part of that wonderful dress. The little bow made of pearls combined with the black roses just makes the dot on the “i” to complete the look.

The poses you can find as well at the FIERA Spring Fashion Fair, at the store of *PosESioN*. Dahriel made some amazing new pose set for the fair. Some of the new poses are kinda a 2 in 1. Lightly animated moving from one pose to another. Certainly you can find his ‘normal’ runway poses as well as always with a wondeful smooth transition. As well you will find 2 of the “Posesive” sets. Incredible poses for editorial and art shoots.

The hair was made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions. The “Anne” hair style is a non symetric one, with kinda a curled ponytail that comes to the front over your right shoulder. The fatpack again comes with the super cool HUD what really saves your inventory from being overloaded as you can change the color of the hair via the HUD. So ladies… only 2 items more for your inventory instead of one for each color 😉 .

The amazing face decoration is the “”Giulia” mask from SoliDea FoliEs. It is the item of the actual Couturier’s Docks but I am not really sure if there are some left. It was limited to 50 pieces only and when I looked the last time when I was there they nearly all were gone… but… you never know :p .


SoliDea FoliEs – “Giulia” for The Couturier Docks February 2014 @ Salimar


Dress (incl headpiece & wings): [AD] Creations – “Ecate” – NEW (SAVIAD)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Anne”

Mask: SoliDea FoliEs – “Giulia” NEW (The Couturier Docks February 2014)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” (custom-made skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Tarbaby”

Poses: *PosESioN* (SAVIAD)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin