Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // December 23rd – January 18th
The Corsair Hands by Wicca’s Originals offer a unique type of prosthetic, with the aesthetic of something built out of your own garage, because not everyone has access to the highest end cybernetics. These are tailor for the rugged survivor or the unfortunate. The mounting bracket fits snugly to the forearm, and encases an analog logic chip which reads the slight movements of remaining muscle tissue. This is powered by two sizable batteries on the wrist, and translated into a limited range of motion of the hand and fingers, which themselves are made up of questionable materials, including a cut segment of a cheese grater which serves as a maintenance hatch for the wires and actuators. The fingers gently curved blades lined with holes, which not only make them lighter, but less likely to get stuck in whatever they might slice into. Comes in 10 color palettes and metals, for Maitreya, Slink, Freya, and Gianni bento hands.
Thank you so much for creating the pose for the teaser and posing for the pictures Ϯ.:Vɨvɨɇn Đɇ´ŁȺnȼøᵾɍɇ:.Ϯ & Ϯ.:Ⱥɍamɨs Đɇ´ŁȺnȼøᵾɍɇ:.Ϯ
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale