Challenge: How to combine Shiny and Matte in one Look?!?

Today I just wanted to take a day off from SL and RL work and have some fun shooting some pictures without having any task or deadline.

Sometimes it is just nice to go through your inventory, sort your latest purchases and see what you can do with what you got. Especially if it is not full or ready made outfits, but some single items like special leg parts or a corset. I love o do mix and match outfits, even if it is sometimes a pain in the butt with fitted mesh. I mean you can cheat for a picture, but if you want to run around a while in SL with your new look.. not so much :p

I already said that before, but every time I again start mixing and matching, I could start cursing again and again. Not because of the designs, more about the fact that you can not anymore ‘layer’ clothing as easy anymore. Before, when we had standard sizes it wasn’t super easy either but you were able to lightly cheat with the different mesh sizes. Now with fitted mesh we have way more nice fits and movements and we can can have a more unique shape under our clothing again – everything has it’s own advantage I guess :p

Anyways, today I was in a ‘casual’ mood – a Wicca casual mood *winks* To me casual means nothing fancy, nothing elegant just the way how I would do an everyday outfit. Everyone has his/her own way, how they see their casual I guess. I can not even remember, what piece I started with this time. I know I was sorting my objects folder, all the things I got lately and while I was unpacking and sorting things properly into my inventory, trying things to know what exactly it was, if there were no pictures in the folder and some when I was wearing this jacket from A&Y and those cool leg parts from Insomnia Angel. First it did not look as it would fit together… the jacket is kinda shiny leather while the leg parts are made or a mode matte, suede looking leather. Such things poke my inner stubborn and I set myself a challenge to make them fit together – if that makes sense.

I was looking at both designs and tried to figure out what they do have together. First I realized the straps and the buckles on both items – the first ‘connection’ was made. I played around with the awesome HUD from A&Y for the “Siren Cyber Jacket” to see what combination works best color and shade wise with the leg parts. Then I found that neat corset, which had a light shone. Not as much as the jacket bit more than the leg parts. Perfect to create a ‘bridge’ for both parts :). The Corset originally came with a panty, which did not look like I wanted the style to. There the headache began again… challenge: find pants that fit under that corset! I typed ‘shorts’ in the search field of my inventory and found maaaany. Believe it or not, it took me nearly 2 hours until I found 3 (!) out of hundred that would work in terms of being black and fit under the corset and only that one I am wearing did match in the style I was looking for.

The rest should be kinda fast and easy compared to the shorts odyssey… at least I thought so until it came to the shoes… the “Lizzy  – Bandage Socks” – that is how the leg parts are called – have the great option too choose between high and flat feet on the HUD, I really loved that fact. I decided for my cool biker look it has to be flat feet, heavy style. I did aim for the idea to have the boots under the leg parts, but they are so awesome tight fitting, that it took a while until I found shoes that had the perfect height to still fit.

Last but not least I wanted to have some cool earrings – nothing elegant but still visible and not too tiny. I remembered the cool “Akasuna” ears from .:E.A.Studio:., which Shina released at the ACCESS event this month – they were just perfect! With the cool HUD it was relatively easy to match the skin tone (Color under Cursor is your best friend!).

When I was near the end with my styling, I had an IM from Shena Neox. she showed me one of her latest releases for the eBENTO event and it was something that perfectly made the finish for my style. I showed her a gyazo of my look and we agreed that it must have been fate, that we talked in that very moment and she sent me the amazing “”Ambross Slave Collar” in black. Shena began with a shape store first bit lately she started to release mesh accessories – I have to admit I love them 😉 After styling for hours I had no desire to run around for a perfect location, nor I was in the mood to built a set. I recently changed the deco on our store parcel and it made a perfect location, I only did need a bike. I swear I thought I have one in my inventory.. with over 200K inventory, I really thought I have a motorbike somewhere, but I only found a modern, plastic looking one and that was not what I did imagine –  the only thing I found was a Vespa and that looked kinda odd with the style *giggles* After another couple of hours I found a bike at MotoDesign that I liked – Ready to go! I hope you like the results 🙂


Jacket: A&Y – “Siren Cyber Jacket” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ACCESS Event \\ March 2019

Top: United Colors – “Nina Corset” (Maitreya)

Pants: Dirty Princess – “Lil Suspense Princess Shorts Denim Black” (Maitreya)

Legs: Insomnia Angel – “Lizzie – Bandage Socks” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Eclipse – October never dies \\ March 2019

Shoes: {Livalle} – “Payne – Combat Boots” (Unrigged Female for Pants)


Glasses: Earthstones – “Eyeglasses – Yesterday (S)”

Collar: OPIA – “Ambross Slave Collar Black” – NEW @ eBENTO Event \\ March 2019

Nails: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Obsess Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Rings: DRD – “Chunky Rings” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ Eclipse – October never dies! \\ March 2019

Septum: [ kunst ] – “Anuket Septum Ring”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: .Shi – “Sa-Rah V2”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna” – NEW @ NEO Japan \\ March/April 2019

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity (except #1, which in in the bike)

Bike: MotoDesign – “Dreamcatcher – Indian – EVO”


Wicca’s Originals

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

A Nightout!

It was the hat!

I wanted to make a post with that cool hat and thought so long about, what I could do with it – Finally I had an idea!

I rarely based a style of a hat only, but this time the hat was too cool and I had to find something that goes with it without loosing the focus 😉 The cap was made by Peculiar Things for the last round of the Eclipse Event, but I am sure you can find it at the main store now. The “Burning Glory Cap” is available in 5 colors plus one limited color! I certainly had to use the black one…

The cap is a masterpiece of materials. It combines the shimmering gemstones with a more muted basic fabric and it reacts amazingly on SL lights!

The cool backdrop I got at Foxcity. I really do adore her poses and backdrops.

Speaking of backdrops… I have to admit I am addicted to backdrops, even if I add some things here and there to make them more “me”, but the much I love them, the more I am sad that you usually just use them once or twice at max, as it feels like you would bore your flickr followers, if you have the same backdrop over and over, even if they are uber cool. I love back drops even more if they have more than one room or different corners. That gives me the option to use them more than just 2 times 🙂

As well most backdrops are cool for editorials, like the Foxcity ones with the amazing lights and materials but if you really want to have a natural looking environment, I guess you need the skills to really built y scene yourself using all those amazing designs, that people make for environment and accessorizing places. I still learn how to make a cool scene and I really be grateful for the ready to shoot backdrops, so I think a good mixture of both will be the goal – at least for me, as I do like both and if I do not have to decide I am happy!



Top & Pants: JF Design – “Dream” (Maitreya)

Shoes: {Livalle} – “Payne – Combat Boots” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: amias – “Ari black” (Maitreya, Bento)


Cap: Peculiar Things – “Burning Glory Cap”

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”

Earrings: Aurealis Jewellery – “Promesa Earrings” – NEW @ Dubai

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Opale – “Yunjin”

Makeup & Lipstick: Zibska – “Radi” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Replicas” (Maitreya Applier)

Eyebrows: Bossie – “Nyx Eyebrows” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: FOXCITY – “Lucid” (Bento)

Backdrop: FOXCITY – “Photo Booth – Lit”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Now, don’t screw it up, okay?

“This was never my story. It’s yours. Now, don’t screw it up, okay?”

[Babydoll in Sucker Punch]

When I put on the “Poupee” dress from [sYs], I immediately had to think about the movie ‘sucker Punch’. The dress for what ever reason did remind me so badly about Babydoll, one of the characters in the movie, so I had to style ot that way 😉

The outfit contains dress, shirt and bow tie – you can wear the dress only as well 😉

To bring my imagination to live I added the “Anxiety Garters” that come with the socks from CURELESS. The socks are mesh items, that scared me first as I thought, I would never find shoes to fit over them since mesh layering is always a bit tricky, but the “Hax” boots from {Livalle} perfectly fitted over the socks – PHEW!

I do love horror and thriller movies a lot, especially those who have a mystical or psychological touch to them. Sucker Punch is one of them and I probably saw it like 5 times until now – I tend to forget things over the time and movies can be interesting again then :p Those kind of movies usually have some very special characters with a certain attitude and look. Sometimes they can be really inspiring to take inspiration and style outfits towards that. It is a lot of fun for me at least 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit: [sYs] – “Poupee” (Maitreya)

Socks: CURELESS[+] – “Anxiety Garters” (Maitreya)

Shoes: {Livalle} – “Hax – Combat Boots” (Maitreya)

Nails: Slipper Originals – “Deidra” (Maitreya, MMM November 2017)

Makeup & Hair:

Hair: Doe – “Bethany”

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Aegyo Sal” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Metallic Lipsticks” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Exposeur – “Mean Machine”

Bat: Exposeur – “Murder Bat” (Part of the Pose Set)

Background: SAYO – “Biscayne Backdrops – No Vacancy”

Bench: I[BDKX]I – “Basket Bench”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Always on the Run

My mama said
That it’s good to be fruitful
But my mama said
Don’t take more than a mouthful
And my mama said
That it’s good to be natural
And my mama said
That it’s good to be factual
But I’m always on the run

[Lenny Kravitz]


Outfit & Accessories:

Top: Mowie – “Haramori” (Maitreya)

Jacket: Gabriel – “Long Cardigan” (Maitreya)

Pants: PurpleMoon – “Maise Trousers” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Livalle – “Hax – Combat Boots”

Glasses: HAYSURIZA – “Glasses HipHop”

Necklace: Kunglers – “Sile”

Rings: Slipper – “Laura” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: no.match – “No.Twist”

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe


22769 ~ [bauwerk]  – “Sinatra Wall Art”

22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Pallet Wallart Squirrel”

22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Industrial Endtable”

[NC] – “Colonial Wall Lamp”

[sf] – “Industrial Sofa”

TD – “Mesh Industrial Tray”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Together – Even if the World fell apart

I am so caught by the Thereafter event and it’s creations and exclusives I could do nothing else that just snapping pictures all day long in post apocalyptic outfits on the Thereafter sim :p

Today is very special to me because Red usually never agrees or even asks me to do pictures with him. He usually rarely changes clothes, but with the “Survival Mask & Helmet” from ~isil~ he could not resist 😉

So while he was styling his helmet, I was thinking what I could do since I had blogged the mask already a few days ago, BUT without the helmet!

This time I want to show the helmet AND the mask 😉 Even if you could wear the helmet only as well, but I just loved the look of the combination of both so much – together with Red it looked like we were hunting or exploring 😉

Red as well has a weapon addiction and the theme and looks allowed weapons as well – great fortune for cool pictures together with him. The weapons we use are mainly rom Breach, only for some poses I used the pose props pistols from Gingerfish, which I will showcase on a nother post soon, just because they were modifiable and fitted better into my little hands*snickers*

When I was looking for poses – couple poses I am not that familiar with as I rarely use them, especially those kind of poses – and I discovered that I have so many older ones I never used from various events. As you know I am not a huge fan of simple standing poses anymore for pictures, as I really do love movement and action shown in pics, so I wanted to find some that are in that direction too. When I found a few that I liked, we went again on the Thereafter sim for pictures – I so do enjoy that sim and I am already sad that the event will be over at the 27th and the sim will be gone 🙁

I made so many pictures… it really was hard to decide which ones to use for the post – not to mention how much fun I had doing pics with Red, since that happens so rarely 😉

I just can warmly commend the Thereafter sim and the event to you. It is an amazing experience and around the stores of the amazing designer – which made wonderful items according to the theme and the event – you can find so many cool corners and spots for pictures or just hang out and chat and enjoy the environment until the 27th of August.

Details Wicca

Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Haley” – (Maitreya) NEW @ Thereafter

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Naesala Boots” (Maitreya)

Headpiece: ~isil~ – “Survival Mask & Helmet” – NEW @ Thereafter

Backpack: C L A Vv. – “Survival Bag” – NEW @ Thereafter

Necklace: Moon Elixir – “Rope Necklace”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Details Redclaw

Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Nestor Outfit”

Headpiece: ~isil~ – “Survival Mask & Helmet” – NEW @ Thereafter

Boots: Livalle – “Hax Combat Boots”

Models: Redclaw Inshan & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Location: Thereafter