Wicca’s Wardrobe: First Snow

N1CO Mea Culpa Lazuri 001

Today we had the first snow of the year. It did not yet stay on the ground but the tiny white ice crystals were tickling my nose today when I was out with my dog. So I could not resist to have my first “Wicca in Snow” pictures for this year for the blog 😉

The outfit itself is a mix and match of different brands. The mesh jacket is made by N1CO. The amazing “Carla” jacket is a chameleon for your stylings. The modern style of it,  really is kinda a must have for every fashion loving girl. The textures are amazingly made and with the super HUD you get with it you can change texture and texture combinations so much, so you can wear this jacket to so many different looks it is simply awesome! The huge shoulder parts are very chic and if you like you can even wear some attachments to the upper arms who start at those.

N1CO Mea Culpa Lazuri 002

The mesh skirt is out of the Mea Culpa Pret a porter line. The “Leatherskirt” in black points with its awesome slim shape and the amazing textures besides the delicate leather. The belly part is decorated with kinda a short skirt over the long one and it totally matched the “Carla” jacket.

The amazing huge jewelry set was made by Zuri Lyric, owner and designer of Lazuri. The “Kaya” set is an everyday jewelry set. With the possibility to choose between wood and metal you always can match this modern and young looking set to every style. The menu as well let you change the texture AND the color of every gem. On top of that you can choose between 3 different styles. For example the necklace can be worn with one, 3 or 5 gems connected to it and you do not have 3 different necklaces in your inventory… No! Just one and with the menu you can change the style!

Since my basic look was black and white I decided to pop out with the color of the gems a little bit 😉 To match the color of the jewelry I used one of the amazing slink nail HUDs from Nailed It. One of the “Clubbing Night” set, was just perfect for the pink of the jewelry.

The cute and sexy looking clutch comes from GizzA. It is available in many more colors but for my basic black and white look, I saw the white version fit best 😉

The amazing hair, that comes with that cool hat, I found at EMO-tions. The”Farina” hairstyle is a wonderful casual hairstyle that comes in 3 different versions. Always with the hat you can decide between a rigged mesh pony tail, that’s the one I used for this post, a flexi pony tail and a updo version.

The awesome makeup was made by the sweet LovelyMiwako Menna for her store Lovely Mi.

N1CO Mea Culpa Lazuri 003


Jacket: N1CO – “Carla” (mesh)

Skirt: Mea Culpa – “Leatherskirt” (mesh)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Kaya”

Makeup: Lovely Mi – “Lybra au Gaga” (Fashionably Late)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Farina” (mesh)

Nail Polish: Nailed It – “Clubbing Nights”

Shoes: [GOS] – “Desire Boots” (mesh)

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News at Mea Culpa – Beyond Oz

Mea Culpa - Beyond Oz 001

Today I would like to showcase the latest release from Mea Culpa. After the amazing pret a porter line, Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa now again released a wonderful avant-garde dress again.

Mea Culpa - Beyond Oz 002

The “Beyond Oz” has a mesh made basic, wich is wonderfully textured with a black fabric that wears amazing silver ornaments. The hips are decorated with huge ruffles on each side and for the shoulder you have a huge geometric looking attachment. The shape and style of this shoulder attachment is repeated in 2 awesome huge bracelets.

What caught my attention was the big and cool head piece with the jewelry. The headpiece looks like a huge black hair bun wich again captures the look and style of the shoulder part and the bracelets. Connected to that bun, you have a wonderful flexible attachment in the same texture as the dress.

The necklace and the head jewelry are as well part of the outfit. The black pearls complete the “Beyond Oz” dress perfectly and give it a beautiful and elegant touch. Since the head jewelry and the necklace are single parts you can wear them to any other styling as well 😉 .

The cool matching makeup comes from Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” gives the styling an even more avant-garde look and it should not miss in a fashionista’s wardrobe.

Mea Culpa - Beyond Oz 003


Outfit (incl. jewelry & Head piece): Mea Culpa – “Beyond Oz” – NEW (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Black & White Riding Hood?

Mea Culpa & EMO-tions 001

Black & White looks always were a favourite of mine. Today I wanted another one and for the basic I started with one of the pret a porter dresses from Mea Culpa. The simple mesh dress is highlighted with a typical Mea Culpa made texture. The strength of Tatanka’s textures we know from various designs he made in the past. For his pret a porter line he has a lot of pieces and designs that look very simple on the first view, but on the second view you will see the delicate and extravagant textures and the little attachments that make even  the pret a porter line of Mea Culpa to something special.

Mea Culpa & EMO-tions 002

The “Antares” dress from Mea Culpa makes a wonderful shape line and with the amazing shoulder parts it is a wonderful basic for many kinds of styling.

The headpiece and hair reminded me of the “Red Riding Hood” even if the hood is black 😉 . It is the new “Mary-Anne” hairstyle from EMO-tions. EMO-tions released a full line of hair pieces with bangs and various head pieces like caps and beanies and hoods. The interesting new feature is that you get a HUD for the fatpack. No more collecting tons of items in your inventory  – just the basic style with a HUD that chnages the hair color and as well the hairstyle under the hood or cap 😉 .

The amazing  necklace and bracelet are a gacha item from GizzA. The “Electra Set” in black was the perfect addition to the styling, as I only needed a necklace and a bracelet. The wonderful nail polish comes from Nail It. Giela Delpaso made several amazing nail polishes for the slink mesh hands and the “French Manicure – Dart Set” has amazing colors with the typical white top of the french manicure. The special on the Nail It nails is that you always have a prim version and one HUD version for the slink mesh hands and feet. So you can decide whether you wanna wear the mesh hands or your original avatar hands.

The lipstick is one of the latest releases from Silken Moon. The “Luna Lips” come with a special feature. You can decide, if you would like to have your lips closed or lightly parted with a teeth prim attachment. Both version will be in the “Luna Lips” pack that you are purchase.

The boots i found at one of the Colabour88 events from ISON. The “Lace-Up Gladiator Sandals” are working with the slink medium mesh feet, so you can make sure to have the best match for your skin tone with your enhancement HUD applier for your slink mesh feet.

The cool chair comes from 22769 [bauwerk]. I wanted to add some furniture to my post and the “Kafka Black” chair in shape of an insect really kicked my mind. It added a special touch of weirdness and surrealism to my picture, what I really love 😉 .

Mea Culpa & EMO-tions 003


Dress: Mea Culpa – “Antares” (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mary-Anne” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: ISON – “Lace-Up Gladiator Sandals” (Collabour88)

Jewelry: GizzA – “Electra Set” (gacha item)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Luna Lips” – NEW

Nails: Nailed It – “French Manicure – Dark Set”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Luna Eyeshadow Medium Smoke” – NEW

Chair’: 22769 [bauwerk] – “Kafka Black”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Electrifying news by Mea Culpa & EMO-tions

Mea Culpa - Sirius 001

Today I was in a crazy color mood when I unpacked all my new things. The basic for today’s styling was one of the new releases from Mea Culpa called “Sirius”. The “Sirius” dress is part of the new pret a porter line of Mea Culpa. Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa, made a special line with new mesh dresses, skirts and tops that are sold for under 1000 lindens.

Mea Culpa - Sirius 002

Sometimes you just wanna go out and meet friends or just go for a window shopping tour. Then you do not wanna dress up too extravagant but maybe you still search for something that has something special or extravagant. The bright and strong colors of the “Sirius” really inspired me to do a colorful post.

To underline the strong colors I decided to wear some extraordinary makeup from Nuuna’s. I combined the “Warp” makeup in green with the “Tiia” in purple and added a lipstick, Malicia Python from Silken Moon made for me.

The wonderful red hair, is one of the newer mesh hair of EMO-tions. The “Maja” hair is a non symmetric hairstyle and with the mesh technique it goes wonderfully with all your moves.

Mea Culpa - Sirius 003


Dress: Mea Culpa – “Sirius” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Maja” – NEW (mesh)

Makeup 1: Nuuna’s “Warp”

Makeup 2: Nuuna’s – “Tiia”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Blowjob”

Earring: Zaara – “Melange Earring”

Bangles: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelets Pink”

Nails: Nailed It – “Bright Set” (for Slink Hands)

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Halloween with Mea Culpa & Silken Moon

Mea Culpa - Crow 002

Halloween is not too far away and SL’s top designers already released their Halloween collections and items. I would like to do a series of Halloween 2013 looks and decided to start with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa.

Mea Culpa - Crow 001

The “Lunar Crow” is the perfect styling for an avant garde Halloween look. For all of those who prefer a couture look instead of a scary, cruel looking style, the “Lunar Crow” will be the right choice. The outfit is partwise mesh made. The skirt and the neck corset are mesh made and combined with the prims of the hat and the moving prims of the shoulder parts it makes a perfect match between old and new design tools. The layers are made with a delicate lace texture and the huge headpiece adds an extra avant touch.

Mea Culpa has an awesome Halloween special! Till Halloween on the 31st of  October, there will be different Halloween matching outfits for a special discount of 50% off!!! This is a chance, you should not miss… one of the great Mea Culpa designs for only the half prize!!!

Every week, there will be a selection of outfits that are set to 50% off. This week it is the “Black Mamba” (https://wiccamerlin.de/mea-culpa-goes-fetish-fashion/), the “Call of the Siren” (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/news-and-spectacular-christmas-special-at-mea-culpa/) and the “Dark Desire” (http://www.flickr.com/photos/meaculpahighfashion/6303396627/)

For all the males – do not be sad you have as well your Mea Culpa Halloween special. If you wanna know what it is this week just take a peek at the new Mea Culpa Mainstore! (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23)

The nails are my favourite ones from Formanails. The “Madonna Skeleton” nails are prim nails, that fit to the regula avatar hands.

The incredible makeup comes out of the hand of Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” makeup is one of the new releases, and for me it was the perfect match for today’s Halloween styling. The strong and dark ornaments round the eyes give you a certain kinda mystic look and together with the lip stripe that has that sharp line going down… it just caught my heart 😉 .

Mea Culpa - Crow 003


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lunar Crow” – NEW (part mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki” – NEW

Earrings: PosESioN [Jewelry] – “Angelical”

Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe Poses – “Buccaneer” – NEW

Buccaneer – New Expressive Male Poses at Wicca’s Wardrobe!

WM - Poses Buccaneer Set

Not too long ago I had the honor to sponsor the opening show of the Autumn Symphony shows of Solo Evane with my poses. It was the first time I was asked and so I was quite a bit nervous 😉 . Usually I make poses I need for my own pictures of blog, so this was something new to me, especially the male poses. It was a challenge for me to think of expressive and interesting poses for the guys and it was fun as well to make them 🙂 .

The “Buccaneer Set” is one of the new male sets I made for my little store Wicca’s Wardrobe. I wanted to make some poses that are not just simple runway poses since I love it if the poses are expressing something. That is as well the reason for the name. A Buccaneer for me is a strong and powerful guy, so I thought the name matches the poses ;). Thank you Malicia for the help with the name 😉 .

I am very happy and grateful that my brother Dahriel accepted, as I asked him if he would pose for the vendor. He made a kick ass avantgarde styling, what underlined the intention of the poses so well. Thank you for that and your time bro!

I recently moved my store to be together with Dahriel and Malicia. I was so happy and as well lucky as they asked me, if I would like to join them since I love both of them and as well love working with them. So I joined the Crazy Connection at the NEW sim. (Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/18/67/24)

Like always you can buy the poses single via the pose stand and as well as a fatpack with a little discount via picture with the fatpack sign 😉 .

WM - Poses Buccaneer Set - Fatpack

News by Mea Culpa and Wicca’s Wardrobe!

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 001

Mea Culpa has moved! Back with a new look on a new location. At the new Mainshop you will find a lot of news and as well a special outlet place where you are able to purchase a few of the older creations and as well some single parts for mix and match stylings. If you wanna take a look – here is a taxi directly to the new Mea Culpa Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23

I am happy to showcase one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi”.

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 002a

The “Karasu Hebi” outfit is an amazing surreal outfit with incredible textures and amazing huge and fashionable prims. The look kinda a snake that wraps up round your body and the laced textured full bodysuit with the golden ornaments really gives the whole outfit a very seductive and sexy touch. The headpiece as well is part of the outfit and completes the whole outfit to an amazing art piece.

I was very happy that I was allowed to wear this amazing outfit for the Autumn Symphony show from Solo Evane. It was a very exciting and special show to me, as I was allowed to sponsor the show with my own poses from Wicca’s Wardrobe, my new label. I made all the poses for the showcased Mea Culpa outfits, as well for the “Karasu Hebi”.

WM - Poses Constricted Set

I made the new “Constricted” set so that it goes well with all the prims and textures. Sometimes it is not easy to pose outfits with such huge prims without getting in trouble or always have your arms spread or high up in the air. I wanted some dramatic and still not too spread out poses for the outfit since it has an avantgarde attitude for me. The “Constricted” pose set does not only work for the “Karasu Hebi” outfit, you can try those poses with many other outfits, that are prim heavy just try them in my new store 😉 If you wanna see… just take the limo 😉 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/32/64/22

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 004


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Karasu Hebi” – NEW

Shoes: Diktator – “Envy”

Nails: InSpired Designs – “Nightstalker Nails Noir”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Constricted”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mea Culpa Afrika Dings 005

Mea Culpa: Floral Intimitation & a Sweet Secret

MEa Culpa Full

Sometimes you go through your inventory and find all the goodies that you already pushed way back in your memories. So it happened to me today. I was about to go over to Mea Culpa, to do some office work and thought I could wear one of my old time favourites from Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa. I was looking for one specific outfit as I started to dally, trying some of the earlier creations. As they all have such significant names, I never can remember which outfit hides behind them. So I tried some of them to refresh my memories, until I stumbled over the “Floral Intimitation”.  I put it on and was totally in love again with that stunning creation. The amazing dress is based on red and black, my two favourite colors anyways and with the green tentacles it really is an eye catcher. The skirt is made in a floral shape and the basic red is covered by an awesome filigree lace texture. What as well caught my attention was the non symmetric parts of the shoulders and arms. The right side has a wonderful shoulder and wrist part while the left side just has the glove. The hat repeats the beautiful theme of the skirt and the waist is covered by a red flower belt. The upper body part has a very sexy touch as just a few lines and ornaments cover the private parts.

Mea Culpa Half

For the matching shoes I chose the “Gothica” shoes as well from Mea Culpa. With the HUD I changed the color to red to match the dress perfect.  🙂 . Ready to go over to Mea Culpa to do some paperwork. As I enterd the office I nearly fainted. Huge walls of new mail, offers and what not. Ok, first of all this chaos has to be sorted. That’s the typical office of an artist… as much as Tatanka has talent and creativity and a genius mid when it comes to designing… the worse he is with all his office stuff :p. While I was sorting the desk all of a sudden a small piece of paper, just yanked out from somewhere with a  few words and an underlined date. This looks interesting! I pushed some other stuff beside and pulled out that piece of paper and pulled it closer to decrypt the lovely hand of my boss.

Wow! It seems he plans a sale. Seems he planned this for the upcoming weekend and as well he wants to include the new, still unreleased female outfit he showed me a few days ago in his laboratory…

Suddenly I heard steps coming up the stairs outside the room. Quickly I pushed the note back under a huge pack of mail and pretended to clean the desk as Tatanka came in. He looked at me and I tried to make an innocent face while my hands sorted some letters. After a short talk he left the office to continue his work and I just finished mine before I went down to the store to help out a customer that asked for.

Maybe keep a close look on the notices this weekend for the upcoming special sale with some amazing discounted items!

Mea Culpa Close


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Floral Intimitation”

Shoes: Mea Culpa – “Gothica”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse ES Central Park” & L.Fauna – “Basic Shadow Red”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Blood”

Poses: agapee

Location: Tempura Island

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

MEa Culpa face

Male News at Mea Culpa!

Mea Culpa - Arctic Storm black HALF

After a longer pause Mea Culpa is back with new designs for the males! Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa, released a new male collection and I am very happy, that I could talk Redclaw Inshan into it to wear it for me, so I can show some of the amazing news 😉

Mea Culpa - Arctic Storm black

The new “Arctic Storm” coat is my main focus for this post. This amazing coat has wonderful flexible parts that move fantastic with every step you take. The awesome textures give a perfect realistic look. For this post I chose the “Arctic Storm” in black first like you can see above.

Mea Culpa - Arctic Storm grey

For all who prefer the lighter tones, the “Artic Storm” in grey might be the choice ;). You have the same amazing features like for the black version. The long arms make an amaziing contrast to the open front and you do not really need to wear a shirt under it in my opinion *grins*

So even if the colder days get shorter, the new “Arctic Storm” coat from Mea Culpa should not miss in a good sorted males wardrobe 😉

I would like to thank Redclaw Inshan for the time and patience to model the new “Arctic Storm” coat for me.

To see all of the amazing new male creations you better take a look for yourself at the Mea Culpa Mainstore 😉

Mea Culpa - Arctic Storm grey FULL


Coat: Mea Culpa – “Arctic Storm” /black & grey – NEW

Pants: L&B – “Mesh Leather Mens” (mesh)

Shoes: [GOS] – “Desert” (mesh)

Necklace: Divinity – “Raider Silver Chain”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model: Redclaw Inshan

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Spring Look for HAUTE Magazine


Yesterday the latest issue of the HAUTE Magazine was launched on the new website (hautesl.com).

Leah McCullough, owner of the amazing HAUTE Magazine, released the second issue of her great magazine and I was asked to make a few stylings, wich were showcased as “WWW” – Wicca’s Weird Wardrobe. Leah gave me the challenge to stay in a black/grey/white or brown/nude color rage and I really had fun doing this looks 😉

I had the great pleasure to work with LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the whole column and she did amazing pictures 🙂

For the first look I wanted to go with a fashion chic spring look. For the basic I decided to go with pants from LeLutka and a top from LeeZu. Then the idea of the hat and the bag came to my mind. It looked like a nice casual look and I wanted to pimp it a little bit and added a part of a Mea Culpa gown, glasses from Izzie’s and some gloves.

To see all of them at once you can visite the website and read the whole magazine online at http://hautesl.com/latest-issue/.

A special thanks goes to Leah McCullough and LovelyMiwako7399 Menna for the great oppostunity and the wonderful pictures!


Pants: LeLutka – “Minnutuary” /tru
Top: LeeZu – “Valerie Blouse” /bark
Shoulderparts: Mea Culpa – “Chaos Theory” (part of the dress)
Glasses: Izzie’s – “Oversized Sunglasses”
Hair: Burly – “Zia II”
Hat: O&N – “Feodora Buckle”
Necklace: Yasum – “Flower”
Bag: Yasum – “Traveler Bag”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca

Photographer: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin