We really got some freeze days over here in Germany the past few days and a lot of snow!
That kinda was one of the reasons, why I wanted to do a cold, winter look in a snowy environment :p
The amazing “Morisette” dress from [sys] was in the actual BishBox, which you can get just one more day before the new one will get released. The theme was ‘Wild Winter’. The BishBox is a monthly subscription box for the urban, crazy and wild girls of SecondLife. Every month 15 designers contribute for an amazing collection of wonderful items. All you need to do is just subscribe or preorder your box. No more window shopping, just unpacking a box of cool goodies 😉

The mega cool necklace, comes from EMO-tions. I am totally in love with the “Hawk” necklace. It is a huge frame with an amazing non symmetric look, perfect for a casual style.
Because of the winter season I at least wanted to add a jacket, but not cover up the whole dress. So I chose one of the awesome “Jacket over Shoulders” from COCO.

For the shoes I wanted something flat, to get a more casual, cool look, but as well it should match the winter themed idea. In the end I chose some simple docs with two different high socks, which I found on Marketplace from Ducknipple. They have a huge color HUD for the shoes and the socks and the higher one just touched the bottom seam of the dress – perfect – as they would have been made for it.
The hair should be something loosely, smart looking and so I went with one of my favourite hair brands. KoKoLoReS always has some more extraordinary looking hairstyles, which look to me very modern and fashion forward with their wisps and wild looking strands.

I really do love my new bento head from LeLutka. The rigging is amazing and the animations do look so smooth, nice and realistic. I was not a LeLutka addicted before the bento heads but after testing most of the popular bento heads for over one week, I came to the conclusion that LeLutka definitely has the best one for me. It does support shaping in an awesome way even if you put your sliders to extreme sizes without breaking or destroying the mesh or make it look awkward. The price is as well fantastic for what you get. 5K for the full head with animations already in it and they even upgraded to an Omega support now. You can use all the amazing Omega appliers and they fit perfectly.
Since I was not using LeLutka heads before I had to upgrade my makeups a little and went to the great sale of La Boheme. There I found various, super cool eyeshadow and lipsticks. The “Stella” eyeshadow I am using for today’s post was one of them.
The location, is an amazing sim I found while I had one of my exploring days. It is called Neverfar. It is made with so much love to the detail and so many different corners that invite to spend a lot more time to explore than just for a few pics. I met the owner there when I was walking around and she was super nice and kind. It really was a wonderful experience and as well a very productive time 😉

Dress: [sys] – “Morisette” – NEW @ BishBox
Jacket: COCO – “Jacket over Shoulders”
Shoes & Socks: Ducknipple – “Docs Vs1”
Necklace: EMO-tions – “Hawk”
Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Val”
Eyeshadow: La Boheme – “Stella”
Poses: ALIUD
Body Basics:
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.1”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”