Sneak Preview on a new Angel Dessous outfit!

Again I am allowed to give you a peek on one of the brand new Angel Dessous outfits! “Yasmine” in 2 different colors 🙂

“Yasmine” in bloodred makes the beginning. It is a short sexy dress with great attachments and textures that are perfect for a walk in the actual season.

All the clothing layers are made of delicate transparent and black laced textures that show off a lot of skin 🙂 The filigree neck attachment gives the whole dress a light elegant touch. The skirt is decorated with big red roses that make an amazing contrast to the black basic. The chest part is covered a little more opaque to hide the secrets 😉 Also the outfit comes with the great black bangles!

“Yasmine” in YinYang is made in a wide black and grey color range. No deep colorful accents but a lovely contrast between black white and grey.

The dress has the same great features and also 2 versions of the neck part. Only the roses are made of a great shade from black to grey and imagine a little glittering.

Stay tuned to see what colors will be available if this amazing pice of fashion will be released – visit the Angel Dessous Mainstore not to miss that awesome release!


Dress: Angel Dessous – “Yasmine” /bloodred & yinyang

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Exclusive Sneak Preview on a new Exclusiva Gown and the April Group Gift!

Again I have the great honor to give a short preview on the a brand new not released gown from Exclusiva. I just got the “Veronica” evening gown and it is simply a dream…

A long and very elegant gown, that is made with a fantastic detailed and beautiful texture. The top has a deep neckline that gives an adorable view on a lovely cleavage. Directly under the chest you have an amazing border with awesome, realistically made folds. In the back you can see tiny crossed lines that accent the upper back in a very sexy way before the meet the amazing border. The skirt starts very tight and goes down tight until the knees, where it becomes wider before it finally reaches the floor. The basic color is black but the great silver-grey and white, filigree ornaments that decorate the texture make the whole dress again another masterpiece done by VictoriaV McMillan.

For all group members Exclusiva has a fantastic gift! A lovely black short dress…

At the chest the top has an amazing black and white striped border. The rest of the dress is made of a black texture that has an adorable shine. Light and shadows are set perfect to give the dress a stunning realistic look. Unbelievable that this beautiful dress is the free gift…so make sure that you are part of the Exclusiva group, when that dress will be given out soon! The great hat is not included but also available at the Exclusiva Mainstore.


Gown1: Exclusiva – “Victoria”

Jewelry: Alienbear – ” Ambrosia II” /black

Dress2: Exclusiva – “April Group Gift”

Jewelry: Alienbear – “Yuriko” /white

All poses by Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview on the new 3636 Hair!!! Avantgarde – Couture – Different!

Just a about an hour ago I got the great new hair of 3636 Hair that will be released soon!!! Dianny3636 Aeon again shows off her great skills for the unusual and avantgarde hair!!! If you are searching for something different you definitely will find it at 3636 Hair. One of the hairs that will soon be available in all colors at 3636 is the “Gardania” hairstyle…

A very huge style that is decorated with amazing flowers. Perfect for the spring season and the ones that dare to be different 😉

We keep the flower theme but here we have another pre released hairstyle of 3636 Hair – “Bella”. “Bella” will also be available in all the great colors we know of 3636 Hair! A big circle that is connected to a small hairbase and lovely, sweet, little flowers in different colors decorate the whole circle which is also a perfect spring and summer hairstyle!

Last but not least I have to make a little confession… the last hairstyle was thought as a male hairstyle but I have to admit I liked it so much that I dared to wear it by my own for the picture and I think it also can be used as a female hairstyle for the smart girls 😉

“Xavier” is a very short and smart hairstyle. The sides and the forehead are nicely covered by a few wisps of hair and the top goes wild up… even if it was thought as a male style I dare to say it can be used unisex 😉

Hurry and subscribe to the 3636 Hair group to be updated when these great styles will be released officially!!


Hair1: 3636 – “Gardania” /platin

Hair2: 3636 – “Bella” /black

Hair3: 3636 – “Xavier” /black

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview – Exclusiva “Lena” – Spring Casual

Again I was able to take a short look on something new that Exclusiva will have in the next few days… A cute, casual outfit with different versions to wear and also to combine with other Exclusiva designs 🙂

Anyway if you like skirts or pants the new outfit will satisfy you. One option is the great black top with the amazing diamond print on the front combined with a great blue tight jeans-leggings. If you like the more “girly” look… no problem..the second version has the same beautiful top but matches with a cute, short and sexy skirt…

…and if you are really just take the long top with the little skirt prim 😉

Keep an eye on the Exclusiva Mainstore and the subscriber that always informs you about the latest releases and news of Exclusiva and you will not miss the release of this stunning spring – casual outfit!!! 🙂


Outfit: Exclusiva – “Lena” Set in different versions

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview… Angel Dessous will have some new!

This time I am very proud to show you a new preview of some that will be released by Angel Dessous soon. I feet very honored to be allowed to model an  official Angel Dessous add done by the incredible Talyia Tarber. The beautiful new gown carries the wonderful name “Luna” and for this blog I  have it in “copper”, but I am sure it will not be the only color of this dress 😉

“Luna” is a very elegant and sophisticated gown. The top looks like a tight corsage that shows off a perfect shaped waist dreamy… the sweet laced shoulder parts give the whole outfit a very elegant touch. The whole lace “jacket” is made of a layer and 2 attachments for the shoulders. The skirt starts st the lower hips very tight and opens more and more as it goes to the bottom.

The back goes wider then the front and makes a kind of train skirt… just a little bit 😉 The seam at the bottom of the skirts again show the love for the details that Angel Dessous are known for, also the laced gloves that match perfect to the lace “bolero”.

So stay in formed not to miss the release of this great gown and just peek sometimes at the Angel Dessous Mainstore 😉


Gown: Angel Dessous – “Luna” /copper

Model: Wicca Merlin


Pic 1: Taliya Tarber

Pic 2&3: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview of a new Angel Dessous Design :)

Again I have the great honor to let you get a short peak on one of the newes creation of Angel Dessous. It is not yet released, but I heared some about the release could happen at the end of the week 😉

A nice short spring or summer dress for the days that become more and more warm. The sun comes out and we girls wanna show skin even if the temperature is not yet that nice 😉 “Sonata” is a great possibility for the more and more sunny days of the upcoming season. Stay tuned and do not miss the release of this amazing cute dress.. and see all the other colors that will be available also 😉


Dress: Angel Dessous – “Sonata” /mayflower & sun

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Guess Who? – DoJo Pressrelease!!!

I am happy to be able to introduce you the brand new sub-brand of *FDL* Fleur de Lys:

.::dj::. DoJo

Sanders Beaumont:”*FDL* has been know for focussing so far on historical and roleplay designs. DoJo will go the other
way and set its focus more unto unusual avant-gardistic designs. DoJo’s first and newest collection .::dj::. PapierFleur”

I am very glad that I am  allowed to show you a few options of the designs out of the new DoJo – SPOILER  PaperFleur Collection what will be released in March 2010. It is the first milestone with a clear direction to other standards of fashiondesign in Second Life…

Sanders Beaumont: “DoJo in Japan is a room for meditation and martial arts. That is why I carefully choosed a  new and
unusual store-concept.”

Sanders Beaumont: “Visiting DoJo means – discovering small hidden stories and giving free space
for your own thoughts. I’m sure you will enjoy discovering this small spot.”

This are 3 of the 4 first styles that I was allowed to snap for this great sneak preview 😉

I know, cause I have already seen it, this are not the only color of each style..If you are as surious as me… you should stay tunes and find your way to the new “DoJo” Mainstore that will be near the well known *FDL* Store 😉


Designs: .::dj::. DoJo by Sanders Beaumont

Skin:  Aimesi – Wicca

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview from Angel Dessous!!!

*looks around if Nando Korobase or Leandra Breen are near… as she sees not one of both she whispers :

” Psssssst… I have sweet news! I saw a pic in the Angel Dessous laboratory.”

*slips a pic out of her pocked, looking again if the designer is near…still no one and she grins as she shows the polaroid around*

I also was able to hear Nanado talking to Leandra, that they plan to release this great this week!!! So, you should not miss it and see what other colors beside “fire” and “forrest” will be available for “Glamour”… take a teleport to the Angel Dessous Mainstore!


Outfit: Angel Dessous – “Glamour” /fire & forest

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview – Angel Dessous soon will release “Chantal”!

Again Nando Korobase let me give you a short peek on one of his not yet released Outfits of Angel Dessous – “Chantal”

Angel Dessous - Chantal PreviewIf I remember right, I saw 4 amazing colors: red, white, green and grey…;-) The Outfit will include pumps, bracelets and all the lovely clothing parts you can see…

I heared some rumors that the release could happen atthe beginning of the new week…so attention!!! Don’t miss is!!!


Outfit: Angel Dessous – “Chantal” /green & white

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Angel Dessous – Sneak Preview – Release planned in January!

I have the great honor to show you 2 of the not yet released news from Angel Dessous!

As I was told the releass of this great outfits would  be in January 😉

Angel Dessous - Rebecca 001 - Preview

“Rebecca” – here shown in red – will be available in turquoise, red, gold, purple, deepblue!!!

Angel Dessous - Radiance 002 - Preview

“Radiance”  – here we have it in silver – will be available in the colors black, hotpink, gold, silver, red

So keep your eyes on the Angel Dessous Mainstore and be “up to date” not to miss the New Releases!!!

Thanks a lot to Nando Korobase & Leandra Breen for this great possibility to peek on his not yet released amazing designs!!!


Pic 1: Angel Dessous – “Rebecca” /red

Pic 2: Angel Dessous – “Radiance” /silver

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin