Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // March 23rd – April 18th
Pierce Pressure
“You have to do it, Yhesy! Everyone at school has the piercing.”
Jessie may be my bestie, but at times like this her whiny pleas can really grate on my last nerve. She is the one from the good family and she’s the one pressuring me to bow to peer pressure. Go figure.
It’s Friday afternoon and a half school day, otherwise I would not have let Jessie drag me downtown to a questionable looking tattoo parlor. She’s the one who brought me here. I live not far from here, but even I have never been to this area. Go figure.
It’s not like I am a prude or a snob. My wardrobe runs to the punk/goth side, where Jessie is the preppie cheerleader. I doubt Jessie has ever been downtown in her life, since her family has a huge house on the upper east side. Go figure.
People look at us and whisper that I am the bad influence because I dress differently and my naturally blond hair has dark purple streaks. I am the one getting straight A’s in school and tutoring Jessie in nearly every class so she doesn’t flunk out. Go figure.
Now it is Jessie who is nervous as her fingernails dig into my arm when we walk into the ship. Despite the questionable neighborhood, the shop is clean, well lit and organized. The two guys inside exchange a look as we walk in. I can just imagine what they are thinking about this odd couple. Go figure.
“How can we help you, ladies,” the guy at the far end of the shop asks. He is shirtless and has the most amazing tattoos, but it’s his piercings that have my attention. Though I may still be considered jail bait at 17, I can appreciate a good looking guy a couple years older. Go figure.
“My … my … my friend wants her ear pierced,” Jessie stutters. Yes, the cheerleaders of Walt Whitman High School think more than one ear piercing is edgy and why they all have one extra piercing; all filled with a shiny and expensive diamond stud. Go figure.
The guy closer to the door barks out a laugh while the hottie just shakes his head and leans back in his chair. “That’s what mall jewelry shops are for, little girl. Besides, I don’t work on underage kids. It’s the law.”
“I’m 18,” I say as I step closer, “and I want that piercing.” I point to a picture on the wall of a three spike piercing along the length of a nose. I have secretly longed for such a piercing, but would never admit it out loud. Took Jessie’s whining to join the ‘in crowd’ to take the next step. Go figure.
I hand the guy my driver’s while I continue to stare at the piercing with longing. I ignore Jessie’s whispered protests in my ear and the tug on my arm to move me toward the door. Sure, she wanted me to follow the latest trend, but never expected me to take her ‘pierce pressure’ to a completely different level. Go figure.
“This says your 17, sweetheart,” Mr. McHottie says as he hands back my I.D. I also notice he gives me a very thorough appraisal from head-to-toe that makes me tingle all over. I did a little looking of my own and noticed the advanced online college course on his laptop. Sexy and smart all rolled up in a yummy looking package in a out of the way tattoo place. Go figure.
“My birthday is Sunday,” I admit as I put my I.D. in my pocket. “What’s a day or two? I am here now.”
“A day or two is the difference between my loosing my license and not, sweetheart. If you still want the piercing, come back on Sunday and I will do it for free. We’ll call it a birthday present.”
“I’ll be here Sunday,” I say with confidence and a quirk of a smile. “And my name is Yhesy, sweetheart.” Maybe Jessie’s little push turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Free piercing and another look at hotstuff in tight jeans. Go figure.
“Mine’s Kieran,” he say as he holds out is hand to me. As I take it, I feel the electricity pass between us. Oh, yes, this will be a very memorable 18th birthday.
Go figure.
Sizes: unrigged – unisex // mod/copy/no trans
HUD: 10 Metals (various show/hide options for all kind of different parts)
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // March 2022