Today I have the great pleasure to show some of the great designs and the latest release from Xplosion. Owner and designer Kaliha Noel increased her label over the past years to an awesome ‘imperium’. I had the great honor to meet her ages ago, shortly after she started and to see this amazing brand growing over the time was really amazing. So it is for me a special thing to have her designs on my blog
First I would like to start with one outfit I was allowed to model for the Glance Magazin a few month ago. I chose The “Woman Overall Break” pants. As a basic. The awesome used look was perfect for the styling I wanted to do. The loose strap on the left shoulder that let hang down the left front of the overall pants give a wonderful casual look. A perfect addition is the black “Hoodie” shirt. I just skipped the hood itself and used it as a zipper sweater only Also the cool “Ladie Cat” shoes are from Xplosion. Neat little heels covered by great urban huge leg warmers are the best decision for the actual season also
Again I have to thank Harsch Sharktooth, who helped me and modeled for the male part He is wearing the “Chill Jeans” in light blue. This jeans also have that cool holes that make the basic for the urban-used look. For the top Harsch chose the hoodie and the gloves from the “Men Overall Break” pants outfit. For the actual season he decided to wear the “KBoots” not to get wet feet in those rainy days.
For the absolute highlight Kaliha gave me one of her newest skinst to test and they are simply amazing! I did not have to change anything… it just fitted perfect on my shape. As always the skin comes in different tones and with different colors of lipstick.
Also every lipstick color has 2 versions of eye makeup, one with just smokey eyes and one that is mixed with the color of the lipstick lightly, too! The body is awesome details and every light and shadow is in its place…not toomuch and not too less, just perfect. Also the skin does not have this ugly over glow, it looks lightly powdered and perfect for the everyday look of every fashionista. The face has stunning and great eyes and wonderful sexy and full lips with a very light gloss also perfect designed to give a natural but fashion look. The belly and back look very well-trained and shaped. For me “Nicki” is a wonderful and very realistic looking skin with all kind of perfect features you can have. If you take a closer look you can see that amazing hairbase and hair attachment. This was also one of the latest releases of Xplosion and it is called “Lyra”. You can purchase it in black, brown, blonde, red , silver and white always with the matching hairbase.
You definitely should make your way to the Xplosion Mainstore and see all of Kaliha Noel’s great designs and creations. You also will find a cute discount area where you can find some of the older creations as a give away or even very much discounted… I have to admit I nearly got them all
Female Outfit:
Pants: Xplosion – “Woman Overall Brake” pants
Top: Xplosion – “Hoodie! top
Skin: Xplosion – “Nicki”
Hair: Xplosion – “Lyra”
Earrings: Rozorogalia – “Hydra”
Shoes: Xplosion – “Ladie Cat”
Males Outfit:
Top: Xplosion – “Men”Overall break) (hoody und gloves)
Pants Xplosion – “Chill Jeans”
Hair: TRUTH – “Drake”
Shoes: K boots
Models: Harsch Sharkooth & Wicca Merlin
Photographer: Wicca Merlin