But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow
[- Cyndi Lauper -]
Finally RL gives me enough room to write a post I wanted to do for weeks now. It will be a premiere, because it will be the first post without any credits, but the topic as well as the person are value a lot to me and so I wanted to do that without any fashion details.
This picture is a very special picture to me as it is the first picture of Vivien and me, done by her! I wanted a picture done by her for quite some time as I adore her picture and pose skills, but let me start like around a year back I guess it was, when I spotted her work the first time on Flickr…
When I saw her art the first time I immediately loved it and I remember how much I was pondering, if we even should contact her, as I thought she most likely must have been overwhelmed with sponsors already. But Silly contacted her never the less and when I heard that Vivien would be interested I thought I am dreaming. When I heard that she doesn’t even have that much sponsors yet I was more than surprised… how that was possible with the amazing pictures and showcases she did?!?
I was so happy when she agreed to be added to our blogger team. What I not yet did know how fast and conscientious she is with her blogging. She is so fast and creative… I am always amazed how she can have 2 or more pictures per day in that high quality and with so many different ideas. Certainly we started talking some when and figured out that we both are Germans. That made communication even easier and the more we typed and talked the more we found out that we have many commonalities about blogging and as well about general thoughts and views.
Then there was a point when Silly wanted to step back a bit from her blogger manager duties and asked if I would know someone who would like to take over… in the moment she asked It felt like loosing a sister and I had no clue who could take over. Silly was with us since the very beginning and when she said that I could not even think about someone who could take over. But Silly calmed me down saying she would not be gone as a friend anyway and as well not as a senior blogger manager either. She offered to help with the transition and still be there for the ones who do not speak German or English or if she is needed. That set my head free, to think about, who could potentially be her successor. As soon as I could think straight, it felt so natural to ask Vivien. We shared our visions about blogging, bloggers and how to treat sponsors and they were a lot alike.
When I asked her she told me that she would have no experiences, but she loves challenges and she would like to try it… Said and done! So she took over a few month ago and she does a hell of a job. More than I ever would have expected especially since she said she never did that before. Sometimes I even get scared how fast she is so that I really have to tr hard to catch up if I don’t want to miss one of the wonderful pictures of your amazing team! She asks me stuff I didn’t even yet realize and it feels really awesome, how she takes care of the whole machine
How did Beu mention today when I told her how happy I am with Vivien.. “Better chain her to the pipes at the basement” – I am not sure if I want her at the basement… but if she enjoys chains.. who knows *grins*
That brought us even more together than before and Vivien feels like a sister in crime to me. When I finally dared to ask her, about a picture giving her full reigns about what she would like to do. she made that incredible wonderful picture above. It already was a while ago and I really felt bad to not yet being able to post it as I didn’t want her to think I do not like it – I really love it and it does mean a lot to me that she took her time and patience to create that wonderful piece of art. But I didn’t just want to rush it through!
Since I posted about disappointment a few days ago and that we never should trust people at all anymore – Vivien is one of the examples why we should trust people even if we do not know them for along time. If I would have no trusted her, wee would have never had the awesome times we shared and I never would have been able to know her as close as she feels to me now.
That as well brought me to the idea to have a little series about those, who became family to me over the time. To show them how much I do appreciate them and how much they mean to me
Thank you Vivien for your friendship, your effort, your work and your creativity – Thank you for being an important part of my life and I hope we will make it to meet up RL for a coffee soon!