Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // November 28th – December 13rd
The Ayda Collar and Pasties by Wicca’s Originals is a new take on the usual dainty collar, and offers a much more dangerous kind of pasties. Some collars get locked on, this mass of metal gets welded around the neck much more permanently, and even includes optional pipes to connect into the lungs so someone who dares to be your master can literally take your breath away. The pasties redefine the joke of nipples poking one’s eyes out, by including a thin spike curved downward. While most pasties are glued on, we leave it up to the imagination how these heavier masses of metal stay firmly affixed to tender, yielding breast flesh. Not for the faint of heart. This set pairs great with the Ayda Outfit itself, and has a color palette to match, with 20 color options! Fits Maitreya, Legacy, Hourglass, and Freya bodies.