Sexy and elegant with Kunglers!

Again I got a stunning dress from Kunglers. What could fit better for an elegant evening out then the new “Zeta” dress…

A sexy, stunning cocktail dress that is made with amazing textures. The top is made of big ruffles that shine lightly and cover the chest with letting the shoulders free. The skirt is made like kinds babydoll skirt. It starts under the chest and goes wider till the knees. It is amazing flexible and moves dreamy. The many different color combinations make it possible for everyone to find a favourite one for her own wardrobe 😉 As this is not the only newer outfit by Kunglers you should make your way to the Kunglers Mainstore and see what they have new 🙂


Dress: Kunglers – “Zeta” /black & topaz, honey & brown, silver & white

Shoes: All by Stiletto Moody

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Amazing news from Tres Beau!!!

The summer arrived… hot days and warm nights and all the colorful flowers and meadows. Tres Beau releases right in time a few amazing outfit for this amazing season. I am happy that I can show you a few of them in that post 🙂 and it will be not the last 😉

My first outfit, that also is seen in the first picture is called “Asia”

“Asia” is the perfect name for this cute outfit with an asian touch. The texture reminds of the well-known asian ones and the ruffles that decorate the pants and the tops underline this look perfect. also the black line that hold the pants together on the left leg.

The second outfit that I am allowed to show you is “Buckwheat”, a wonderful casual mix of leggings and dress.

The shoulders are totally free and make room for a beautiful necklace or choker. Round the chest you have sweet aerial ruffles that are repeated on the upper arms. The waist is covered by a wonderful detailed textured corset, that makes an eye candy of every females well-shaped body. For the skirt we have again the same cute ruffles as for the upper top. Overall a perfect summer casual outfit for the nice evenings 😉

Last but not least, we have a stunning sexy dress with a lightly playfully touch, called “Geo”

A perfect, short dress for a summer evenings cocktail party or even a nice little midsummer event. Black & white are always up to date 😉 The short dress is decorated with a stunning prim attachment – the ruffles that cover the shoulders. The ruffles give the whole outfit a light  classy touch and make this dress a must have for every fashionistas wardrobe. With this dress you are definitely always dressed right anyways what you wanna do or go to 😉

These are only 3 outfits of the new Tres Beau collection and I definitely go on in another post to show you more of the new awesome designs by Kimmera Madison, genius designer of Tres Beau 🙂 Until then, you can make your way over to take a look by yourself at the Tres Beau Mainstore, what’s new 😉


Outfit1: Tres Beau – “Asia”

Shoes: Exclusiva

Outfit2: Tres Beau – “Buckwheat”

Shoes: Stiletto Moody

Outfit3: Tres Beau – “Geo”

Shoes: Stiletto Moody

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

House of Beningborough – Sweet Casual and adorable formal!

Again I have the pleasure to show you some of the latest releases of  Bliss Beninghborrough, designer of House of Beningborough. 2 wonderful outfits, one more casual but very classy and one adorable formal one with an extravagant touch. Lets take a look first on the more casual one, the “Leona” pantsuit with corset.

This amazing pantsuit has an amazing sheer texture made of a fantastic light lace. The short pants are made of a basic layer covered by 2 prim parts. The corset itself also is made as a prim that is attached. The top has a beautiful deep neckline and the shoulder are covered by amazing prims that give the whole outfit a very playfully touch. For the perfect finish and to underline the sweet playfully touch Bliss added an awesome hat decorated with flowers, that also is made of the same light lace as the whole outfit.

My second outfit for today is called “Lovebird” here shown in white. This gown really turns heads with its filigree and wonderful flexible prims. The headpiece is made like a tiara that carries 2 amazing long veil parts to its left and right side.  The shoulder free top gives a lot of room for amazing jewelry and makes a stunning cleavage. The totally eye catcher of this gown is the amazing skirt. A wide huge skirt made of prims that move dreamy with every step you take.

This gown you will not find only in white at the House of Beningborough Mainstore… so take the next available TP and see what other colors are there 😉


Pantsuit: BB – House of Beningborough – “Leona”

Gown: BB – House of Beningborough – “Lovebird” /white

Skin: Nuuna’s

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Boudoire – Extravagant, Extraordinary, Exciting!

Today again I have the great honor to show you 2 designs of Boudoire, made by Vitabella Dubrovna. The fist one that you also can see in the picture above is called “Brainstorming”

An extra ordinary outfit in a deep, bright blue that definitely turns heads. The aerial prim parts that repeat the theme in the had part and also on the pants. The parts are dreamy flexible and look very cute while you are moving 🙂

A totally eyecatcher is the big head piece that covers part of the face and makes a lightly mystic look 😉

The second outfit carries the name “Spider Web Dress” and the name seems to be program 😉 Spiderwebs all over!

Nothing for the scared girls 😉 Spiderwebs, spiders and butterflies decorate and dominates this design that basically is made of black and white colors. The top is decorated with a skeleton ornament. The only color touches are in the butterflies and in the flower part of the head piece.

Again 2 extravagant outfits that you can find at Boudoire. If you make your way to the Mainstore you will find more of that amazing and outstanding creations of Vitabela Dubrovna.


Outfit1: Boudoire – “Brainstorming”

Outfit2: Boudoire – “Spider Web Dress”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview!!! – News at Mea Culpa :)

Again news from Mea Culpa! Tatanka Kaligawa again did it. A few new outfits are available at the Mea Culpa Mainstore. On of the is the great “Lacey Grace”

A wonderful outfit for the brave and fashion addicted lady. This outfit really touched my heart cause it is a little bit like me 😉 Edgy, with sharp spikes and also a bit romantic with all the lace 😉 Usually a long tight system skirt made if the same lace as the pants is part of that outfit, but I decided to wear it just with the pants 😉 The lace is the basic for the whole outfit. A wonderful corset covers the belly and a short prims part like a very short skirt rounds the hips and upper legs. This hip part carries one of the wonderful long, silver spikes or horns. the upper body you have the lace clothing layers and also an attached prim part that carries the great neck collar.

The front if the neck os decorated with 3 spikes and each one carries a gem in the middle. At the shoulders you see again on each side one of the great silver horns 🙂 And now we come to the fabulous head-piece 🙂 A wonderful arrangement of lace, horns, spikes and a cute hat. This outfit definitely turns heads and it feels very close to my self 😉 I simply love it and in the Mea Culpa Mainstore you will find it in 3 different colors. Black as I showed it in my post and further in white and red 😉


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lacey Grace” /black

Poses by Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

New Release at Leezu! Summer time – Bikini time :)

Summertime…finally summer arrived! And for sure LeeZu has the matching clothing for the season 🙂 The latest release is a stunning Bikini named “Boho”.

This amazing beachware outfit can be worn with the short wrapped skirt or without. It comes in many lovely summer colors so one for each likings 😉 At the chest you have an awesome petal attachment in a pink/rose color palette. Perfect matching shoes you can find at Courtisane 😉 For example the “La Sauvage” pumps, that also come in various colors to fit every color of “Boho” 🙂

Hurry to the LeeZu Mainstore and get yours 😉 to be prepared for the beach saison 🙂


Bikini: LeeZu – “Boho”

Shoes: Courtisane – “La Sauvage”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Faster Pussycat – The brand for the brave and fashion liking girls!

With great pleasure I am able to show you again some of the creations of Honey Bender, designer of Faster Pussycat and a very good and long time friend of mine 🙂 It is always an honor to blog her stuff and to see how she grows and developes. The ideas of Faster Pussycat are fresh , young and smart. With all of her outfits you will turn heads if you go out wearing them. You can be yourself and style crazy or as a good girl, every variation is possible 🙂

First we have an amazing short and playfully skirt – “FrouFrou skirt and panties in lilac”  This skirt in great ‘bonbon’ colors is an amazing outfit part for the summer. The pink and rose colors are perfect for the sunny days and every girlie would die for. If you are brave enough you just can wear pasties ( in this pics also from Faster Pussycat) you also can add a white tank top 🙂

Or you can wear the “Doll Fur” in  shocking pink & cobalt to the skirt 😉

A fluffy jacket that is available in different colors. The jacket has a basic jacket layer and attached prims to get the crazy look of the fur. 🙂

Also for the ‘good girls’ Honey made a stunning outfit. I’m  light retro style the “Americana red and white polkadot”

A wonderful dress with a wide petticoat skirt. The top is hold by 2 lines that meet in the back of the neck. A white belt completes the perfect retro look 😉

Up nest we have an amazing gown for the classy lady that likes to be different 🙂  The “Victoriana”  here in purple is a big gown with an amazing hood.

You have an outstanding look in that wonderful gown. The skirt part is a huge and flexible prim that moves amazing. The long armed top has an amazing texture with a corset touch about the bound lines in the front. The same ornament you can find at the long sleeves of the top.

For me a totally highlight is the huge hood. With this hood you do not even have to wear hair;)

My last outfit for today is called “Alien Dancer” and here I am able to show it in toxid yellow. I could not resist to add roller skates to this one 😉

This outfit totally hit my heart. I was able to go crazy 😉 The outfit contains a skirt with a long and big train in the back and the front is open. A big belt holds it in place at the hips. The top is made of 2 parts. One Leather corsage as a layer and one prim attachment that decorates the chest. For me it was great fun to style it totally in black and yellow even with the great skin of Nuuna 🙂

I hope you liked my short trip through a part of the Faster Pussycat collection and you will make your way to Honey Bender’s Mainstore to see what else she has 😉


Outfit1: Faster Pussycat – “FrouFrou skirt and panties”  /lilac

Outfit2 Faster Pussycat – “Doll Fur”  /shocking pink & cobalt

Outfit3: Faster Pussycat – “Americana red and white polkado”

Outfit4: Faster Pussycat – “Victoriana” /purple

Outfit5: Faster Pussycat – “Alien Dancer” /toxid yellow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Beautiful news from Prism!

(Photographer: Mellisano Brandi)

Lastly I had the great honor to be asked for an advertise pic for Prism. The new dress is called “Jezzixa” and it is available in different wonderful colors!

(Dress: Prism – “Jezzixa” in Lily and Gold, Hair: Prism – “GWP Atira Hair”, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

If you purchase this outfit you will get 4 different styles for each color.  3 different skirt versions and one hot pants version.

(Dress: Prism – “Jezzixa” in teal, Model: Electelle Eales, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The  2 of the skirt versions come with just one attachment and the 3rd version includes 3 attachments. So you can variety from a very short mini skirt to a nearly knee-length, non symmetric one.

(Outfit: Prism – “Jezzicxa” in teal and silver/black, Models: Electelle Eales & Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The hot pants version also can be worn with the attached belt that comes in to possibilities too. One for the waist and another one for the hips.

(Dress: Prism – “Jezzixa” in Robin’s Egg & Teal, Models: Wicca Merlin & Electelle Eales, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

I would like to thank my sissy for modeling this amazing summer dress with me :).

You should make your way to the Prism Mainstore to see all the lovely colors of the “Jezzixa” outfit!

(Photographer: Mellisano Brandi)

Mea Culpa – New Release, Latest Releases and a fantastic Contest!!!

Today I am allowed to show again New and latest releases from Mea Culpa! I got 3 fantastic outifts to showcase and also Tatanka Kaligawa, designer of Mea Culpa told me that he will have a fantastic contest!!!

My first outfit, that you also can see in the first pic up, is called “Out of the Deep”

The name is program and this incredible outfit is covered by many little highlights. The whole outfit is in a light and bright blue that shines and glows all over. Little shells and amazing waving prims make this outfit to a perfect design if you wanna be the center of view 😉 The textures of the layers are awesome detailed and you can get the light imagination of a mermaid with the lovely painted scales on the clothing layers.

The second outfit was made for the Miss Egypt 2011 of the MVW contest. “Sierra Morte”. Luralie Bailey is one of the official candidates and she represents Egypt for 2011.

The dress is made in amazing brown tones with a lovely couture touch. Dark and light parts are perfectly arranged to give the outfit the special touch!

Like all Mea Culpa outfits “Sierra Morte” is made of fantastic detailed and lovely handprinted textures and amazing extra ordinary prims. The hat carries a yellow decoration and the same color you will find on the right hand side of the outfits at the hips on the flexible spikes. The texture of the top and also the sheered skirt are made in a lighter shade of brown that perfectly matches the dark brown of the hat, the attachment round the upper body and the sleeves of the top.

Last outfit for today is the newest release of Mea Culpa called “Heavenly Marriage”. A wonderful bridal outfit, that has the special different and extraordinary touch. Beautiful white attachments move dreamy round your body while walking. The short top allows a peek on your skin what gives a very sexy touch also. 😉

The amazing headpiece with the smooth veil also is part of the special bridal gown. In this close up you can see the lovely folds of the veil that let it look very realistic. also you can take a closer look on the beautiful and stunning top and the great prim that decorates the belly. Overall a dream in white what makes it tempting to think about your own wedding 😉

After looking at this incredible designs I would like to tell you about the fantastic photo contest, that Tatanka Kaligawa set:


 The winning pics (including your name) will be displayed in The **=_MEA CULPA_=** Store, shown in the BOSL Magazine and the Envision Style Magazine, as well they will be posted on the OPIUM FASHION Blog, the “fashion addicted” blog and The **=_MEA CULPA_=** Blog (They might be shown in related blogs as well)!

 Also all sent pics will be published in the Mea Culpa Design Flickr Group!

 So, besides the chance of winning one of the prizes there is a great possibility to show your photographic skills to the public.

 First Prize: L$ 10000,- + a free Mea Culpa gown of your choice

 Second Prize: L$ 5000,- + a free Mea Culpa gown of your choice

 Third Prize: A free Mea Culpa gown of your choice

 The panel will vote for the best three photos.

 Panel members are:

 Anastacia Markova ( CEO of Opium Fashion Agency )

Electelle Eales ( CEO of Envision Style Magazine )

Wicca Merlin ( Top Model and writer of the blog “fashion addicted” )

Tatanka Kaligawa ( Owner of Mea Culpa )

 All participants can send 3 Photos picturing them wearing a Mea Culpa Gown.

Please name the pics as follows: Mea Culpa Photo Contest “your Name” “name of the pic”

This will make it easy for the panel to sort them.

The pics have to be full perm and 512 x 512 or 1024 x 1024 pixel in size.

Please send all pics to Tatanka Kaligawa

 Every participant agrees to renounce their copyrights on the pics.

They agree that the photos may be published in the above named places, magazines and blogs.

 All pics have to be sent within the 30. of June 2010. They will be published in the August Issues of the named magazines !

So, get your favourite Mea Culpa design on and send your best pick to Tatanka Kaligawa to have the chance on one of his lovely creations 🙂


Outfit1: Mea Culpa – “Out of the Deep”

Outfit2: Mea Culpa – “Sierra Morte”

Outfit3: Mea Culpa – “Heavenly Marriage”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News from House of Beningborough!

Again I have the great honor to show you one of the latest releases of the incredible Bliss Beningborough, designer of House of Beningborough. We all know Bliss as an amazing designer that designs extraordinary outfits for the modern and fashion addicted lady. Her designs are always different and young-looking with the extra special touch. Today we will take a look on the new “Zulu” outfit. An outfit that is available in 2 different versions… you can decide between a wonderful and fashion looking gown, or a smart-looking pantsuit. Lets start with the gown…

This gown again is a firework of different textures, ornaments and prims. Bliss Beningborough is well-known that she uses big and eyecatching prims for her beautiful creations as we can see here in the back of the gown. A huge, edgy back attachment, that makes a lovely center for that gown. The textures are all colors in a green and brown palette what give the whole  out fit a very own touch. Also the gown carries not only one texture that goes over the whole outfit, it is a variation of amazing different textures, what again shows off the love of the detail and the great skills if it comes to textures that we know from House of Beningborough 🙂

For the ones that are more the “pants type”…you do not have to miss this great textures! Bliss Beningborough made a stunning pantsuit with the same awesome textures! The top is made the same as for the gown and lovely 3/4 pants catch up on the wonderful texture. I like the idea to have the choice between a pants and a gown version.. so I can always suit the right situation 😉

Last but not least I wanna show you the great new gift that House of Beningborough has in her store now. Bliss changes the gifts from time to time what it makes it always worth to take a  break and stop by at the House of Beningborough Mainstore 😉

“Ursula” in black/red is a wonderful gift. you have the basic dress in black with an amazing neckline in the front and bare shoulders. The attachments and the  attached primskirt carry a wonderful deep and shining red… is that not a gift that should be taken? 😉 Do not miss it before it will be changed again 😉 and make your way to the HOB – House of Beningborough Mainstore 🙂


Outfit1: House of Beningborough – “Zulu” Gown

Outfit2: House of BEningborough – “Zulu” Pantsuit

Outfit3: House of Beningborough – “Ursual” /black-red