For the fourth week of Claim the Fame the designers had to create a Leather&Lace attire for male and female and make a description that was read during the TV show on Metaverse TV. (
All designs are available at the KULT District (for slurl please click here)
Inga Wind:” Nari seduces with her bare right shoulder, while separate layers of leather and rich lace meet on the other, binding into a strap. Both layers cling to each breast, giving a hint of the cleavage in between, while leading the eye down to the softer ruffles of leather attached to the intricate belt. The set also includes medium long pants with delicate leather flare extensions. ”
“Nairen is an eye-catching sleek indian-leather inspired outfit, blending together the eastern and western accents. The top features traditional asian sleeves and Mao collar, leading the eye down across a layer of truly golden lace. Decorated with distinctive details along the edges, the long sculpted extension is fastened with a half-seethrough, half-leather tailored couture belt.”
Models: Greywolf Fairey & Oralee Fairey
Photographer: Oralee Fairey
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