A few days ago, I joined a class about blogging as I wanted to know if I can learn something new, as I am always looking for new thing I can discover and raise my horizon.
The class was amazing and at some point we came to the part of the pictures and how to take them and wich kind of pictures are for what situation. Usually you have more clean pics for blogging and castings and some more artistic pictures for a storytelling blog post or magazines.
We were talking about many of the very popular photographers in SL and as well about the difference of photographer and artists.
While a photographer usually just takes pics and does them tweak a little bit in one of the graphic programs, the artist takes a snapshot and you will not see the original snap anymore after the artist did the magic with the picture in his program by painting and editing a lot by hand. I would never go so far, to say one has less work or more work than the other, the amount of work might be the same, just it is in 2 totally different ways. While the artist has to be very familiar with his editing s program, his graphic tablet and his skills to paint and illustrate, the photographer needs to be familiar with the SL windlights, shadows, special angles and lights and maybe even with projectors or lighting tools. Both is a lot of work, I believe and it needs a lot of practice just it complete different ways.
I saw for a longer time , that many photographers work with a tool called lumipro. I remember great pics done with this special light tool and I always wanted one to try but, since it is not cheap and I work in so many different areas, I never got one.
But then… lately I was talking to a very long friend of mine a lot and helped her here and there if she wanted my opinion, as friends do usually. Out of the blue one day when I logged in I got a gift…
The crazy girl did know, that I was after the lumipro for quite some time and guess what… She gifted me a lumipro!!! I stormed her IMs telling her she would be crazy to make such expensive gifts and I was totally happy and crazy about. She was just calm, smiles and told me that would be her way to show me how much she appreciated my help. I told her, that I did not do that for any kind of gift, more just because of our friendship and that I never expected anything for that, but she insisted on that this would be her way and I better accept it.
OMG I have a lumipro!
The rest of the evening was just gone, with all the work I wanted to do and I totally lost myself in my new toy. I have to admit I have still no clue how it works properly and I will need to watch a lot of tutorials and ask around to really get used to this fantastic tool but I am more than willing to try!
For today I just played around with the presets and changed them lightly, to see what possibilities and features it has.
God this is a weapon if you know what you are doing with it!!!
I just placed myself in front of a white wall with my war turtle from [Swagga] and turned my windlight settings to midnight to see the full range of the light balls.
I was blown away what those 3 balls can do and I digged further into the user manual on the lumipro website to see what all those buttons of the HUD can do.
Then I found the projectors… holy cow! Now I know how some light settings were made on pictures that I loved so much!
The way to project lights behind you with different textures as filters, was something I totally had forgotten about since I started to play with windlights.
I do not know much at all yet to really use this fantastic photography tool properly, but I know that I will spend a lot of time in the future to be able to operate this HUD and bein able to use all its functions and features as this really is a lot of fun to play around with and that is the reason why I named this post ‘Part I’, because I am really sure about that this will not be the last post about my playing with lights and projectors
But for now I have to finish as there is a lot of work left wich got delayed because of my new lumipro :p
Top: PEQE – “Corsetted Top” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Anakri [B&W Edition]”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Raquel Heels” – NEW
Head Piece: Miamai – “Mia Madonna Chloe” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)
Mask: ATTIC – “Leather Medusa Masquerade Mask” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015 Gacha)
Wings: [SWaGGa] – ” Eli Wings” – NEW (The Fantasy Collective February 2015)
Animal: [SWaGGa] – “War Turtle” (The Fantasy Collective Janurary 2015)
Poses: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin
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