Where did I come from? Where do I go?
I’m so far away from home
What am I going for? How can I know
What I’m fighting for?
[- Dennis Lloyd -]
“Sometimes I’m feeling like an Alien…” true words, which apply to my SL as well as to my RL!
It is amazing how SL and RL can be different sometimes and so alike on the other hand. I always was more of an outsider, as I never was able to walk with the mainstream… not SL and nor RL either. I always had my own thoughts and they never fit into a “normal” frame of view it seems. I always avoided the “either black or white” decisions and tried to find my own way through many moments and situations.
Maybe it is the little rebel inside of me that always questions, if there is only black and white and why I would have to decide. What if the truth is somewhere between black and white… what about all those shades of gray – there are so many!
Plus I always had a problem with the phrase “it is, what it is” or “because we always did it like that” – I mean if I did it myself and then come to the conclusion it is – fine! But what, if I do it and come to a different opinion? I would have missed that if I just went with what I was told. There were situations, which were not nice and maybe I should have skipped them by just believing what I was told, but on the other hand I would have not experienced other wonderful things either. I have no clue if I make any sense but I do prefer to make my own experiences and go my own ways even of they might need more time or be a little more gravelly.
So much for that and now lets take a closer look on todays pictures. I visited the CyberPunk Fair from Flair for Events again and found some more neat goodies
I am a cyberpunk addicted, that isn’t a secret anymore and so events like the CyberPunk Fair are like heaven for me. As you can see in the credits below, I picked up quite some new designs there like for example that wonderful mask made by PSYCHO:Byts. The mask comes with a HUD that holds amazing possibilities for the front textures a well as for many different color options – definitely a must have for me! The cool bodysuit as well you will find at the event, made by AURORA. You can change the lights and textures via a HUD too and so it will match to all kind of styles and colors. What caught my attention was the cool neck/head tattoo from Tristan Flinders, which comes with the option of materials as well.
Certainly I had to pair all the new goodies with some of my all time favorites like the cool body tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos, which as well comes with amazing materials and in many different colors.
And in the end I fell totally in love with that little “Alien Monkey” from Black Cat Creations. You will find that on the CyberPunk Fair, but as well at the main store. This little, awesome pet comes in different colors (HUD), if you decide for the fatpack and has a wonderful pose for each of them including a mirrored version – so 5 poses plus their mirrors… 10 in total!
I still have the feeling that wasn’t my last post for the CyberPunk Fair as I already spied “a few” more things that caught my attention *giggles*
Outfit: AURORA – “Cyber Cybill Steel Bodysuit light” (Maitreya) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Shoes: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Estries Boots” (Maitreya)
Face Implants: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “CyberImplants – Upper”
Mask: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “KAY-1NFC3D – Mask” – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Hair & Makeup
Hair (incl Hairbase): A&Y – “Dext Cyber Hair”
Eyeshadow: A! – “Cyber Eyeshadows I” (Lel. HD Applier) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Lipstick: -VORTEX- – “Lips 22.0” (Lel. HD Applier) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoClassic Avalon 3.0”
Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”
Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Meraxes”
Torso: Kartel Originals – “Cyber Inside” (Maitreya) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Right Arm: Skellybones – “Cyberposh Arms” (Maitreya)
Left Hand: Wicca’s Originals – “Corsair Hands” (Maitreya, Bento)
Tattoo 1: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Dot Matrix #6” (BBoM, Materials)
Tattoo 2: TF: – “R3N3GAD3 ::Legacy // Slinik // Belleza No Mask” (BoM, Materials) – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Poses, Props & Tools
Poses (incl. Animal): Black Cat Creations – “Alien Monkey Fatpack” (Bento)
Backdrop: .PALETO. – “Backdrop:.HIGH BASE” – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021
Deco: mintae. – “Midwest – M-2417 Reactor Dark Metal 01” – NEW @ CyberPunk Fair // May 2021