Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // March 26th – April 23rd
The lights outside Pyper’s window were bright, almost too bright, They glared throughout the city, illuminated every building as far as the eye could see. Yet beyond, there was only darkness.
Such is the way of space. Light and dark battling for dominance. A station floating among the stars as a refuge: a beacon for intergalactic travelers from the cold darkness of space. To Pyper, it was simply home.
Pyper held the notable distinction of being the first human born on this station, thanks to the fact that her parents were among the first to build this new colony. As word spread, other species arrived, as well as human explorers and settlers.
That was over 50 years ago, based on the Earth calender and the only home Pyper ever knew. When she came into adulthood, Pyper could have boarded a ship and traveled throughout known space or explored beyond. She was well educated, thanks to her parents and highly skilled in engineering, physics and biochemistry. Instead, Pyper chose to remain and follow in the family business. Her parents worked hard all their lives, sometimes at great risk to their own safety and sanity, to see this dream realized. A neutral platform where races across the galaxy could meet and work together.
Dressed in a synthetic, leather-like jumpsuit that stored body heat and reduced the need for room-by-room heating units, Pyper finished dressing as she continued to stare out the windows. While all her wardrobe was standard for the residents, Pyper did indulge in one luxury – her boots.
While they were constructed by the same materials as her clothing, Pyper had them custom made to include platformed wedge to the sole that not only elevated her height, but gave her a feeling of personal power. Her mother once referred to them as ‘ass kicking heels’. Whatever they were called back on Earth, Pyper wore them with more than a bit of attitude.
Seeing time grew short, Pyper gathered the last of her things and left her quarters. The tram system platform that transported residents everywhere in the city was across from her building.
Within minutes Pyper arrived at work. She had taken over for her father after his death at 173 Earth years. Why is it the good die so young?
The doors opened automatically as Pyper approached so she never had to break her stride. Confident, brilliant, fierce, fair-minded – all adjectives used to describe Pyper Inshan when she assumed her father’s duties.
“Good morning, Ambassador Inshan,” Pyper’s aide greeted her with respectful bow, “The Kherillion delegation awaits you in the Great Hall.“
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Hourglass, Freya, Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors & Metals each
Event Location: NEO Japan // March 2022