Tainted Love


Sometimes I feel I’ve got to
Run away I’ve got to
Get away
From the pain you drive in the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I’ve lost my light
For I toss and turn I can’t sleep at night

[Soft Cell]

So many great dark news out there – I had not even a choice about not doing something with them *grins wickedly*

Let me start with that ultra cool tongue, pierced with a fish hook. Could be an accident or a fancy fetish, but in the end it is something I loved when I first saw it *snickers* The “Ziecklin’s tongue” is made by CerberusXing. The incredible details on the texture of the hook as well as the tongue make this definitely a must have for all who love the more creepy edge of  SL fashion and style. The Tongue is available in 4 different colors with or without RLV option.

As well from CerberusXing comes that amazing crotch piercing, that holds some delicate laces from the bottom belly downwards. CerberusXing collaborated with Ichigo for this special and super sexy design and with the HUD you get several color options, plus the ability to hide and show the laces as well as the clit piercing, that I did hide in my micro panties as I wanted to keep the post PG so you all can see all the new goodies. I will have a post for that piercing soon, which will be an adult only entrance then 😉

Lets take a closer look at all the goodies I found at the Aenigma event. The event is run the first time this month and already it has so many amazing designers showcasing their newest releases there. The cool face art is one of them. Made by ::moonshine::, it comes with appliers for Genus and Omega and with the new BoM layers. It as well contain a black half moon for your forehead which I skipped for todays post, because my bangs would have hidden most of it.

The kick-ass, cool earrings you can find at Aenigma too. I love barbwire stuffs anyways so the “Heart Security Earrings” from {PSYCHO:Byts} were a must have for me too. At the same event you will find the collar from unstable as well as the mega amazing tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos. I already said how much I love Sir Skye’s creativity and this time he outdid himself again. The “The Gift / Gave” tattoo concentrates on the front upper body and has a lot of stuff coming with it. In the box you will find the BoM layer for the tattoo, a Maitreya & Slink Applier, an Omega Advanced Applier and a materials only HUD. Sir Skye states: “Materials-Only appliers tend to be tricky depending on what body you are using. To achieve the best effects on any tattoos that seem “bumpy” in the ad, your best bet will be to use the “all together” version of an applier that applies both the tattoo and the materials to your mesh. Most bodies support this option. Bakes on Mesh users can still use materials-only to achieve the shine effects but the bumpier materials will be lost. ” About the materials eraser I guess I do not have to explain much as it simply helps you to remove the materials again fro your body. The tattoo is made with materials and if you want to see it in its full glory, you have to make sure you have a body that supports materials. I mean they still will work without but then you just miss half of the awesomeness. What you as well will find in your box is a materials eraser and a projector that highlights the tattoo at its best.

If you like the more dark side of life, you should take a look at the new Aenigma event, since their first round is called “Tainted Love” and there are so much more amazing designs to discover!


Outfit: [CX] x Insomnia Angel – “Luvshuka w/Skirt [Black]”

Panties: [ abrasive ] – “Plastic Sweetheart Thing” (Maitreya)

Stockings: Sweet Thing – “Elizabeth Stockings Black [Footed]” (BoM)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Tera” (Maitreya)


Earrings: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Heart Security – Earrings” – NEW @ Aenigma // February/March 2020

Piering 1: -SU!- – “Medusa Piercing (Group Gift)

Collar: unstable. – “Everlasting Devotion” – NEW @ Aenigma // February/March 2020

Nipple Piercing: .ARISE. – “Pendant Piercing / 7”

Crotch Piercing: [CX] x Ichigo – “Yoni’s Passion” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Hentai Fair

Belly Chain: [CX] – “Mucronate Chains” (Maitreya)

Bracelets: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Rings & Nails: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: adoness – “Beanie”

Face Art: ::moonshine:: – “Desdemona Tattoo” (BoM) – NEW @ Aenigma // February/March 2020

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Nova 1.0”

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”

Tongue: [CX] – “Ziekling’s Tongue (Black)” – NEW @ Mainstore

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.0.2”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “The Gift / Gave” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Aenigma // February/March 2020

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity


Backdrop: Ex Machina – “Welcome Home – Asylum Photo Scene”

Chains: [Arch] Deco – “Box of Chains v1.0”

Bird: Hotdog – “Dead bird”

Spiders: NOMAD – “Spidey”

Moths: DISORDERLY. – “Dusty Ideas / EXTRA / Moths”

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.6”

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Silent Valentine?

You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. Of all the people you will know in the lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose.

[Jo Coudert]

Valentine flowers, Valentine cards, Valentine cookies, Valentine this and Valentine that… every where you go, you get it rubbed right in your face wether you like it or not…

But what is with those people who would like to avoid Valentine’s da?

Maybe someone lost a beloved person and does not want to get reminded?

Maybe someone had a bad experience on Valentine’s day and tries to forget?

Maybe some people believe, that Valentine’s day only was made for the retail and do not want to support that?

What ever reason people have, I think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions about if they want to celebrate Valentine’s day or not.

I do not need  a special day to tell those I love how much I love them and I would not just do that on one special day. If I want to make my partner a little present, I do that on any day and as often as I want during the year. Sometimes it is just a little thing, maybe candy or something I saw and thought he would like it,  just a gesture or maybe just spend some precious time together. I even think it is the many little things that really show how much you do love someone else and not a huge present on a special day, that you are told by the calendar.

That brought me to today’s post as I wanted to do something different for Valentine’s day, but as well keep the typical red color 😉

So many new events started and so many new amazing creations got released, I really had a hard time to decide what I would like to wear and use for todays pictures. I ended up with a huge mix and match for my look and as well for the set.

For the outfit I chose a combination of the new “Diana” outfit from [sYs] and a new lingerie from La Perla. You certainly can wear “Diana” without a lingerie underneath but I thought it does give a nice romantic contrast to do so 😉

The awesome bracelets and the very special mask, I found at ROMP. When I tried the “Blinded” mask from Cubic Cherry, it immediately added a very intensive feeling to the whole look. With the metal look and the shaped eye contour, it did remind me on that old Roman theater masks.

The head piece is an art piece itself. It was made by LouLou Teichmann, owner and designer of Bauhaus Movement, and with the amazing details and the super sweet look, it made the perfect contrast to the mask.

I would like to drag your attention onto the hair a little more. Recently I discovered a new hair store. I am super picky with hair, especially with the textures, but when I tried my first Sintiklia Hair I was totally amazed. Not only the textures are awesome, Sintiklia has an amazing way how they create their hair at the base. You do not really need a hairbase with the way they do their end parts that meet the head and there is NO alpha issues at all! On many of their hair styles, they even include a style HUD, so that you can change the look of it and get more than one style with your hair. With the “Salma” hair, that I found at ROMP, you get a style HUD that gives you the possibility of 4 different ways how you can wear your hair! And usually you find a mirrored possibility if you have wisps of hair coming down at the front. So often I was cursing when the pose was not cooperation with my hair and I wished I would have had such an option to just change the side of the wisps. As if that would not be already awesome enough, with many of the Sintiklia hair you will get – besides the usual color HUDs – a tint color picker add-on HUD. With that you even can work on the shades of a certain color to match it perfectly to your skin and as well your look! You really should try some of their demos and see for yourself – I only can highly recommend it!

Another part of my post, which I would like to spotlight a little bit, is the sweet looking ‘daybed’ – if you call those things like that. It is a little stool with sweet ribbons and cute ruffles, that comes with many different textures. On the first view you would never believe what is behind that “cute mask” if you do not realize the little metal rings that are added to all the ribbons! Maybe you will get rough idea, if I tell you that the “Boudoir Bondage Stool” was made by Dictatorshop… ok the name might discover something already as well :p

This sweet little furniture you might imagine in a sweet girls room until you sat on it – and if you are a dork like me you enabled your RLV before as it said something about RLV and capture yourself on it *facepalms* It has a full ‘Dictatorshop known’ engine for all kind of couples and solos and for some poses it does even rezz cuffs and chains! What I liked most, you can pose solo in a non kinky way as well as you can roleplay all kind of scenes with it – private ones, which I resisted making picture of :p You still can get it, if you get you an actual Bound Box with a lot of other goodies in it at the Bound Box HQ!

I hope you enjoyed my little ‘different’ interpretation of my personal Valentine today 😉

Happy Valentine’s for all who celebrate it and happy shopping!


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit: [sYs] – “Diane” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Kinky

Lingerie: {La Perla} – “Bela Ensemble” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Kaliska” (Maitreya)

Mask: [Cubic Cherry] – “Blinded” – NEW @ ROMP

Headpiece: Bauhaus Movement – “Grimhilde Headpiece”

Necklace: [ abrasive ] – “Romance Necklace” – NEW @ Enchantment

Bracelets: NOIR – “Sophia Bracelets” – NEW @ ROMP

Rings: Meva – “Bento Maitreya Rings Gold” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Salma” – NEW @ ROMP

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4,1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: Redfish – “Beast Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment


Stool: Dictatorshop – “Boudoir Bondage Stool” – NEW @ Bound Box

Cage: Ama & Nais – “Box Cage” – NEW @ ROMP

Table & Deco: <Heart Homes> – “The Rose Silver Table” & “The Enchanted Rose Red” – NEW @ Enchantment

Wall Art: Atelier Visconti – “Vincent Wall Art”

Lamp: Trompe Loeil – “Wiggle Modern Light” (Gacha)

Chains: [Arch] Deco – “Box of Chains”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin