Wicca’s Originals @ Salvage Station // November 20th – December 20th
The world has ended. There was once a Before. Now it is just After.
At least, the world we knew. When food was a matter of walking into a store or pulling up to a drive through window. When water and power was piped into your homes and the Internet was a source of communication and entertainment. It’s all gone now.
At least, the world we knew. When food was a matter of walking into a store or pulling up to a drive through window. When water and power was piped into your homes and the Internet was a source of communication and entertainment. It’s all gone now.
The radiation left the ground barren and broken. Food now comes from the only other survivors of the apocalypse – the cockroaches. Clean water doesn’t exist – water barely exists. I am lucky to find water at all.
Supplies of any kind are long gone. The looters saw to that. What little I have I stole from the dead, including the shirt off a corpse’s back. My sneakers barely have any rubber sole left and my toes are already poking through ever growing holes. I am no better than a vulture picking bones clean. I am a scavenger…
Back in the time Before, I was beautiful. My skin had a peaches-and-cream glow and was soft as silk. Once long, golden blond hair crowned my head. I was carefree and happy. My parents had money and I lived a charmed and privileged life.
Now After, my face is scarred by radiation burns and my skin is so badly cracked that it’s bleeding. Only chopped and uneven brittle strands of hair peek out beneath a filthy cap. A plastic bag holds my few precious possessions.
Everyone i knew is dead. My parents and grandparents were all at some gala/fund raiser/charity event -whatever the cause of the month was, while I was in the underground parking garage where we lived. One minute I was getting out of my Mercedes and the next the building seemed to collapse around me. How I survived, I will never understand.
There is nowhere safe. It is too hot to move around by day, so I have to find a small hole or tiny space in a collapsed building to hide and sleep. I know what will happen if I am caught by one of the gangs. I know what they do to women. I know all too well.
Soon I will be ready to leave the city. It’s taken weeks to gather what I need and make my way to the docks. Better to take my chances in the wilderness than here among the other survivors who kill for no other reason than they can. I learned to sail when I was young and can handle a sail boat on my own. If I can make it out of the city, I will head for the ocean and …
What was that noise? I clutch my meager belongs to my chest and draw up into a tight ball. If I stay small and quiet, maybe they won’t find me. Just maybe i can survive another day. Just maybe … <gasp>
… to be continued …
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky). Legacy[M], Signature Gianni, Belleza Jake
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals
Event Location: Salvage Station