At the moment we have so many amazing hunts out on the grid, that you really have to manage your tie properly to do all of them :p.
For example, starting at Finesmith you have the “Murder Mystery” hunt (http://finesmithjewelry.blogspot.co.il/2013/11/finesmith-murder-mystery-hunt.html)
“News Flash!
Socialite WrenNoir Cerise has been murdered and burglarized! They took all of her Finesmith jewelry AND stabbed her FIVE times! They must have really wanted her dead!
We need your help to find her killer!”
14 designer have placed gifts that are each 10L$and as much as I understood it the 10L$ of every item will support the ASPCA.
Today I would like to spotlight the hunt item of Lybra. Lybra Rage made an amazing full outfit including the cool makeup for the Murder Mystery hunt. The outfit is called “Clown Couture” and it did remind me on some of the puppets I know from my childhood. So i could not resist to go with the puppet idea ;).
The “Clown Couture” has mesh pants, a mesh top and a mesh made neck corset. All are provided in several sizes to make sure it fits your avatar. The hat and the huge neck ruffles are part of the outfit and the amazing white-faced makeup with the typical clown expression as well. If you imagine to get that whole outfit for 10L$ only.. you better hurry and get your copy 😉

Outfit (incl. hat and makeup): !:Lybra:! – “Clown Couture” – NEW (mesh, Murder Mystery hunt item)
Shoes: Baiastice – “Oxa” (mesh)
Hair: LeLutka – “Rykiel”
Poses & Puppethanger: HelaMiyo
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin