Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // November 28th – December 23rd
Beneath the Skin
The subway train sways roughly, but everyone took it in stride. The car was full, every seat occupied. No one made eye contact, but she felt the disapproving and judgmental stares, just the same.
Sharira wrapped her arm around a metal pole to balance against the jerks and lurches as the train sped along the tracks. She was used to people looking down their noses at her. All her life Sharira was seen as … different. You never really get used to it, but just learn to live with it. She gave up caring what people thought about her a long, long time ago.
So what if her hair was dyed pitch black and she wore heavy black eyeliner and black lipstick. Her wardrobe consisted of black, black and, well, black. Yes, she had tattoos; each and every one represented a deep and profound meaning in her life. And the piercings, mostly on her head, but also a few discreetly hidden that would never see the light of day outside the privacy of her tiny efficiency apartment.
She ran the tip of her finger over the newest addition; a spiked ear cuff with a pierced ring and barbell, both connected with fine, delicate chains. The guy was an artist and worked out of the hole-in-the-wall tattoo shop where she got all her ink.
Slowing as it approached the next station; the train came to a shuddering stop. Passengers surged to the exit and Sharira rode the wave like an experienced surfer rode a ten foot curl. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.
In a spaghetti string tank top, denim skirt and heavy combat boots (all black, of course), summer in the city is oppressive. The ten block hike to work from the station doesn’t help, but Sharira always arrives at work an hour early. Today is no exception as she bounds up the concrete steps and pulls open the heavy door.
It’s early, but there are a few people milling around the common area. They call her name and wave as if they haven’t seen her in years, even though she just left them yesterday evening. She stows her purse away in a locker and grabs her coat before she pays her first visit
She quietly pushes the door open to peek inside and finds Mrs. Gerhardt awake, staring out the window; her eyes shiny with unshed tears. Sharira tiptoes quietly inside and places a small wooden box on the small table that hovers over the elderly woman’s hospital bed. A gentle lift of the delicate lid and the soft melody of Edelweiss pings from the small music box.
The old woman’s tears flow freely now, but a soft smile graces her wrinkled face as sweet memories temporarily wash away the constant pain. No words are needed between them as Sharira holds a frail hand and strokes the woman’s hair in a slow, comforting motion.
It won’t be long now. The patients that come to this hospice don’t have long – days, maybe a week or two, but never more. Treatments are over. Medication exists only to ease the pain. The only thing left is comfort and compassion. Mrs. Gerhardt’s eyes drift closed as she falls into a light sleep, the soft smile still on her face.
Just as quietly as she came, Sharira slipped from the room to let the woman rest. She already planned to stay the night at the hospice. Mrs. Gerhardt would not see another sunrise and Sharira didn’t want her to be alone at the end.
In the hallway, Sharira slipped into her white coat as she walks purposely toward the center station. The nurses on duty have all the charts and updates ready, along with Sharira’s morning dose of caffeine. They know her so well. The people here, staff and patients, look past her outward appearance and see only the person beneath.
After a healthy sip of the strong brew, Dr. Sharira Merlin is ready to start rounds
Sizes: rigged for LeLUTKA EvoX – Female/Human Ears
HUD: 10 Metals