“No, I wouldn’t want to live in a world without dragons…”

“No, I wouldn’t want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery or faith.”

[- R. A. Salvatore, Streams of Silver -]

Sometimes you log into Second Life and then the journey downwards starts… This time it was me logging in and looking for my animals folder, which I had sorted something into about 2 days ago and it was all gone. First I thought it might have slipped into another folder like I did have it before, but even if  I typed “JIAN”, “Clover” or “HEXtraordinary into the search field of my inventory… nothing would come up… I was furious again.. there were tons of gacha rares, FLF and bought/gifted animals from the past at least 7 years in it – it was all gone and I am 100% sure it did NOT delete it myself. I wasn’t even near that folder except 2 days ago, when I sorted my new animals I got into that folder. First I looked on my inventory number which I watch very close and carefully kinda everyday. There was not much of a difference, that would make me suspicious or worrying. It was round about the same number as always and so I thought of other things that I could do if it just would be a glitch. I relogged, cleared my cache and even finally updated to the most actual version of the Firestorm Viewer as some people mentioned they got shapes and what not back when the updated their viewer. NOTHING! I was out of ideas and now filed a ticket about it and wait since yesterday for a response still hoping I can get that folder back somehow. I alredy peeked into redelivery terminals, but since many of that animals were blogger reviews, gachas or gifts… I would not even get half of then back 🙁 That really would suck plus I am even scared to buy something ne from  non Casper Vendor, now that I have no clue, if it will be gone after 2 more days again *pulls her hair* Originally I planned a picture with the wonderful “ShadowBull” and the “Osaguar” from Clover, but since I already had them sorted into my animals folder they are gone now too… I had to get a different idea. Thank god I didn’t yet sort my “Dragon Hatchling” into that folder so that is the only animal which is left now in my inventory. The sweet little pet usually comes as a fully animated mesh prop. You will find a follower and an attachable pet with 3 incredible amazing animations in it. For my post I just rezzed them and did build my poses around them.

The amazing face chain you can find at the Man Cave event, made by L’Emporio. The cool chain runs from over your ears down your cheeks through your mouth. With the amazing ornaments it really makes a statement and matches to many different styles. The cool Hair you will find at the actual round of the JAIL event and was handcrafted by no.match.

I still hope that Linden Labs will be able to recover my missing items somehow and until then i just will see what I can come up with without animals for now *winks*


Outfit: Art&KO – “Hunter Set” (Maitreya)
Sleeves: Moon Elixir – “Faunalyn – Arm Bracers” (Maitreya)


Septum: Gorsimi – “Aeroliite Septium (Gold)
Nose: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Vertebrus Septum” (Gacha, Rare)
Collar: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Cata} collar BRONZE”
Feathers: – Tivoli Inc – – “Raven Feathers Tattoo” (LeL EvoX BoM)
Face Chain: L’Emporio – “*Lugosi*” – NEW @ Man Cave Event // April 2021
Upper Arm Band: Clover – “Potion Brace”
Nails: L’Emporio – “*Damned Claws*” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Viking” – NEW @ JAIL Event // April 2021

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger – EvoX” (EvoX BoM, Materials)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Avalon 3.0”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Transparency” (boM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: selfmade
Animals: Clover – “Dragon Hatchling”
Location: Nymphai

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Midsummer Enchantment // July 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Midsummer Enchantment // July 10th – 26th

Fantasy clothing is known for its flowing embellishments, but what footwear to match it with? The Lyndis Booties answer that question, with flowing, swirling metal ornamentation decorates the sides of these booties, and even continues on down to replace the heel spike. They give a magical air, the kinds of shoes which are undoubtedly the height of fae fashion in the Unseelie Court. High lacing keeps them tight about the ankle and accentuates the shape of the shin and lower leg. If you want a bit of whimsy in your accessorizing, these are a great option. With 11 colors to choose from, they’ll match a wide variety of outfits. For Maitreya, Legacy, Slink and Freya.

Event Location: Midsummer Enchantment

Drows – A dark Fantasy

I never was a huge fan of elves, but when I first learned about Drows – dark skinned and evil elves – I had to change my mind and look more into that 😉

Second Life gives us a lot of possibilities about fantasy characters and if you know the stores for the right skins, accessories and outfits, it is really fun to step out of your human body and be a fantasy creature – even one with ‘stupid’ ears, as my partner usually says. Since I discovered the mesh ears from .:E:A:Studio:. I tend to use those kind of ears more often as they do have the most amazing ones. Just the tinting sometimes isn’t easy as the color on the ears always seems to look a little more flat than the actual body skin. Most of the times I can make it work though – thanks to Sadystika for pushing my nose into easiest solution for managing the gap of the mesh head ear alpha *hides*

Today was one of those days and with the cool new arm warmers from A&Y, it was the right time to bring the little dark elf back on. I still love the “Ginny” skin appliers from YS&YS and the skin for today is exactly one of those. Most of my fantasy skins are from YS&YS. I do not know what it is, but sometimes colors skins looks details and highlights if they are colored. With YS&YS, I always get the impression that they not just color overlay their skins, they really seem to built them up from scratch, like they do it with their human skins as well.

The “Aglaya” arm warmers from A&Y are another addition to the whole “Aglaya” collection. I already blogged about the cool corset and boots before. When I was styling I tried many other latex clothing and accessories, but none would match so perfect than the “Aglaya” collection it self and so I decided to just do it in a completely different color than before 😉

I am addicted to the A&Y clothing, hair and accessories – I rarely saw such detailed and incredible textured sci-fi clothing and her latex is just super realistic and does not have those huge, just white reflection spots that latex in SL usually has. I am just in love with everything what she does!

Those who know me… do know my favorite color is black and all shades of black*snickers* It was quite out of my comfort zone to go white for the base color. Ok I admit I tried all kind of dark colors before, but none did pop put so great with the dark Drow skin. Since I already was out of my usual comfort zone, I thought I can add some colors as well that I usually do not touch too much 😉

Using colors reminded me, that I bought a hair style from .shi lately, which would fit perfect. The “Sa-Rah V2” hair has a special option for a second haircolor all kind of colors. You can decide if you want to wear it as a full normal hair color or if you want to add some color in the front.

For a real Drow feeling I certainly needed some sharp nails or claws and certainly I found some at FORMANAILS 😉 The eyes as well could not stay human – thank god I was shopping at the CURELESS [+] sale lately and got those uber amazing “Spookshow Eyes”, that perfectly fitted to todays styling.

I will now enjoy my look a little more and see what sims I can find to get more Drow inspirations and maybe some more ideas for another post 😉


Corset: A&Y  – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Corset + Top” (Maitreya)

Gloves: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Armwarmers” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP

Shoes: A&Y – “Aglaya Latex Cyber Boots” (Maitreya)


Collar: A&Y – “Lorna Leather Collar” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Chris Claws” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Makup + Lipstick: YS&YS “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: .shi – “Sa-Rah V2”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron Ears”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Drow Skin” (LeLutka + Maitreya Applier)

Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Spookshow Eyes / Dialated”

Poses & Props

Poses: Bauhaus Movement

Backdrop: Paparazzi – “Spacestation – BACKDROP – Jade”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Dance with a Fairytale

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I know I had a lot of Unicorn posts lately, but I really do love the theme and the fairytale behind it. This month we have a lot of designs who point towards the novel and on of my favourites comes from Enfant Terrible.

She made a wonderful “Vintage Romance” set, wich is made for the 3 popular mesh bodes of Slink & Maitreya. The set is available in 4 different colors for the outfit and the shoes. Grey, Black, Ivory & Rose.

Maybe the best will be if I add the gacha key so you can see all the options :p

25183339705_37010538d5_o(Picture by Enfant Terrible)

I totally fell in love, when I got the “Vintage Romance” set. First of all the unicorn theme, then the amazing vintage touch with the frills, ruffles and the amazing pastel colors. Last but not least as well the incredible details, which Enfant always puts on her designs.

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The cute hairstyle with the amazing unicorn and the sweet twirled hair was made by Olive for the last round of the Enchantment. You are able to take off the front part with the horn but for this post it was just perfect like it is 😉

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Since I rediscovered DARE poses again, I am really in love with them. They are so incredible dynamic, that they give a certain mood to so many different pictures. They always look, as if they would capture a single moment out of an animation, what makes them look very interesting and always out of the box. On the first view they sometimes look crazy but if you play around with the angles you can have the most amazing captures ever. Certainly it always depends on the subject and what you are going for, but for me DARE poses are perfectly for my pictures and art work and even a few sets are made for runway posing. Their slogan “Poses that will make you stand out” is a real true statement 😉 Soon I will do a nother body studies post with a bunch of newer poses as well 😉

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Now I just had to find a location to shoot this wonderful outfit, together with the amazing poses. I remembered a collective of sims, which I saw when I was doing some sim hopping.

The Ippos Collective. A wonderful collective of 4 different fantasy looking sims, some of them even allow you to rezz a small prop or a poseball. Just make sure you pick it up after you are done, to make sure others can explore the sims and all their beauty as well 😉 Since it is a residential too you will find residents there as well. I guess respect is something that we all should have, to not intrude in their private sphere without their permission 😉

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Outfit (incl Shoes & Collar): .Enfant Terrible. – “Vintage Romance” – NEW Gacha Set @ The Arcade

Hair: .Olive. – “The Twirl Hair”

Head: Catwa – Jessica”

Skin: [sys] – “Isabelle” – NEW for Skin Fair 2016

Eye Makeup: Zibska – “Aless”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Eyes: Ikon – “Hope Eyes”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: The Ippos Collective – Ippos

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Fantasy Dreams with Wicca’s Wardrobe

Miniel 1

Today I would like to showcase one of our latest releases. The “Miniel” outfit is available at the actual round of The Fantasy Collective (TFC).

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For today I chose the blue/brass version of the outfit, as it looked the best in the wooden environment I chose for my pictures. At the event you will find 5 different colors for the outfit.

The body is decorated with some armor looking parts as well as with some very filigree chains. The cool arm and leg armor is part of the whole “Miniel” outfit too.

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When I saw the “Eva” wings from NeverWish, I totally fell in love with them. They matched so perfect in style and color to the “Miniel” outfit.

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The “Eva” wings are incredible detailed and wonderful textured, little wings, that fit to many different looks. With the delicate roses and the wonderful filigree metal shapes they are a must have for every fantasy wardrobe. The wings do have a HUD to recolor the wings and metals separately.

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The cool “Nanina” hair was made by EMO-tions. The hair is made of many little braided parts, that are non symmetrical and have an awesome high top part.

The boots are as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Inara” boots with the little golden spikes and chains totally rocked the style and the blue version of the ‘Chic Edition’, even matched the color of the “Miniel” body suit.

Miniel 4


Outfit (incl Armor): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miniel” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Inara Boots /Chic Edition”

Wings: NeverWish – “Eva Wings” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Hair: EMO-tions – “Nanina”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Alida Solo”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No. 01 Lower”

Poses: Del May

Location: Happy Mood

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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