Natzuka for the Typhoon Fundraiser

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Today I am very happy to showcase the amazing designs of Natzuka Miliandrovic, that she contributed for the Typhoon Haiyan Fundraiser.

As you know, in the past few days we have seen a very devastating news where Typhoon Haiyan hit Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is known as the strongest storm that ever happened and it has been reported to cause more than 10,000 death and more than 9 millions people are affected. At the moment, there’s no electricity, no water and no food. And they need our help.

For this reason the Typhoon Hayan Fundraiser Team lead by Jammeh Resident and sponsored by Zenshi started to organize different activities in Secondlife™ and will send the 100% of the money raised to help the victims of this tragedy.

You can find more information about this charity at the following links:

Natzuka made 2 wonderful dresses. In pink and teal, the “Jamee” dress is a wonderful addition for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The top is ornamented with amazing little butterflies in white on a black ground and a sweet zipper on the left side up to the shoulder, gives the amazing little extra. With the “Jamee” dress you are looking super sexy and even more important in that case, you help when you buy at least one of them… and better both ;). All the money that gets raised with the “Jamee” dresses goes to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser.

Look great and help – They need you now!

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Dress: [Natzuka] – “Jamee” – NEW (mesh, donation to the Haiyan Typhoon Fundraiser)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Collien 2” (Picture 1) & “Harley” (Picture 2)

Shoes: :)(: Pixelfashion – “Sandy”

Furniture: 222769 – “Beyond the Sea Chaiselongue”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Immerse for the Fashion Fair

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Today I am very happy to welcome a new designer on my blog – Immerse! The first dress I like to showcase, is the contribution of Immerse for The Fashion Fair, that starts on the 30th of november.

The Fashion Fair Poster

The short “Sequioa” dress is an amazing mesh made dress. The woolen texture is perfect for the actual season and the amazing ribbon thats attached to the waist band really gives it a wonderful playful touch. The dress adds some chic to a casual look. The leggings I chose are from Leezu and with the bald knees they underline the sexy touch of the look.

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The shoes are made by [sys] and the amazing huge bag comes from BeloD, a new and upcoming label from Bozda Mubble. She made a lot of amazing designs lately and the “Leather Handbag” really caught my attention, as I always look for cool fashion accessories.

The hair is one of the latest releases by EMO-tions called “Harley”. With the lightly ‘,essy’ look it was the perfect addition to my today’s casual look. The necklace as well comes from EMO-tions and is called “Daylight”.

For the nail polish I used one of the last releases from Nailed It. The cool red polish with the golden studds out of the “Rock Set'”made the perfect finish for me.

The awesome furniture right behind me is the latest release from 22769. The cool “Vroom” sofa lets every males heart beat higher and even me would like to have one of those in her living room*giggles* It was made for the November mens department. The lamp I took out of the “Midcentrury Modern” set wich contains as well a PG version of a bed and a chair.

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Dress: Immerse – “Sequoia Red” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Harley” (mesh)

Leggins: LeeZu – “Burlesque Tights”

Glasses: LeeZu – “Quarz Glasses”

Handbag: BeloD – “Leather Handbag”

Nailpolish: Nailed It – “Rock Set”

Shoes: [sys] – “Doom”

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Daylight”

Bangles: Pacadi – “Tribal Bangles”

Furniture: 222769

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Lonely Dance…

AD Creations Halo 001

The wonderful outfit that I would like to showcase today comes from [AD] Creations. Aliza Karu, owner and genius designer of [AD] Creations is well known for her extraordinary and unique designs. As she says by herself, all of her designs are made out of a mood. So basically if you wear one of her wonderful creations, you wear one of her moods 😉 . She always adds a special edge to her outfits like she did with the “Halo” dress. This dress can be used to create so many different looks from elegant to fierce or extravagant. The corset has an open front and the shoulders are free. For the skirt we have a huge balloon looking shape, wich ends in a wonderful lace part.

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At the hips you have the same amazing lace and the collar as well is part of the outfit. What caught my attention was the incredible headpiece. The crow head paired with that wonderful and delicate lace veil – simply stunning.

The cool snake that I am wearing over my shoulders again is the gacha “Kaa” mesh snake from deviousMind.

The beautiful jewelry comes from Lazuri. The “Eda” set is one of my favourites from Lazuri. With the huge range of possibilities this set really can be worn to nearly every look. You are able to color the metals and stones with a pop-up menu and you can choose between 3 different styles with the same menu as well.

The super cool tattoo is from one of my favourite tattoo and makeup stores. White Widow, done by the incredible Julie Hastings. The “Lady Killers” tattoo comes in 2 different versions, one normal and one low. Julie even thought about the new Slink mesh hands and made her tattoo end before it collides at the ankles.

The amazing hair is made by EMO-tions. The “Yeriak” hairstyle is a wonderful and elegant up do with pearls that just matches amazing to my today’s styling.

The skin is my custom made Wicca skin in the new ‘lumee lunette’ tone. I fell in love with that new tone, because it gives my face such an amazing filigree porcelain look. To make it easy to match the slink hands and feet Silken Moon offers the Slink enhancement HUD to nearly every of their skins.

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Outfit: [AD] Creations – “Halo”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Yeriak”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Make Up: Madrid Solo – “Lying Eyes – Dark Red”

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Eda”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Lady Killer”

Snake: !dM – “Kaa”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Autumn Moods with GizzA & EMO-tions

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Autumn is coming and GizzA & EMO-tions are prepared.

The “Turtle Neck Dress” from GizzA is the perfect dress for the actual season. The wonderful print on the woolen dress are held in the typical autumn n colors. The rich brown and cream combinations are perfect to shine on a rainy and grey autumn day. The dress is mesh made and goes wonderful with every move you make. The high turtle neck gives a special look and for sure it leads over to the next season that will be even colder 😉 .

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The hair with the cute knitted beanie are one of the new releases from EMO-tions. The new line of hair with caps, beanies and hoods comes with a very special feature. To change the hair color for the fatpacks you get an amazing HUD, that let you change the hair color. No more stuffing your inventory with a whole pack of different colors 😉 .  As well you get different styles. For the “Livia” hairstyle you have 4 different options. A rigged long version, a bob, short hair and the tails that I am wearing.

The boots are as well from GizzA and called “Lisha” boots. The brown boots with the nice accented tip and heels were the perfect addition for the “Turtle Neck Dress”.

The skin is my newest custom Skin from Silken Moon. The “Wicca Lumee Lunette” skin has the popular lumee tone of the Eclipse line from Silken Moon. For the lips I decided to go with one of  the newest lips effect of Silken Moon. The “Gold Desire” is a lipstick overlay that you can add on every lipstick of our own. It adds an amazing golden shine on every color that you like. There will be an eye makeup as well with the same effect. You are able to wear the lips and eyes effect without any lipstick or makeup under it as well. It is not yet released, but I loved the combination of red and gold together with the autumn colors of the dress.

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Dress: GizzA – “Turtle Neck Dress” (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Livia” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: GizzA – “Leisha”

Nails: Nailed It – “Dark Set – Mud”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Blood”

Lips Overlay: Silken Moon – “Gold Desire” (coming soon)

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Black & White Riding Hood?

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Black & White looks always were a favourite of mine. Today I wanted another one and for the basic I started with one of the pret a porter dresses from Mea Culpa. The simple mesh dress is highlighted with a typical Mea Culpa made texture. The strength of Tatanka’s textures we know from various designs he made in the past. For his pret a porter line he has a lot of pieces and designs that look very simple on the first view, but on the second view you will see the delicate and extravagant textures and the little attachments that make even  the pret a porter line of Mea Culpa to something special.

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The “Antares” dress from Mea Culpa makes a wonderful shape line and with the amazing shoulder parts it is a wonderful basic for many kinds of styling.

The headpiece and hair reminded me of the “Red Riding Hood” even if the hood is black 😉 . It is the new “Mary-Anne” hairstyle from EMO-tions. EMO-tions released a full line of hair pieces with bangs and various head pieces like caps and beanies and hoods. The interesting new feature is that you get a HUD for the fatpack. No more collecting tons of items in your inventory  – just the basic style with a HUD that chnages the hair color and as well the hairstyle under the hood or cap 😉 .

The amazing  necklace and bracelet are a gacha item from GizzA. The “Electra Set” in black was the perfect addition to the styling, as I only needed a necklace and a bracelet. The wonderful nail polish comes from Nail It. Giela Delpaso made several amazing nail polishes for the slink mesh hands and the “French Manicure – Dart Set” has amazing colors with the typical white top of the french manicure. The special on the Nail It nails is that you always have a prim version and one HUD version for the slink mesh hands and feet. So you can decide whether you wanna wear the mesh hands or your original avatar hands.

The lipstick is one of the latest releases from Silken Moon. The “Luna Lips” come with a special feature. You can decide, if you would like to have your lips closed or lightly parted with a teeth prim attachment. Both version will be in the “Luna Lips” pack that you are purchase.

The boots i found at one of the Colabour88 events from ISON. The “Lace-Up Gladiator Sandals” are working with the slink medium mesh feet, so you can make sure to have the best match for your skin tone with your enhancement HUD applier for your slink mesh feet.

The cool chair comes from 22769 [bauwerk]. I wanted to add some furniture to my post and the “Kafka Black” chair in shape of an insect really kicked my mind. It added a special touch of weirdness and surrealism to my picture, what I really love 😉 .

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Dress: Mea Culpa – “Antares” (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mary-Anne” – NEW (mesh)

Shoes: ISON – “Lace-Up Gladiator Sandals” (Collabour88)

Jewelry: GizzA – “Electra Set” (gacha item)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Luna Lips” – NEW

Nails: Nailed It – “French Manicure – Dark Set”

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Luna Eyeshadow Medium Smoke” – NEW

Chair’: 22769 [bauwerk] – “Kafka Black”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Electrifying news by Mea Culpa & EMO-tions

Mea Culpa - Sirius 001

Today I was in a crazy color mood when I unpacked all my new things. The basic for today’s styling was one of the new releases from Mea Culpa called “Sirius”. The “Sirius” dress is part of the new pret a porter line of Mea Culpa. Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa, made a special line with new mesh dresses, skirts and tops that are sold for under 1000 lindens.

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Sometimes you just wanna go out and meet friends or just go for a window shopping tour. Then you do not wanna dress up too extravagant but maybe you still search for something that has something special or extravagant. The bright and strong colors of the “Sirius” really inspired me to do a colorful post.

To underline the strong colors I decided to wear some extraordinary makeup from Nuuna’s. I combined the “Warp” makeup in green with the “Tiia” in purple and added a lipstick, Malicia Python from Silken Moon made for me.

The wonderful red hair, is one of the newer mesh hair of EMO-tions. The “Maja” hair is a non symmetric hairstyle and with the mesh technique it goes wonderfully with all your moves.

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Dress: Mea Culpa – “Sirius” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Maja” – NEW (mesh)

Makeup 1: Nuuna’s “Warp”

Makeup 2: Nuuna’s – “Tiia”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Blowjob”

Earring: Zaara – “Melange Earring”

Bangles: Digital Eyes – “Plastic Bracelets Pink”

Nails: Nailed It – “Bright Set” (for Slink Hands)

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Between LeeZu shifts with Malicia ;)

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Thank goodness for flat shoes! Standing in a shop for hours makes you notice each single bone in your feet. Usually Mal and I relax pitying our poor feet after a shift at your fave Cafe. Mal has tea, I usually go for coffee. Today though we both showed off the wonderful Yukatan Pants, a new release by Leezu ….. and with the flat shoes we even had some energy left to snap some piccies for you.

To know more about Malicia’s styling you can take a look at her blog

The “Yukatan” pants are one of the latest releases from LeeZu and again she did  what I loved so much on some of the other designs of LeeZu. She combined pants and shoes. With mesh you always get trouble if you wanna add shoes. Sometimes the shoes get stuck in the pants or even they peek out of the pants sleeves. So what better solution you can have, than have the best matching shoes already together with the pants?. For the “Yukatan” pants LeeZu decided to add some flat, casual, urban looking boots. The details on them, like the buckles, straps and lines again show the skills and the dedication of LeeZu, that she puts in her designs.  Besides the new “Yukatan” pants I decided to go with one of my favourite jackets from LeeZu, the “Tasia” jacket.

The hair is one of the latest releases of EMO-tions. The “Brooklyn” hair is a short, casual and still smart-looking every day style. I am a short hair addicted anyways and the “Brooklyn” hair will be one of my favourites with the neat wisps that you have on top of a very modern and fresh looking hair style.

The cool belly tattoo is the new group gift from Silken Moon so you better run there and get it before it is gone 😉

The amazing furniture and house that i used for the pictures comes from 22769. For the food fair they made wonderful bistro with all parts you need to get the perfect illusion of a sweet little bistro where you can take breaks from work and let your soul fly and chat with friends 😉

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Pants (with bootsL): LeeZu – “Yukatan” – NEW (mesh)

Jacket: LeeZu – “Tasia” (mesh)

Bellytattoo: Silken Moon – “Putty Naveltatt” – NEW (group gift)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Brooklyn” – NEW

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – “Little Tiny Dagger”

Pose (pic 2): Wicca’s Wardrobe

Models: Malicia Python & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Chop Zuey: Art in Second Life ;)

Chop Zuey Full

The idea for this post was born when I  visited the Arts in Hats event, that was happening not too long ago. Belle Roussel, owner and designer of Chop Zuey, made the wonderful “In Memory of a Watermelon Fascinator” for that event and from the moment I saw it, I had the imagination of being in a museum watching art.

The wonderful “La Traviata” gown as well is one of the newest creations of Chop Zuey. Belle started to make full gowns with matching jewelry parts not too long ago and opened her new Sky Boutique, where you can find all this amazing creations. The “La Traviata” gown is available in different colors but with my addiction to black clothing, I certainly picked the black version for the post 😉 The wonderful black gown is mesh made and the amazing jewelry parts, like the upper end of the gloves, the beautiful shoulder part, as well the earrings, bracelets and the necklace are part of the gown. Basically Belle made a ready to wear outfit for all lovers of the elegant evening wardrobe ;).

The hat is one of the amazing creations of Xenobia Foxclaw. She made an amazing collection of black and white hats and the “Blackwell No. 6” is just one of them. So you might wanna go over to the Xen’s Hats Mainstore if you wanna see ll of the new releases ;).

The hair is one of the amazing hairstyles of EMO-tions. The “Chevia” hairstyle was made in a special color for Miss Chevia, as she won the auction of the FFL event, where Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions, auctioned herself off for charity. I am very happy that Mirja now gave this hairstyle to all of us as, it is an amazing elegant hairstyle that still has some edges 😉

Now I just had to try building a little to realize my imagination of the museum at night thing 🙂 . Those who know me, might figure what it took until I had those few prims together and some texture on it. Usually if I try to build you have something apocalyptic looking something where you really have to have a good imagination to figure out what I wanted to do originally *laughs*. But after some hours it worked out somehow and … tatataaaaa… here it is 🙂

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Gown (incl jewelry): Chop Zuey – “La Traviata” – NEW (mesh)

Hat: Xen’s Hats – “Blackwell 6” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Chevia”

Poses: *PosESioN* – “Zen”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: How I put my looks together? Sometimes I do not even know by myself ;)

PurpleMoon Half

Sometimes I get asked how I start styling and if I could describe what I do. For the usual fashion stylings I can at least try to explain what I do one after another as you usually follow certain rules when you put a look together that you got asked for. Sometimes you follow the standard color schemes or you style after an RL look that you saw somewhere, or you use some other source of inspiration. But there is days, at least for me, where I do not have anything requested and start going through my inventory. Sometimes I get stuck with an item, an accessory, and wanna turn this in a whole look. But when I try to go by the first idea, that this detail gave me, I get stuck and do not really know what I can do to complete it, without looking boring or stereotype with so many others that were wearing that item before. And who wants to see the same item over and over again in the same way?

For today it ws the “Hunter Headdress” headpiece from XtraX, that caught my attention. I found it longer ago on the “I <3 RP” event. I was looking for horns as the “Hunters Headdress” fell into my hands. I could not resist to buy it, even if I had no idea yet what I am going to use it for. Sometimes things have to rest in your inventory for a while like a good bottle of red wine before you have the perfect idea how you wanna use it :p .

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I was sorting my inventory as I came across the headpiece and I just put it on to see how it fits as it part wise mesh. Then I stood there at my studio – naked, only wearing that headpiece and tried to imagine a styling. If I would have used my first idea I would have tried some fantasy looking, but I kinda wanted to have something more realistic. The “Hunters Headdress” headpiece combines so many different fabrics and items, the leather, the suede parts, the horns and the little accessories on the horns. I remembered an old Benetton advertise campaign and this idea kinda got stuck in my head. United Colors of Benetton always had chic casual clothing. So I looked through a few of my last folders I got for blogging and found the “Brandy” mesh dress from PurpleMoon. The colors were perfect matching the headpiece.

Since I did not want to go too sexy, I added some leggings as I like the way how short dresses or hot-pants go together with leggings or tights. Maybe that’s something I still carry with me from the 80’s :p . For the shoes I had some boots in mind, that I had for a long time, a time where mesh was not yet on the grid and those sculpties was one of the first and best ones I saw, when it came to realistic looking shoes. I did know, that they were from Hoorenbeek, but I could not recall the name of them. Since I had an addiction to this brand for quiet some time, I do not have just one pair and so I started looking through my Hoorenbeek shoe folder. Finally I found the “Lucille” boots in the tan/beige color. The brown and creme tone was a wonderful match in my opinion. With the mask there is no need to look for hair, makeup or earrings so I just wanted to ad some bracelets and maybe a necklace. For the necklace I recalled the last releases from EMO-tions back to my mind. There was a new mesh necklace from Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions, that should match the look. A not too elegant but excellent made long modern necklace called “Precious”, in the colors green, brown and silver parts in different shapes.

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When I looked at the result I really was not sure what it should be and how I can orchestrate this for a picture. That does not mean I did not like it but with such a controverse look, I needed something strong, lightly dark and kinda grunge looking. I saw such a place not too long ago and looked through my ‘Photo Places’ folder, till I found it again – “Old New York

For the right poses I first wanted to make some, but then I remebered some of my Del May poses that should be perfect for this. Powerful, different and expressive, so why make poses when you aready have wonderful ones that perfectly fit 🙂 ?

I hope you enjoyed my little styling journey 🙂

Stay styled,


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Dress: PurpleMoon – “Brandy Dress” (mesh, Gypset Market)

Headpiece: XtraX – “Hunters Headdress” (part mesh, I <3 Roleplay)

Boots: Hoorenbeek – “Lucille Boots”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Bracelets: GizzA – “Asia Watch & Bracelet”

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Precious” (mesh)

Poses: Del May

Sim: Old New York

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Daily Dose of Legal Insanity

Legal Insanity full

Today I would like to show a dress, that I own for quite some time now, but I never made it to style it and post it. You know how that goes, if you run after all your blogger reviews and never find the time to blog something you bought somewhen 😉 So I took some time the last 2 days and finished the style and post finally 😉

The “Vague” dress from Legal Insanity was part of the RFL 2013 Fashion Fair. I got it in 2 different colors, black & white and something kinda orange & brown. For today I chose the black & white version. The texture looks very simple on the first view but if you take a closer look you can see, how amazing the white-grey looking suede parts are stitched on. The whole mini dress is mesh made and comes in different standard sizes, so that you can make sure it fits even your avatar.

A hair store, that my focus fell on lately is Miss C. They have some really neat and cool looking new hair. The “Xenia II” hairstyle with the cute curls in the front and the amazing hat, that let you change the textures by a menu just took my heart by storm ;). The bag is a super old one from LeLutka, but just because it is old it does not mean that it cannot be great… many older things that I have in my wardrobe are still wearable and uptodate. Many times we just forget that we have them 😉

The shoes are from J’s, a shoe store that I follow for quite a long time. I still remember they had the first wedged sandals with toe prims long before bare feet even were on the SL horizon 🙂 The new “Studded Long Boots” are mesh made as well and if you decide to go for the fatpack you get 5 amazing colors in different standard mesh sizes for male and female.

The necklace I took out of a new mesh jewelry set from EMO-tions called “Orion”. Usually you have a pair of matching earrings to go with the necklace but since I wanted to use the Mandala mesh ears with the tubes I decided to only wear the necklace.

Since I made it to one of my trademarks to have a skin without any eyebrows, I have to work a bot more with makeups and as well with eyebrow tattoos, if I wanna wear a darker color of hair.

The idea for the look without eyebrows, came during a shooting that I had with MaliciaPython, owner and designer of Silken Moon, for her new skin line and as well I found a few ladies out if the 70s and 80s, singers and artists, that had no eyebrows like the Italian singer Mina Cerca. All those ladies have something special and with the new canvas skin from Silken Moon it was easy to try that out. After several month of trying I have to admit I like that look and so I decided to go without any eyebrows at all. The only problem I found was, if I wanted to wear black or dark hair. Because then the no-eyebrows look became a weird touch. But how I could work that out? I did not wanna go with just eyebrow tattoos and again add me some usual eyebrows… Again it was Malicia that gave the push towards something I really liked. Why not make eyebrows that look like painted and unnatural and use them if needed. That was a great idea and to help at the beginning she made 2 sets of amazing eyebrow tattoos in that way 🙂

Legal Insanity mixed


Dress: Legal Insanity – “Vague” – (mesh, RFL 2013)

Jewelry: EMO-tions – “Orion” – NEW (mesh)

Hair: Miss C – “Xenia II” – NEW

Ears: Mandala – “Omimi” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Canvas”

Eyebrows: Silken Moon – “Eyebrows Abstract” – NEW

Makeup: Elysium – “Geometrica Line”

Lipstick: Eye Candi – “Natural”

Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots” (mesh)

Glasses: Schoen – “Color-Change Sunglasses”

Stockings: insanya – “Stockings and Knee Socks n.4”

Bag: LeLutka – “Sack”

Poses: Fluke