Originally shot for Eclipse Magazine // June 2021 Page 159-168 // https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_june_2021
Angels & Demons
What would you choose? Who would you become? Would you rather be enchanted or consumed by Heaven or Hell, Light or Dark, Good or Evil, Love or Hate, or to be Blessed or Cursed. Angels and Demons are polar opposites of one another within many cultures and in fiction. On one hand, they are a form of symbology and on the other they are seen in religion, mythology, and fantasy. Magical and mystical beings that we will read find in books, movies,movies, TV, anime or plays from ancient to modern. Even within the confines of real life and Second Life, we will roleplay and become one of them.
Despite the difference in abilities and the cultural milieu they come from, they share some similarities, such as, hierarchical ranks, miraculous or magical powers, and the enmities and friendships with each other and with mortals. Though Angels and Demons are often in a never-ending battle to defeat the other, in that chaos comes a little spark: opposites, suddenly attracted to or obsessed with each other. Will they escape and find peace or be consumed by their conflict?
Their appearances can differ, both taking on ugly, distorted, fear-inducing manifestations, or transforming into beautiful, ethereal and alluring personas. Angels usually are depicted with long, modest, feather-like flowing garments, while a Demons attire is often tight, conforming to every curve or their form making it matter little how much or how little clothing they wear.. Although in the more modern age and flight of fantasy, anything goes, the color palettes don’t often change. Angels decorated in white and softened colors and pastels signifying purity and innocence, guiding you on your travels, while the Demons adorn black and deep, rich colors, warning you to watch where you tread, but do you want to? Will they draw you into the darkness forever lost in their grasp.
[ Thank you so much Daffodil Crimson for helping me with the text! ]
Outfit: [CX] – “Nimue Set – Black” (Maitreya)
Harness: [CX] – “Ophanim Harness – Black” (Maitreya)
Gloves: Cureless[+] – “Incubus&Succubus / Diabolus Gloves / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)
Shoes: Cureless[+] – “Incubus&Succubus / Satyr Boots / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)
Horns: [CX] – “Hundred Chain Horns (Chained+Black)”
Bindi: Wicca’s Originals – “Carvis Bindi”
Septum: -[TWC]- – “Thirst Septum -Silver-“
Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger (Black Out+Silver)” (Maitreya)
Flames: *CC* – “Eternal Flaming Palms” (Gacha, Rare)
Wings: Material Squirrel – “Abyss Demon Wings”
Hair & Makeup
Hair: Exile – “Dani”
Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger #01” (Lel. EvoX BoM, Materials)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLUTKA – ” EvoX Avalon 3.0″
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Serenity” (BoM)
Poses, Props & Tools
Pose by Vivien De’Lancoure
Backdrop: .PALETO. – “Backdrop:EXORCISM”
Vivien De’Lancoure & Wicca Merlin (for Her look you need to poke her *winks*)
Wicca Merlin