
Do you know that feeling? When you unpack something and immediately get an idea in front of your inner eye, what this should look like on your pictures? Usually I do not have that too often with my first piece that I put on, but sometimes it happens πŸ˜‰

Today it was the case when I put on the Sakushi outfit and cap from Entice. I have no idea why – I did not see that movie in ages – but when I looked at it, I had a scene in mind from the movie ‘Catch me if you can’. The moment when Leonardo DiCaprio walked into the airport with all this blue dressed stewardesses. Maybe it was the cap and as well the vintage touch of that cherries, but I was stuck with that thought in my head.


As usual, that idea did not work out as I found no vintage airport that went with my 50s/60s idea for my picture. So I went back to my platform and tried to built me a set, that at least catches the vibe of what I wanted to do.

While I was rezzing all kind of things I remembered the propellers I got at one of the last FLF from NOMAD and they completely rocked. When I found them all the rest fell into place really easy πŸ˜‰

Now I needed shoes, that went with my idea and when I saw the “Heidi Slingbacks” from [Gos], I first was curing as on the picture they only had flower prints showing and I could not imagine flower prints with my cherry dress. But, when I opened them and saw all the amazing different HUDs, I was doing the happy dance. when I found out that the red of the ‘Boutique HUD’ even matched the red of the cherries, I was sold πŸ˜‰

When I was done with the pictures, I did some sim hopping and while I was roaming around,I found that fabulous “Time Portal”Β  location, with all those different mini locations of all kind themes and times and there was one 50s location too! They had a wonderful diner and as well this cute little pet shop, which you can see in the background of the first picture. As if it would have been fate, there was a bench with some really cool animations in front of it. One of the poses even had a vintage newspaper as a prop and I could not resist to just add one more picture in for this post.

I have to go back and explore this place some more and see what other cool posts I could do with inspiration of different centuries πŸ˜‰

Outfit & Accesories

Dress & Hat: Entice – “Sakushi Baby & Cap” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Heidi Slingbacks” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Socks: Entice – “Sweet Dreams Socks” (Maitreya Applier)

Gloves: Sweet Tea – “Formal Gloves Essentials” (Maitreya Applier)

Necklace: :::NOIR::: – “Ava Chocker”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2003”

Ring: .:E.A.Studio – “Ring Opal Diamond Gold”

Bag: =Zenith= – “Spring Rattan Bag” (Gacha Rare)

Makeup & Hair

Hair: no.match – “No. Come On” – NEW (Groupgift)

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Aego Sal” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


Cigarette Machine: FIN – “Fifties Cigarette Vending Machine”

Coke Machine: 22769Β  ~ [bauwerk] – “Vintage Soda Machine”

Propellers: NOMAD – “Clean Propeller Fan // Floor & Wall”

Lamps: NOMAD – “Industrial Neon Lamp”

Crates: floorplan. – “Old Crate Stack”

Record Player: Ariskea – “[Record50] Vinyl Record “

Boxes: ..Tuesdays.. – “Keepsake Boxes – Vintage”

Location (Pic 1)

Time Portal, Time Machine Laboratory

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


My Second Pose Set together with News from Bubble’s Design!

Bubbles + Wicca Posen 001

Today I would like to show you one of the latest releases of Bubble’s Designs paired with my newest pose creations, the “Cool Handbag Set” by Wicca’s Wardrobe. As I put on the “Jackeline” outfit from Bubble’s Design I suddenly had the imagination of a 80’s styling :p

The sheer bodysuit with the amazing belt and shoulder collar that makes this wonderful, sexy and deep neckline in the back , immediately reminded of some of the early madonna stylings. Usually I am not a friend of pink but the 80s sometimes just scream about pink and so I added some pink with the lips, nails and the “Paris Pink Fashion Handbag” from MALT.

Then I looked for some cool trendy handbag poses… I went through all my inventory and I found quite some but all looked kinda elegant and sweet and I wanted some cool ones. So what now… make some!

WM - Poses Cool Handbag

I went back to my secret laboratory and started to make some poses that would go with the look I just created. I did some research on RL magazines and found a picture that caught my attention and I wanted to redo this in SL.

There was a girl that grabbed a fence with one hand and was kinda hanging from it, both feet at the ground and she was holding a bag! (

That was as well the inspiration for the first picture of this post, that you can see above ;).

So if you wanna grab them.. I put them for sale a few seconds ago πŸ˜‰ (


Outfit: Bubble’s Design – “Jackeline” – NEW

Boots: [Cliche] – “Pillar Boots”

Bracelets: LouLou – “Crepsule”

Tattoo: Makeup Artist – “Indian Feather Armband Tattoo” – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Dolce”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Bring Me My Cabana Boy”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Pink”

Makeup: LovelyMi – “Sabana”

Lip Line: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Bag: MALT – “Fashions Handbag – Paris Pink”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cool Handbag set” – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 06/11/2012

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Sneak Preview of the new PurpleMoon Gown!!!

Today I have the great honor to give you a sneak preview on the newest gown from PurpleMoon. The release will be on Monday the 30th of August. I got 2 colors to show you before the official release will be πŸ™‚

“Amanda” is the new gown called and here we have the black version. The whole dress is a very sexy and tight one that goes wider at the very bottom. The skirt parts itself are wonderful flexible. The tight skirt and top accent lovely the well-shaped body. The black is broken with beautiful golden textures like you can see at the very bottom of the skirt.

The chest part is made of a wonderful golden ornamented texture. Again Poulet Koenkamp shows her amazing skills and ideas on this gown and her love for the detail. The lights and shadows are carefully and perfect set to give the gown a very realistic look.

Also part of the outfit is that amazing little clutch. The colors are repeatedΒ  in that purse and also the golden texture of the chest part is part of the clutch. Even for that little accessorie PurpleMoon shows that they really work into the very detail. The black basic of that little handbag also shows lights and shadows, what makes the imagination of awesome folds. Even the little filigree chain …simply incredible…

Make sure you do not miss the new release of this amazing gown in all its great colors. I am sure, that you will find more than the emerald or black one πŸ˜‰

Marks down the 30th of August in cour calendar and be one of the first that can call this stunning dress your own πŸ˜‰


Gown: PurpleMoon – “Amanda” /black & emerald (not yet released!)

Hair: Baiastice

Skin: Baistice – “Pulchra” /pale

JewelryPic1: House of Fox – “Couture Pearl”

JewelryPic2: Kunglers – “Orquidea”

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin