Eclipse Magazine // December 2021 // Page 160-167 // https://issuu.com/eclipsemagazinesl/docs/eclipse_magazine_december_2021
For the December Issue of the Eclipse Magazine, I certainly wanted to do something Christmas related. But if you know me, I can not be something sweet and shiny, it had to be something with a dark twist. So the “Krampus” tradition came to my mind.
To explain “Krampus” I would like to quote Wikipedia to make sure I get nothing wrong with translating my German version *winks*
“The Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure in Central and Eastern Alpine folklore who, during the Christmas season, scares children who have misbehaved. Assisting Saint Nicholas, the pair visit children on the night of the 5th December, with Saint Nicholas rewarding the well-behaved children with modest gifts such as oranges, dried fruit, walnuts and chocolate, whilst the badly behaved ones only receive punishment from Krampus with birch rods.
The origin of the figure is unclear; some folklorists and anthropologists have postulated it as having pre-Christian origins. In traditional parades and in such events as the Krampuslauf (English: Krampus run), young men participate dressed as Krampus and attempt to scare the audience with their antics. Such events occur annually in most Alpine towns. Krampus is featured on holiday greeting cards called Krampuskarten.
Since 1984, the character has become better known globally, having been portrayed in Hollywood horror films. Almost unknown before this time, Krampus has begun to become part of American popular culture.”
[- Wikipedia -]
Don’t forget to take look at the actual Eclipse Magazine as they do have a lot of amazing content this month – yes there you can find all the amazing sweet and shiny Christmas things as well *winks* I hope you nevertheless enjoy your Christmas, even with me teasing with the darker vibes!
! Merry Christmas !
Coat: !gO! – “Wild Fur Coat XXS”
Horns: [ht:apparel] – “Satyr Horns”
Hair & Makeup
Hair: no.match – “No_Cruel”
Head, Body & Tattoos
Head: BeSpoke – “Elder – Hag”
Eyes: Madame Noir – “Queen Eyes
Hands: DRD – “Plague Skeleton Creature Hands” (Maitreya)
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Poses, Props & Tools
Pose: by Vivien De’Lancoure
Deco 1: WLS – “XMAS – Angry Presents”
Deco 2: WLS – “XMAS – Angra Tree”