Miamai – The Golden Thread

Miamai Titania 001

Miamai is our with a new collection for the Black Label – The Golden Thread!

Last week there was an amazing show done my Miamai and the Miamai Models to launch the new “The Golden Thread” collection. The set, the music and ambience was just stunning and wonderful.

Monica Outlander:

“Wayfarers, welcome.

Our journey along The Golden Thread starts here with you as curious newborns, and it will end with your illumination.

I hope you didn’t expect to only have your raiment needs fulfilled today. No, the pathway we follow today warps and wefts itself around your senses. Ahead of you lies a forest of aesthetic delights, courtesy of the genius gardener Faust Steamer. Keep your eyes wide.

Not all of these are safe, however; as we all know, the most beautiful things in nature never are……

Are you prepared? The path lies waiting ahead…….”

Miamai Titania 002

The first outfit is my absolute favourite of the  new collection even if I love all of them ;). The “Titania” outfit is an amazing full body catsuit with a huge neck part. The shiny black texture highlighted with that black and white pattern that breaks the black back ground in an awesome way, this cat suit is definitely the right addition and a must have for every fashionista’s wardrobe. The “Titania” headpiece is sold in 3 different versions. The black one went perfect with the “Titania” outfit. The headpiece is a ball made of wonderful little filigree flowers and on the backside you find a huge flower with and mask looking face in the middle.

The shoes are the new release for the Shoetopia 2013 2013 of LeeZu. The amazing “Havasu Fall” ankle boots with the super cool heel come in many different colors, so you can wer them to each and every styling you decide 😉 .

Miamai Yellow

The second outfit for today as well is from the “The Golden Thread” collection of Miamai. The “Mahi Mahi” Dress is fully mesh made and with the rich black and yellow colors it just is a wonderful and elegant outfit. The huge petals that decorate the shoulders and leg bring back the wonderful yellow texture on the top, like the headpiece does. With all the golden-yellow tones on that black the “Mahi Mahi” dress screams elegance and fierce to the same time 😉

Miamai Shoes

The sweet “Ula Dark” shoes are as well part of the new Black Label collection of Miamai. Again we see the amazing petals with the black/grey and golden-yellow accents. To wear this shoes you need the Slink Medium barefoot. The shoes only will work with those. If you always search for extraordinary shoes, the new “The Golden Thread” collection has quite a few to offer 😉 .

Miamai Close


Outfit 1:

Outfit: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Titania” – NEW (mesh)

Headpiece: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Titania Head Piece” – NEW

Shoes: LeeZu – “Havasu Fall”  – NEW (Shoefair 2013)

Poses: Del May

Outfit 2:

Outfit: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Mahi Mahi” – NEW (mesh)

Headpiece: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Mah Mahi Head Piece” – NEW

Shoes: Miamai [BL] The Golden Thread – “Ula Dark” – NEW

Mask: Illusions – “Le Fleur”

Hair: booN – “KGI848”

Finger & Toe Nails: Nailed It

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin