Sometimes in a few rare moments I like to explore the wonderful sim built by SL residents. Mostly it is on a sunday afternoon when I come home from gigs with my RL band and do not feel like working at all ;).
Sometimes I am in the mood for finding new places, wich I can use as background for pictures and sometimes I just go back to wonderful sims I saw in the past to see if they changed something there and if there is anything new.
One of the most beautiful and most popular sim is the Neva River sim.

If you wander over the sim you will find several places who are kinda locked as they are private residential but a fe spots you can explore as the owner is kind enough to let us roam around there 😉 .
If I go there I always make sure I do not disturb the residents there as I am just a grateful guest there.

For my today’s journey I was wearing one of the latest releases of Miamai. The “Dalida” dress is an awesome long shirt with kinda a bottom short skirt part. It is available in various patterns and textures and I chose the black version for today. The hat/hair combination “Happydays Wicker Hat” as well is made by Miamai. I really like it if you have hair and hat connected already, as it usually is a pain in the ass to get hair fixed under a hat :p .
The boots became on of my favourites lately. With that boots I discovered a new store that I now visit frequently to check if they have news since they have that little special twist, wich I always search for my clothing. Dirty Princess is the new place to be for me if I am looking for shows or something else lightly funky.
To complete the look and add a touch of the summer feeling that I have lately with the weather in germany, I used the “Oversized Sunglasses” from Izzie’s.
And now… I will wander around across this wonderful Neva River sim a little bit more to explore all the amazing details 🙂 .

Dress: Miamai – “Dalida – black” (mesh)
Hat & Hair: Miamai – “Happydays Wicker Hat – black Panama” (mesh)
Necklace: Glam Affair – “Chainedlink Necklace”
Glasses: Izzie’s – “Oversized Sunglasses”
Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)
Hands: Slink – “Avatar Enhancement Hands – Elegant & Bag” (mesh)
Feet: Slink – “Female Feet (AvEnhancement) – High (mesh)
Boots: Dirty Princess – “Gladiator Couture Princess Heels” (only for Slink high feet)
Poses (except picture 1): Vista Animations – “Raquel AO” – NEW
Location: Neva River
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin