Wild Life with [sys]

Amazone 01a

“Scars are but evidence of life,” Coquette said.
“Evidence of choices to be learned from…evidence of wounds…wounds inflicted of mistakes…wounds we choose to allow the healing of.
We likewise choose to see them, that we may not make the same mistakes again.”
Marcia Lynn McClure, The Whispered Kiss
Amazone 02a
Fantasy is something very precious. Without fantasies I would feel empty, lost and cold.
With the latest releases of [sys] I immediately was caught in a fantasy dream 🙂
The incredible “Ashera Skin” is available at the current round of The Fantasy Collective event. The skin has some very light hints of a cheetah pattern all over the body, what gives an amazing wild look. With the skin you get a huge load of options and HUDs. BEsides the 4 different shapes you will find a LeLutka Mesh Head Applier, a Maitreya Mesh Body Applier and all needed appliers for the Slink Physique plus Slink Hands and Feet.
Furthermore you get 3 different lipsticks, from which I picked the grey one for this post. The 6 different skins have several options of brows and makeup.
Amazone 04aThe amazing necklace as well is one of the latest releases of [sys] too. You will find it at the We <3 RP event. The “Lakota Necklace” comes with a HUD too that lets you customize the pearls metals and feathers at the bottom.
To complete the look, I put on the “Anaconda” skirt, wich is part of a whole ensemble of EMO-tions. The awesome long hair was the gift from Ayashi for the Hair Fair this year and is called ” Sirena”.
To even more drag the look towards an Amazon, I added the Heartseeker Bow from [The Forge]. I really had fun exploring tropical sims until I found the location where the pics happened 🙂
The little island and the wide open sea… kinda expressed my feelings of freedom, dreams and… Fantasy.
Amazone 03a
Skin: [sys] – “Ashera” (@ The Fantasy Collective)
Necklace: [sys] – “Lakota” (@ We <3 RP)
Skirt: EMO-tions – “Anaconda” (part of a whole outfit)
Hair: Ayashi – “Sirena” (Hair Fair 2015 Gift)
Bow: [The Forge] – “Heartseeker”
Body: Slink – “Physique”
Hands & Feet: Slink
Poses: PosESioN
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA – “Amorah”: Modern Fashion Huntress? ;)

Lately my eye fell on a store I never saw before… GizzA. As I entered the store I nearly fainted… it is a huge store and it did not look like that it was totally new as I saw the amazing quality of all the wonderful and different outfits! The owner and creator Giz Seom was so nice and we had a little talk and I got some of her amazing designs. Today I wanna start of with the “Amorah” outfit, but you can be sure that there will follow more 😉

The textures of the GizzA designs are just amazing… so clear, detailed and different… and as well they are looking very real and you can imagine the fabric that Giz was working on. “Amorah” you can purchase in 2 different color versions, the one I showcase in this blog is called soil. The outfit itself has clothing layers for all kind of combinations. You can find jacket, t-shit and undershirt layers for the top and for the bottom part you have a skirt and a body option for the pants layers. You can take the most close look and you will see how awesome detailed the clothing layers are worked out. Every fold, every little zipper and as well the shadows and lights show how much time Giz takes for creating this amazing outfits. But for me the total highlight are the prims on that outfit. The fur skirt with the open left side that is just hold together by that little strap… the wrist cuffs that and for sure that incredible neck collar that goes over the shoulders as well are something special that gives the whole outfit a light wild touch.

As I said you will find so many different styles and creations at GizzA that I really woudl say make your way to the GizzA Mainstore and take a look 😉


Outfit: GizzA – “Amorah” /soil

Hair: Baiastice – “Big Crest” /brown

Skin: Glam Affair

Lashes: Redgrave

Boots: Utopia@Designs

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin