Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky May 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // May 28th – June 22nd

Our Chandni Booties are just the thing you need to complete any kinky look. Platform booties that extend to the mid-calf are accentuated by springs imbedded in the sole and heel. Straps adorn the instep and the heel and shin have accents of their very own. Chandni is designed to fit Maitreya, Slink, Legacy and Freya. It also comes with a HUD that offers a choice of 10 colors. (Stockings not included!)

Event Location: Kinky Event

News at EMO-tions – For Girls & Guys!!!

This weekend EMO-tions came up with a fantastic new release. The “Demonica” outfit and 2 new hairstyles, one for girls – a long one – and one for guys… ok for me the second one is unisex as I really like the style of it and I am not willing to let this go for the guys only :p

But now lets take a closer look on the “Demonica” outfit first. The outfit comes as a full outfit and you only have to add skin, hair and shoes. the great skirt, open in the front, that is hold by amazing detailed leather straps makes a wonderful female attitude. The leather pants, gloves and as well the top are covered by amazing high quality textures. The whole outfit goves an awesome strong and warrior looking touch. What caught my eyes as well is the huge collar with that amazing chains the really shine in the lights and give the whole style a sexy touch as well 😉

The male… pardon the unisex :p style is called “Troy”. A wonderful pony tail with short sides that for me fits male AND female, available in all needed colors at the EMO-tions Mainstore.

The second hairstyle, called “Nora” is the long female one. Wonderful flexible and curled hair with a nice ornament round the head that you can purchase in all regular colors. To see more of all the amazing creations of EMO-tions you better take a look at the EMO-tions Mainstore 🙂


Outfit: EMO-tions – “Demonica” – NEW

Hair 1: EMO-tions – “Troy” – NEW

Hair 2: EMO-tions – “Nora” – NEW

Shoes: L&B – “Gothic Platforms”

Earrings: *P* – “Monica”

Poses: Morphine

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News from Miamai & Urban Lutz!

Outfit: Miamai – Lyssa – NEW

Hair: Urban Lutz – “Anna” – NEW

Brooche: Finesmith – “Heartbeat” – NEW at CHIC

Earrings: Finesmith – “Exist”

Boots: Pacadi Jasha – “Armadillo Plateaus”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Trouble

Today, while I was driving home from RL work, they played an older song from P!NK at the radio – “Trouble”. I did not hear that song in ages and as I arrived at home I had to listen a few more times to it. During that I logged into SL and started my SL day as usually with making some styles for the blog, I saw that little note beside my keyboard that reminded me of styling a casual corset outfit, like I promised in my last corset post.

Still the song “Trouble” from P!NK was running on my itunes and I could not resist… so the casual styling still have to be done somewhen, as this one turned out very punky :p

But even that is possible with the corsets of NV Corsetry 😉 Again I am very glad that I can show, that corsets have such a wide style range 🙂 Even the music industry in RL discovered that again and again. Singers like Lady Gaga, Pink, Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation) and many others include corsets in their stage outfits. They simply add a sexy and elegant touch to everything what you wear and do not disturb any styling 🙂

For the shoes the choice fell on one of the newest Redgrave boots called “Bonnie Boots”. This boots really rock. You will get 2 versions in one pack, one with golden and one with solver hardware and sole. The combination of leather and cotton really makes this super-higheeled plateau boots perfect for every occasion.

To make the look perfect I added one of my favourite LeeZu jeans and a casual shirt as well from LeeZu.

But now it is time to switch the music and say bye bye to P!NK for now :p


Jeans: LeeZu – “Robin Jeans”

Shirt: LeeZu – “Oui Oui”

Jacket: Cipher – “Riders Jacket”

Lashes: Detour – “Cactus”

Skin: Siliken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Corset: NV Corsetry – “Pink Emo”

Boots: Redgrave – “Bonnie Boots” – NEW

Poses: oOo & Everglow

TUNES: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOk9XOzdgeQ)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Outstanding News at E-Clipse!!!

Oh my God!!! Thetra Blackheart did it again…

After the awesome “Celeno” outfit, she now came up with an amazing and extraordinary, fashionable outfit!!! “D.N.R.” is really something different. It has so many awesome details that I had to look more the once and even while I snapped the pictures finally, I discovered more 🙂

The neck and waistpart is transparent so you can look trough and have the imagination of seeing the spine. The outfit contains dress, headpiece and even the great makeup layers for face and chest.  The whole outfits has moving textures it seems the filigree parts of wrists and headpiece appear and disappear again and again. At the top you have silver ornaments that as well come and go. The extraordinary shoes as well have a transparent part in the middle and the little objects inside move as well like little fishes in an aquarium. To see more of the amazing E-Clipse designs, make your way to the E-Clipse Mainstore 🙂


Outfit: E-Clipse – “D.N.R.”

Skin: Glam Affair

Earrings and Ring: Finesmith – “Lovely”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

H.O.R. – House of Rage opens the doors with “Evolution”!!!

I got the great opportunity to show you – right before the upcoming event (points above) – 2 of the new gowns of House of Rage, that are part of the “Evolution” line.

The first one would be “Lorna”. A wonderful, delicate and classy black shaded, high fashion gown.

The awesome detailed made feathers, are a special highlight on this gown. As you can see black has not to be black. All the great lights and shadows, show the ability of texturing and design that you will find in every outfit of the “Evolution” line. The feathers are dreamy flexible and you will turn heads if you walk this gown over the red carpet or any other event you choose to wear it 🙂

A perfect addition for this stunning evening gown were the new “Core” jewelry set from Finesmith Design the fresh and sharp edges and the pearls made a perfect finish for me 🙂

My second gown for today would be “Vila”…

“Vila” goes more in a sexy and couture direction, but even then you will see the high quality  what this gown is made with. “Vila” is a mixture of so many different fabrics, that you have to take more then one look to discover all the amazing details. The corset is an opaque, tight black basic. If you zoom closer, you can see the amazing ornaments that decorate even the corset.

The bodice is made of beautiful lace and the sheer character adds a very sexy and young, modern touch. The skirt, as well a sheer fabric glimmers and sparkles in an awesome way. As additional decoration you have a wonderful lace prim for the right shoulder and the head also. For this amazing dress I chose as well one of the latest releases from Finesmith Design, called “Optimism”. Yula Finesmith released 7 pairs of earrings a few days ago and yesterday the matching necklaces… so run and see them all at the Mainstore 😉

To see more of the incredible and georgious new designs of the H.O.R. “Evolution” line you should make your way to the upcoming event at 4PM, as well as to the House of Rage Mainstore, where you can find many many other wonderful designs of the 3 amazing ladies Lybra Rage, Topaz Joubert and LovelyMiwako7399 Menna.

See you at 4PM… 😉


Outfit 1

Gown: H.O.R. Evolution – “Lorna” – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith Design – “Core” – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia” /light 04

Lashes: Miamai – “Lesh MakeUps” /lashes 03(Makeuplashes)

Hair: Miamai – “Lena” /black

Heels: N – Core – “Stylus Platform” /black

Poses: Corpus

Outfit 2

Gown: H.O.R. Evolution – “Vila” – NEW

Jewelry: Finesmith Design – “Optimism” – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 12

Lashes: Glow – “Eyelashes Water” /waterdrops

Eyeornament: SaWoDe – “Facedecoration 10”

Hair: MADesigns – “Rita” /black IV

Boots: Miamai – “Moth Queer”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin