Into the Groove


Music can be such a revelation
Dancing around you feel the sweet sensation
We might be lovers if the rhythm’s right
I hope this feeling never ends tonight

I am a kid of the 80s. Music, fashion and the whole lifestyle is something, I was not really able to enjoy when it happened, as I really was a kid in the 80s and sometimes I wish, I just would have been born a little bit earlier 😉

The 80s fashion did not last too long but it did and as well does influence the fashion trends a lot. The 80s was the time of big fashion icons like Lady Di, Madonna, Cher, Grace Jones and many more big names. Certainly most of the ones I called by name are musicians – I am a musician myself in RL, so that is my personal favorites not only for fashion.

The 80s brought out some really avant garde models and creations. Even today if you ask people – young and old – they remember leggings, shoulder pads, stretch dresses and skirts, leg warmers, graphic tees and certainly vibrant and neon colors. The other side of the coin for the more cool kids was the vinyl, latex, denim, fingerless gloves or oversized top looks.


Even if my style would have been a bit darker, more towards the rocker styles of the 80s, when I saw the “Chala Ice Cream” dress, made by Rosary, I immediately wanted to do a color pop style. I had no idea for along time how to illustrate the look I had in my mind, but when I saw the “Debbie” poses from BellePoses with those huge records – I had what it needed 😉

When I was styling and snapping the pics I heard a lot of Madonna and Cyndi Lauper to get the right mood and groove. The last one even wore this kind of colorful stuff mostly paired with waist corsets.

Certainly according to Grace Jones stylings, I had to find some really vibrant and colorful makeup. What better place I could have thought of that Zibska. Zib ha a great sense for strong and bold colors and how to bring them on your face as an incredible makeup.

I am really curious what else will be brought back from the 80s besides leggings and white jeans and some more we already had in summer. The fashion industry already released some A/W 2018 fashion trends and I saw animal prints, western styles with cowboy boots and sequins coming back – lets see what else they will bring back! I am crossing my fingers for some rock or gothic creations *searches for her ripped fingerless gloves*

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: Rosary – “Chala Ice Cream” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Alice” (Maitreya)

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!” (store no longer existing)

Headpiece: :Z.S: – “Retro Headband”

Bangles: :Z.S: – “Cheer Bangles”

Nails: Pink Hustler (*PL*) – “Nail #27” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Sintiklia – “Mbali”

Makeup: Zibska – “Yumi” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Peake” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: Redfish – “Wonderland” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses & Records: BellePoses – “Debbie” (BEnto)

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “KPOP Garage”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: ” Girls just wanna have fun”

LeeZu-GizzA-Lazuri 001Pink & Purple!!! Yes, I took my medicals for my pink allergy before I did the styling*grins*

Usually I try to avoid pink and purple like hell bu sometimes I am in a 80’s mood and back then pink and purple were some of the dominating colors.

The “Metropolis” mesh dress from LeeZu was the base for this in the end colorful look. The sexy short dress, wich only has straps over the shoulders is amazing textured with wonderful lights and shadows looks amazing realistic.

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The jacket comes from GizzA. The “Biker Jacket” always was something I had on my focus and as I saw the pink version discounted to 50%, I just could not resist and the pink & black idea was born. I am a fan of overknee boots since in forever and the “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” from LeeZu are a long time favourite of mine. To make a black basic, I put them on in black. Now the part of the legs between the black “Metropolis” dress and the boots screamed for some color as well, as the pink jacket dominated the whole look. I first tried some pink leggings but then it was too much of all that pink and so I decided to go a little darker with purple. The “Cat Tights” in violet from LeeZu with the holes just made the perfect match for my 80s look, since back then many ripped their stockings and jeans to get the used look.

For the jewelry, I wanted something with black metals and some pink and lilac or purplish looking gems. Nothing that would dominate the whole look too much, just something that goes with it. I have a fable for neck corsets and collars, so I remembered the “Noor Mystic Infinity” set from Lazuri, that I was given for the amazing jewelry spread in the BoSL Magazine. The “Noor Mystic Infinity” set is fully menu driven like all of the Lazuri jewelry and that makes it for me so valuable. I can decide about the metal and as well the gem stones for fabric and color and I can even color the gem stones in different colors and not just one for all gems. What I figured out for the Lazuri jewelry as well… you can have different styles for nearly each set. Always a basic style and 2 more to add more and more glam and parts to it. That really is something inventive for me, as you just buy one set, have 3 different styles and a full control over the metals and colors.

The skin as usual is my custom made “Wicca” skin in the new ‘lumee lunette’ tone. The lipstick as well comes from Silken Moon and the eye makeup I found at Boom.

The whole look took me so much back into the 80s that I was listening to all the old good tunes during my post and enjoyed it so much, that I would like to quote Cyndi Lauper for the end of my post… “Girls just wanna have fun!”

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Dress: LeeZu – “Metropolis” – NEW (mesh)

Jacket: GizzA – “Biker Jacket” (50% off at the Gizza Mainstore)

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Shoes: LeeZu – “Piccadilly Overknee Boots” (mesh)

Jewelry: Lazuri – “Noor Mystic Infinity”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Cookie” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lumee Lunette” – NEW (custom skin)

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Pink”

Makeup: Boom – “Nuclear Duo”

Poses: Del May

Model& Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News of the latest collection of Glam Affair!

Glam Affair again made a great new line of outfits for every kind of event 😉 One blog post will not even be enough to show them all in the right light. So I decided to make a 2 part story out of it 🙂 My first outfit for this post will be “Ginevra”, a wonderful casual pants outfit. Very chic and autumn like it is the perfect dress for the actual season. The light pnats make a wonderful contrast to the black blouse. This black blouse has such wonderful detailed ruffles and folds… really amazing and they add a touch of elegance to the casual overal.”Ginevra” can be found in othecolor combinations as well at the Glam Affair Mainstore.

To bring a little bit of color into the autumn season the “Orchid” top is the right choice. I picked the pink one for this blog post but you can find as well more awesome fall colors at Glam Affair. The lights and shadows are set so perfect to make the blouse look realistic, that you nearly wanna grab one of this buttons if you wanna take off the blouse again 😉 The high neck part is a total “in” for this autumn. The huge black belt breaks the basic color in a beautiful way and leads perfect to the black “Linn” pants with the grand ruffles at the left and right upper leg.

Now we leave the casual side a bit and go more into the chick direction with the wonderful “Ibis” outfit that I again combined with the “Linn” pants as I liked the ruffles of the pants so much to the huge side parts of the “Ibis” body.

This totally black shaded combination would be perfect for a night out or even some fashion event 😉

“Fiona” is a very sexy outfit of the new Glam Affair collection and an outfit even Lady Gaga would die for maybe :p. Very sexy with the sheer body and very stylish with the short skirt and the huge bow as a dreamy neck collar 🙂 With the Lady Gaga stylings in mind, I could not resist to wear the new mesh Slink  “Leather Thigh Highs” 😉

“Sora” looks close to “Fiona” for the belly and waist part, but the top is way more closed and opaque and the big bow is not worn at the neck… it makes a wonderful eye catcher at the backside! The collar and wrist parts again made of incredible cute and detailed ruffles and folds like we had it for the “Ginevra” outfit. For me “Sora” would be the total “turn heads” on every fashion event :). As I said, that’s just the first post of the new Glam Affair line, as I wanted to give every outfit the right spot and attention it earned 🙂

Kitties Alarm at Ash’s Trash!!!

Yes… it is me… in pink*hides her head* but I could not resist after I saw this outfit that I got for the blog. Ashleey Andrew, designer of Ash’s Trash,  is one of the finalists of the “Claim the Fame” awards of SL Art Couture and she made her way in with exactly this dress. Unbelievable but true, she put all these little Kitties together and managed to create a look that some of us know maybe from Lady Gaga.

Wonderful sculpted prims are arranged around the body and all have the shape of those neat kitties. You will have a hard time to find the sam kitten twice as all are look different what shows the effort that Ashleey made while she created this extraordinary outfit. From big to small the kitties are stacked from the bottom to the top and even the most little one does not miss the amazing details what shows the love of every little thing that Ashley put in that design. The whole outfits is made of 4 prims you attach and one undershirt layer.

To put the dot on the “i” you can find one single kitty as kinda head decoration. I have to admit I am really impressed, even if it is pink… and I really hate pink usually… this outfit kicked me and I had lots of fun doing this post and I am sure this was not the last time that I was wearing this extraordinary dress 😉 I would like to suggest, that you make your way to the Ash’s Trash Mainstore and take a look on her other designs and creations and maybe you find one that you like for yourself 😉


Outfit: Ash’s Trash – “Kitties”

Skin: Glam Affair

Lashes: Redgrave

Earrings & Bangles: Ticky Tacky

Collar: Finesmith

Hair: 3636 Designs

Shoes: BAX

Poses: Body Talking (all from the Gagalishious set)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin