Who says it always has to be a Bikini?

Do you know that feeling, when you get told by people what you can do and what you can’t do?

I do and sometimes I am getting tired of it 😉 That usually brings out the little rebel in me and I do want to prove them I can do everything I want – usually in SL that is easier than in RL, but it works in both worlds somehow 😉

I was in such a mood, when I put on the new lingerie from [Gos]. With the “Diana” lingerie set, I was thinking about an idea for pictures. I tried all the usual stuff first – laying n a bed, a couch or a sofa… on the ground with some aerial, wavy cloth… all looked ‘ok’ but none did the ‘WOW’ for me. That made me think of something completely different. Why not doing a summer, pool inspired scenery. Like you come from work, or you were on a walk with your dogs and you see that amazing pool and have no swimsuit or bikini? If you have a lingerie like the “Diana” lingerie from [Gos], it is not a problem to use that for a quick refreshment *snickers* Who says it always has to be a bikini?

When I saw the cute “Fun in the sun Frenchies” gacha from Bee Designs, I fell in love with the little puppies in a blink. The gacha holds 4 different kinds of little dogs in 4 different coat colors – Swimmers, Held Puppers, Companions and Wanderers besides the 3 special rares. They are so cute and adorable I simply could not resist to not have them in my pictures 😉

The amazing pool decor you can find at the actual round from the Liaison Collaborative, made by Bee Designs.

As well an awesome new release you can find at the actual anniversary round of the Cosmopolitan events which only has a few days left. The “No.I don’t” hair style from no.match.

The perfect hair style for a warm, sunny summer day. With the little knot up at the back head and the long hair falling down your back it is perfect for swimming as well 😉

Typical for no.match you get a lot of different possibilities for the color HUDs. I really love the hair textures of no.match an as well the special blond tones, they go so very well with my skin tone and the no eyebrow trademark that I now have for quite a few years.

Last but not least I would like to drag the view on the amazing “Diana D’Orsay” pumps as well made by [Gos]. With the delicate lace and the second color high light option at the back of the foot, they match perfectly to the lingerie, which as well has solid parts and amazing lace parts. The best advantage is, the color HUDs of both make a perfect match , because they hold all the same colors 😉

Outfit & Accessories

Lingerie: [Gos] – “Diana Lingerie Set” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER

Shoes: [Gos] – “Diana D’Orsay Pumps” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Body Jewelry: (AMD) – “Body Jewelry – Gold” (Maitreya)

Jewelry: AvaWay – “Emmanuelle Back Necklace #1”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.I Don’t” – NEW @ COSMOPOLITAN

Makeup: Zibska – “Delight” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Delia” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: RedFish – “Sexy Flower” (Maitreya)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity – “Pool Bunny Vol 2” & Body Language – “FineSand” (Bento)


Dogs & Pool: JIAN – “Fun in the Sun Frenchies” (Gacha)

Pool Deco: Bee Designs – “Pool Decor Gacha” (Gacha) – NEW @ The Liaison Collaborarative


Wicca’s Wardrobe (Garden Parcel)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Silent Crying

“The most painful tears we cried, were the tears we cried in silence…”

When was the last time you cried in silence?

Usually the emotions and the pain are way deeper if you cry in silence, than if you let people see it. But why we are crying in silence?

Maybe because we think no one would anyways understand why or what we are crying about, so we feel the need to hide it to not make things worse or complicated with other people involved?

Maybe we do not want to look weak and fragile and hide it, to not give people the idea we are an easy prey?

Maybe we do not want to worry the people, which are close and dear to us with issues and thoughts that might not even be real problems?

Maybe we do not have a reason that can be spoken out loud, as we do not have the words about the emotions that we are going through?

Maybe someone (accidentally) disappointed and hurt us so much and we do not wanna risk our future with that person and just have to play nice to not ruin everything?

Maybe we are scared that people won’t believe us or believe the reason we do cry?

There is so many reasons why we do it and each one must be very deep and painful, if we try to hide our emotions and feelings towards other people. The tears we cry won’t be seen by anyone. No one will come and put arms around you, because no one thinks you need support. Silent tears are one example of so many fights we have with ourselves. Even if no one can see them, after we released the tears and let them flow, we usually feel better and sometimes we even question our tears afterwards and then we are happy nobody did see them and we do not have to explain.

Do not be afraid to cry if your best friend is with you. Your best friend will understand, not feel bothered, not judge your strength in that moment, not question the reason for your tears, believe in every reason and maybe even put the arms around you and hold you silently until you feel better.

I am very grateful I have such a person in my life ♥

Todays pictures were the hardest for along time… do you know the feeling, when you have a complete vision of a picture in mind and then you run around like mad and can’t find what you were looking for? So it was today with my set. I had something in mind in a light, nearly purely white hallway with flying sheer curtains. I looked on MP and as well in world and I found a few things that were close, but not what I was looking for. Then I was trying one of the awesome creations from Exposeur, which I anyways love for a long time. I fell in love with the poses, what made me dump the idea of light and white and rethink my picture idea. So I ended up building something with the “Girl At The Window” pose prop from Exposeur and the “Flying Curtains” from Kalopsia.

The style of today was as well a little special as well. I wanted to do a post about the new “Lady G Pumps” from [Gos].

“What kind of Lady will you be today? Let Lady G help you decide. Out now at FaMESHed, Lady G is a classic high platform pump that is anything but basic. Four shoes in one, choose between a sky high stiletto or block heel and a open foot or Mary Jane strap.

Lady G is available in 3 colour HUDs – Boutique, Blueberry, and Metallics – each sold separately or as a collection. The Boutique HUD includes 21 current, in-season colours perfect for any fashionista, the Blueberry HUD includes 28 colours which coordinate with clothing from Blueberry, and the Metallics HUD include 7 metallics which will have your feet shining. Each HUD also includes 5 sole, 2 metal, 3 lining options and controls heel and strap wear options. 56 colors in all!” [Gospel Voom]

First I went for the typical casual elegant look, which usually is expected for pumps like that. If you imagine pumps, what style you imagine on the first thought? Casual elegant, lingerie or formal/elegant. When I was fully styled, I looked at me and thought… “Nope, that is not you!” and took off everything but the pumps. But now what else…? Usually if I get stuck with ideas I dive into my accessories folder and see what I find there to kick in some creativity :p

The first thing I tried was the “Mouth Silencer” from AsteroidBox. As a German I was curious what a mouth silencer woud be. When I unpacked it and put it on, the first look – I have to admit that – was kinda terrifying. It looked very harsh and martial and with the blood applier that comes with it – I had to swallow a few times before my curiosity won and I thought that this could be an interesting challenge. So I looked at me, standing there in pumps and that bloody iron piece on my mouth. Usual lingerie would be too nice and I anyways did not wanna go for that. Pure fetish would be too obvious too now with that special accessory. Maybe a mixture would do it!

I found the “Sex Vixen Princess” outfit from Dirty Princess, which made the perfect combo of cute and strong with the little ruffles on the lingerie and as well the strong leather harness on top of it. To drag it back a little bit I added the ripped stockings to get a more gothic touch in it and I loved the contrast of the elegant pumps and the ripped nylons 😉 Needless to say it was luck that the nylons were just as high to meet the garters of the outfit, but since .:Avanti:. has so many different heights for their stockings I did know I would find one that matches :p

Certainly a tattoo could not be missing in that look and what else than one of the [White Widow] tattoos could work better to bring the sweetness back again as well. The “It” tattoo with the cute roses just perfectly did what I expected from it. I did say more than once already, that I adore the texture skills Julie Hastings has and I would give my right arm for it to know, how she archives it to have all of her tattoos so needled-sharp on the mesh bodies 😉

Even if the pictures today turned out completely different than I first thought, the emotions and feelings I wanted to transport with them still remained the same. It was a great experience for myself to start with a mouth piece and heels and I hope there will me many more like those in the future 🙂


Outfit  & Accessories:

Outfit: Dirty Princess – “The Sex Vixen Princess” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Lady G Pumps” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Misaki Collar” (Gacha, Maitreya) – NEW @ Gacha Garden

Gloves: .:::G.ID:::. – “Hazel Gloves” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Gag & Blood: AsteroidBox – “Mouth Silencer” (with LeLutka Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Oona” (Monthly Midnight Madness Gift)

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Tears HUD” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “It” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Props: Exposeur – “Girl At The Window” (filled with all the poses I used) & Kalopsia – “Flying Curtains”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ The Guardians – October 2017

This round of The Guardians we have our first ever mesh lingerie! And of course it is 100% original! Evelyn is made up of 5 rares and 25 commons… the RARE items are: the bra, panty, garter belt, corset, and stockings, that comes with a texture changing HUD for all the variety you could want. The commons are single colored bras, panties, garter belts, corsets and stockings that come with a small HUD to change the texture of the metals.

And only for the event we have the Gift of the Guardians, our Evelyn Heels with color changing HUD.

A perfect compliment to the entire set.

GOTG = Gift of the Guardians (On top of each 15th pull, only available during the event itself)

Evelyn is designed to fit only Maitreya’s Lara.

The Guardians Rules and Info: http://thegachaguardians.com/how-to-play/

Taxi to the event: The Guardians

Autumn – when the season adds color ;)


Autumn has not only the dark, misty and creepy side – It as well has the colorful, warm and cozy one 😉


Perfect for this time was the “Anna” outfit from Asteria, which I lately got. You have more color choices for that wonderful ensemble, but I decided to go with the light and brown looking one, as it just was matching so nice to the autumn colors.

The outfit contains 3 parts. The super sexy leather top, the high-waisted skirt and the amazing ‘over the shoulder’ hanging coat.


I would like to drag the focus a little bit more on the amazing new “Hortensia” hells from Glamistry. The amazing platform pumps are decorated with a super cute lace, that ends in a beautiful little ribbon at the back heel. With the huge color HUD you have an awesome range of trendy colors to customize the shoes to nearly any outfit.


What could be a better hair choice than the new “Leotie” hair from EMO-tions. Now available at the actual round of Shiny Shabby, that hair style just completed my look. With the light gypsy/boho feeling with the incredible little details and ornaments and the fabulous headband, it totally nailed my autumn feeling on the head 😉

Since I am already at the “All starts with a smile” sim, I guess I am going to explore the sim a little more, enjoying the beautiful colors of the actual season and see, if I can find some more nice locations for future posts 😉


Outfit: Asteria – “Anna” – NEW

Shoes: Glamistry – “Hortensia” – NEW

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer tights” (mesh body applier)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Leotie” NEW @ Shiny Shabby

Poses: ALIUD – “Runway 2” – NEW

Location: It all starts with a smile

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Stunning and Seductive – News @ Blacklace!

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Today I am very honored to showcase you one of the latest releases from Blacklace.

The “Amalthea” set, is a wonderful ensemble of corset, bra and panties. The whole ‘outfit’ does work for mesh bodies as well as for the standard avatar. The corset is a mesh prim, while the bra and the panties come as payers or appliers.

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The corset has a very detailed texture and with the awesome roses decorating the hips this stunning piece is a must have lingerie piece!

If you take a closer look on the appliers, you again will see the love of the detail the designer put in to that wonderful set.

I added some of my favourite nylons from AviCandy and the wonderful “Fea” necklace from Salt & Pepper. The wonderful head piece comes from Modern Couture. For th e hair I decided to go with the “Bethany” hairstyle from EMO-tions.

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Certainly for such a delicate and seductive lingerie I needed some more simple but high quality pumps, which I found at Glamistry.

The little photo set I did built myself with items from Bee Designs. The amazing “Charlotte Daybed” with the “Charlotte Rugs” was just the perfect scenery for this pictures. With the light textures it was a perfect contrast to the black version of the !Amalthea” lingerie from Blacklace.

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Lingerie: Blacklace – “Amalthea” – NEW

Stockings: AviCandy – “Lace Back Seam”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Crocus”

Hat: Modern Couture – “Crisp Hat”

Necklace: Salt & Pepper – “Fae”

Bracelet: Mandala – “Shippoah”

Ring: alme.Jewelry – “Leaves Ring”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Bethany”

Furniture: Bee Designs – “Charlotte Daybed & Rugs”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Hand me my Leather…

Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 2



Look I’m standing naked before you
Don’t you want more than my sex
I can scream as loud as your last one
But I can’t claim innocence

Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 3
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather

Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 8
I could just pretend that you love me
The night would lose all sense of fear
But why do I need you to love me
When you can’t hold what I hold dear?
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 5
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 6
I almost ran over an angel
He had a nice big fat cigar
“In a sense,” he said, “You’re alone here
So if you jump, you best jump far”
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 7
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, why am I here?
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Asteria-S&P-EMOtions 1
Oh God, could it be the weather?
Oh God, it’s all very clear
If love isn’t forever
And it’s not the weather
Hand me my leather

[Tori Amos]

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Outfit: Asteria – “Julia”

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Begonia”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Keona”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2002”

Collar: Salt&Pepper (S&P) – “Anastacia”

Backdrop: ChiC Buildings – “Wallflowers”

Torch: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Beach Torch”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 04/22/2016 – Girls just wanna have fun!

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I have no clue why, but while I was working on the pictures of todays post, the song ‘Girls just wanna have fun’ was stuck in my head :p

The base of the look was the incredible jewelry from Tracei.

In SL it is really hard to find modern casual jewelry. I have a lot of elegant jewelry or as well filigree little jewelry – most of the in either gold or silver – , but if you look for bigger, modern casual chic jewelry it is quite a challenge. When I discovered Tracei, it felt like I would be in heaven!

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So long I was looking for some bold but still chic and fashionable jewelry and accessories, that can be mixed and word with casual styles.

Today I would like to showcase 3 parts of the fantastic jewelry collection of Tracei.

For the earrings I went with a pair of “Calista”. The “Calista” earrings are available in 6 monochrome shades and for my post I chose the opal blue ones. The “Calista” earrings are the perfect choice to take you through the actual season and onwards to the desired summer 😉 The earrings are so versatile, as you can use them for casual chic stylings as well as for pimp up your beach wear look or even for an evenings party! With the inbuilt resizer you can size them to your likings and needs. Originally the “Calista” earrings were released at the Lost & Found event but they found their way to the Tracei main store and marketplace now as well.

The wonderful ring and glasses are made by Tracei as well. The “Artio” sunglasses as well can be resized via a resizer and inside the lenses you have amazing reflections, what makes them look amazing realistic. The “Evan Apatite” ring makes the perfect finish for the accessorizing. With the oversized but clean look it makes a statement and can be worn by both genders. I loved the mix of the darn onyx ring with the smooth gem at the top a lot and it kinda brings to gether the casual with the chic thought of the look.

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For the outfit I put on one of the latest releases from Asia Rae. The “Polly” top is a real playful looking little shirt with little lines over the shoulders and a long ruffled part on the front that reaches down to the belly button, what adds a very sexy touch in my view 😉

For the pants I decided to go with one of my long time favourites, the “Zipper Skinny” jeans made by Maitreya. I wanted some simple but not boring basics for the clothing, to make the accessories and shoes shine even more.

Talking about shoes…

Today I am wearing the “Echium” heels from Glamistry. Those heels are a definite must have for every girls wardrobe.

Basically you could call them plateau pumps but they are so much more than that! With the amazing add-ons that have a scales look, those heels are simply stunning and so adaptable to so many different styles and looks. The love of the detail of Glamistry again shows with the little studs that hold the add-ons in place and as well with the repeating of the scales fabric on the bottom of the heel. Again the shoes can be purchased in many colors which you can mix and match for the basic shoe, add ons, metals, heel and the sole.

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The cool furniture I used for my set, was a mix and match of several items I got at various events. The cute pastel fan I got from Art Dummy which sadly is closed now , the cool shelf was made by Lark and the wonderful ‘boat couch’ I found on an event as well from Stockholm & Lima, one of my favourite brands when it comes to furniture with high details. Sometimes less is more and for fashion posts I really do like a pure and simple surrounding 😉

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Top: Asia Rae – “Polly Top”

Pants: Maitreya – “Zipper-Skinny Jeans”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Echium”

Earrings: Tracei – “Calista”

Ring: Tracei – “Evan Apatite Ring”

Sunglasses: Tracei – “Artio Sky”

Fan: Art Dummy – “Breeze”

Shelf: Lark – “Beachcomber Shelf”

Sofa: Stockholm & Lima – “Repurposed Boat”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

GizzA goes Vintage

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I love vintage looks! I always did though and so the “Absinthe” dress in vintage green totally caught my heart 😉

The dress comes with the matching necklace and is available in other wonderful vintage and non vintage patterns.

The wonderful floral print adds a lot of sweetness and beauty to the whole look.

To match the dress I certainly wanted a good girl hair and I remembered one of the braided hair styles from EMO-tions, the “Mela” hair.

The shoes, which came in the perfect shade are from Eudora.

Now I needed a place to snap this cute look. Lately Saz did renew the little parcel behind our store to a wonderful summery looking scene. I tried several places and it was really a hard desicion since there are so many nice spots 😉

Tadaaaa, that’s my GizzA vintage look for today 😉

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Dress & Necklace: GizzA – “Absinthe” [Vintage Green]

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mela”

Shoes: Eudora 3D – “Dahlia Pumps”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Play the Flowers Set”

Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe (beside the store)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: LOTD 03/23/2013

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Today I would like to showcase a few things, that I had for some time already, but never had the idea how to put them together and how to make a cool pic. Yesterday it worked all of a sudden and so I am very happy to share it today 😉

The outfit comes from E-Clipse and is called “Black Carnival” it was originally made for the AVENUE Cinque event. The “Black Canival” caught my attention. I really love  the amazing flexible parts of the legs and the wrists. They make a great contrast to the solid upper body that is covered by an amazing texture together with the beautiful lace part it really becomes to a little piece of art. The huge belt underlines the artistic part even more 🙂

The incredible headpiece comes from SoliDea FoliEs and it is called “Love is Blindness”. It has a huge buckle in the back, that holds it in place, while front has lots of amazing gems and an amazing little red heart.

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Outfit: E-Clipse – “Black Carnival” (mesh)

Head Piece: SoliDea FoliEs – “Love is Blindness”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Lead” & “Lipstripes Silver”

Shoes: [PM] – “Baby T – Plain”

Poses: PosESioN (Mainstore moved!!! New LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/34/60/22)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Spring Dreams

Gown: Styles by Danielle – “Spring Dream”

Hat: Styles by Danielle – “Spring Dream”

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “Octopussy”

Bag: GizzA – “Mesh Clutch Bag” (mesh)

Nails: Finesmith – “Solid Blue”

Lashes: Detour – “Spider”

Facetattoo: White Widow – “Licorice” – NEW

Hairbase: EMO-tions – “Curls”

Shoes: *GF* – “Flower Pumps Eve”

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin