(RFyre – “La Glace” /white, Model: Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Daron Brandeis)
Not too long ago I got the great opportunity to wear one of the latest releases from RFyre for one of their commercials. Daron Brandeis approached me and told me that he wants me for one of his projects. It seemed kinda urgent as he TPed me to meet the designer. I was very happy as I landed and saw Raven Pennyfeather, owner and designer of RFyre
(RFyre – “La Glace” /white, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
I was very happy to see her, I adore her creations for such a long time and so it was a great honor to model her newest outfit for a picture. She gave me the full black and white version of the outfit to style and I prepared stylings for all color versions. The white version of “La Glace” has the option of 3 different colors of the bodice. Red, as you can see in the first pic, white as shown above and a purple version that I will show below
(RFyre – “La Glace” /white, Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)
As well the “La Glace” outfit can be purchased in black as well with 3 different options for the color of the top. For the black version you have black, white and red to choose from.
For the Jacket you have 2 different possibilities of the neck collar. one more huge (the one I mostly used for the post as I really like it) with shoulder pads and a high collar and a smaller and simple one without the big shoulder pads and not as high around the neck.You do not always have to wear the full outfit. If you wanna skip the jacket you can see the beautiful texture that Raven used for the top it self.
The top has a wonderful deep neckline, which is decorated with an awesome, filigree and silver ornament, as you can see above for the red version. The pants and jacket are not just black either. An amazing texture again shows the perfectionism and the eye and love for the detail, that Raven Pennyfeather puts in her clothing.
My biggest surprise was as I TPed lately to the RFyre Mainstore and saw the 2 pictures made by Daron Brandeis (the first and last of this post) directly at the landing point in a very large size. I really feel happy, grateful and honored that I was given this opportunity
(RFyre – “La Glace” /noir, Model: Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Daron Brandeis)