Wicca’s Originals @ The Engine Room 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ The Engine Room 2020 // 20th April – 20th May

Times are stressful, but don’t lose your head! But just in case you do, consider this Elmstone Head by Wicca’s Originals as a replacement. The foundation of the Elmstone Head is a diving helmet, which is bolted to the torso instead of a diving suit. Within, it uses an air-tight seal to maintain your brain in a protective casing. Tubes are connected to air passageways to regulate your breath. The left half of the head if a cosmetic shell to give a more human appearance, whereas the right half of the head is all functional. A phonograph part emit your voice and can pick up sounds, a light sensor over the right eye is able to bring in images. An adjustment knob allows increasing or decreasing the light sensitivity for bright or dark environments. Further up, on the brow, switches and and a dial is present to control rest mode or to turn on low-power mode. In the event of a power-down, the wearer can be jump-started using the bolt on the left of the head plate. May take some getting used to. Wicca’s Originals is not responsible for any lapses in humanity or mental stability caused by prolonged use of the Elmstone head. The metal pieces come in eight different color shades and are finely polished for a nice shine, combining a kind of strange beauty with utility.

The Elmstone Head is rigged for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya, Slink Hourglass, Legacy and Signature Gianni.

The Overton Arms by Wicca’s Originals are not just any set of steampunk vambraces. Ferroniobium cast plating provides superior protection against even the sharpest blades, but layered on top of the rubber allows the armored material to absorb even ballistic impacts. The shaping also protects the wrist join from intense impact, which is important because these Overton Arms have another secret built up their sleeve. They are powered arms, using kinetic energy stored up through routine movement to later be discharged in mechanically augmented jabs, hooks or uppercuts. A nixie tube display and dial both provide the wearer with a readout on how much potential energy is stored in capacitor near the elbow. Stylish, defensive, and powerful, be sure to get yours today!

The  Overton Arms are made for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya, Slink Hourglass and Signature Gianni and come in 6 colors with a HUD to customize all the details and parts.

Event Location: The Engine Room