Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // April 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // April 23rd – May 18th

Strip Away The Layers

The closer she looked, the more the colors blurred. Dull, lifeless, common. Nothing to write home about, if she actually had someone to write to. It was a minor piece by an insignificant artist, who led an unremarkable life. Just like me, Naia thought to herself.

With a heavy sigh, Naia pulled off the magnified glasses she used to resort paintings at the Metropolitan Museum and tossed them on her worktable. The throbbing behind her eyes was there when she woke up that morning and nothing; shower, food or coffee, eased her discomfort. Considering the shower was lukewarm at best, the food bland and the coffee weak, it’s not like there was much hope.

For seven years, two as an unpaid intern, Naia worked in the cold, temperature controlled basement of the museum for long hours and low pay. Her clothes were from the bargain racks at the local Goodwill. Long skirts down to her ankles, and oversized, shapeless sweaters; all meant to hide her body. She might be 26 years old, but Naia looked as old as the other two basement dwellers who worked nearby; both close to retirement age.

After rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands, Naia looked up at the clocked and noticed it was after six; time to go home. Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones, heaven help her, those were their actual names, had already shuffled out, leaving Naia alone. No hellos. No goodbyes. No conversation day in and day out. It was like working in a morgue with walking corpses.

Naia gathered her belongs and made her way out of the museum. She arrived at the bus stop in time to see the 6:15 chug away down the street. With her bag clutched tightly to her stomach, Naia sat gingerly on the edge of the bench and waited for the next bus. What else could she do, but wait.

Two hour later, Naia walked the final block to her tiny efficiency apartment with a bag containing two soggy tacos and a warm soda from the whole-in-the-wall place around the corner. Just like work, she lived in the basement of a converted brownstone that had seen better days a century ago. As she drew closer, the building manager came out of the front entrance with an overflowing cardboard box. Without fanfare, he dropped the box on top of the trash cans with a grunt of disgust, and then climbed the high stoop as if it were Mt. Everest.

To enter her shabby little space, Naia had to descend a few steps to a door beneath that stoop. As she passed the trash cans, Naia caught sight of a familiar item in the discarded box. Naia reached out and fingered the well worn boots worn by Tillie in 3B. They found Tillie a few days ago when the manager went up to demand she turn down the music blasting from her crappy stereo, dressed in just her underwear and the needle still in her arm. Bet that stereo is now in the manager’s apartment.

Looking around to see if anyone was watching, Naia grabbed the box and hurried down to her apartment. Once safely inside, Naia dropped the forgotten food onto an old, scarred table and carried the box to her bed; which was no more than a thin mattress on top of a wooden pallet. The single room contained a toilet, shower (without any walls), sink and a tiny closet. No kitchen – only a hotplate on top of a small chest of drawers.

One by one, Naia emptied the contents of the box on to the mattress. A couple short skirts, a tank top, a black button down blouse, a red pullover blouse and a thin black sweater. All that remained were the thigh high boots and what looked like a child’s diary.
Naia stripped down to her underwear and dropped back down on to her bed. As if driven by a force unknown, Naia slipped into the boots. A little snug around the toes, but otherwise the leather hugged Naia’s legs like they were made just for her. Naia couldn’t help but stare at her legs like they were a new, strange creature she had never seen. And she couldn’t help but wonder about the woman who wore them.

With the diary in hand, Naia scooted back on the bed until her back rested against the wall; only a thin pillow to protect her skin against the rough, exposed brick. She turned on the small lamp that sat on the floor and worked the clasped open on the small book.

At the beginning, the diary was filled with girlish hopes and dreams. Pretty dresses. Parties. A puppy. As a teenager, Tillie dreamed of becoming a singer. Loved. Adored. Famous. Soon after that the entries turned dark. Names of men. What they made her do. What they paid her. How they hurt her. The last entries were nothing more than incomprehensible ramblings and unreadable scrawls.

Naia didn’t realize she was crying until her salty tears fell on the last page. She looked around the place she called home and her stomach turned. Her life could be reduced to a cardboard box carelessly thrown onto a trash can. With gentle hands, Naia carefully removed the boots as if they were fragile and costly and returned them to the box. Each piece of clothing, neatly folded, was returned to the box. Last, the diary was laid on top with respect, as though Naia was placing flowers upon Tillie’s grave.

Staring down at the carton that now rested beside her dresser, Naia was determined not to meet the same fate. For the first time in her life, Naia wanted to fight for something. She was ready to fight for a new and better life.
Naia no longer wanted to just exist. She wanted to live.


Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy [F], Freya, Hourglass, Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals (hide option for the upper leather parts and you can color upper and lower part separately)
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // March 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ NEO Japan // March 26th – April 23rd

The lights outside Pyper’s window were bright, almost too bright, They glared throughout the city, illuminated every building as far as the eye could see. Yet beyond, there was only darkness.

Such is the way of space. Light and dark battling for dominance. A station floating among the stars as a refuge: a beacon for intergalactic travelers from the cold darkness of space. To Pyper, it was simply home.

Pyper held the notable distinction of being the first human born on this station, thanks to the fact that her parents were among the first to build this new colony. As word spread, other species arrived, as well as human explorers and settlers.

That was over 50 years ago, based on the Earth calender and the only home Pyper ever knew. When she came into adulthood, Pyper could have boarded a ship and traveled throughout known space or explored beyond. She was well educated, thanks to her parents and highly skilled in engineering, physics and biochemistry. Instead, Pyper chose to remain and follow in the family business. Her parents worked hard all their lives, sometimes at great risk to their own safety and sanity, to see this dream realized. A neutral platform where races across the galaxy could meet and work together.

Dressed in a synthetic, leather-like jumpsuit that stored body heat and reduced the need for room-by-room heating units, Pyper finished dressing as she continued to stare out the windows. While all her wardrobe was standard for the residents, Pyper did indulge in one luxury – her boots.

While they were constructed by the same materials as her clothing, Pyper had them custom made to include platformed wedge to the sole that not only elevated her height, but gave her a feeling of personal power. Her mother once referred to them as ‘ass kicking heels’. Whatever they were called back on Earth, Pyper wore them with more than a bit of attitude.

Seeing time grew short, Pyper gathered the last of her things and left her quarters. The tram system platform that transported residents everywhere in the city was across from her building.

Within minutes Pyper arrived at work. She had taken over for her father after his death at 173 Earth years. Why is it the good die so young?

The doors opened automatically as Pyper approached so she never had to break her stride. Confident, brilliant, fierce, fair-minded – all adjectives used to describe Pyper Inshan when she assumed her father’s duties.

“Good morning, Ambassador Inshan,” Pyper’s aide greeted her with respectful bow, “The Kherillion delegation awaits you in the Great Hall.“

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Hourglass, Freya, Reborn
HUD: 10 Colors & Metals each
Event Location: NEO Japan // March 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // February 28th – March 23rd

Finding Your Inner Self – Part 1

It’s Thursday, so it must be egg salad.
Yes, Erin was that predictable. And that boring. She led a small life in a big city. Just an insignificant speck among a million souls. That mousy girl that people forget was there. And not foolish enough to believe she would aspire to be anything more.

Just like every other day, Erin was alone in the employee breakroom of the museum where she worked. It was a beautiful summer day and everyone else had gone out for lunch. Everyone except plain, old Erin. No one thinks of asking her to go along.

So Erin grabbed her brown paper bag lunch from the fridge, poured a cup of stale coffee and took her usual seat at a table in the corner. For a moment she stared at the brown bag on the table and wished it contained something different, but knew it is the same thing, as it has been every Thursday since Erin was 5 years old.

Monday was chicken, left over from Sunday supper. Tuesday was peanut butter. Wednesday was bologna with butter on white bread. Thursday was egg salad. Friday was tuna (like a good Catholic). Sandwiches were always cut in four perfect little squares. Ten neatly cut carrot sticks; not eight, nor eleven, but ten. One small apple. One thin, white napkin. Like mother, like daughter.

The only child of a librarian and a housewife, Erin’s child was as exciting as white bread. Even her dreams were boring; limited to the safe and bland books her father brought home from the library each week. Yes, safe and bland books for a safe and bland girl.

Now in her early 30’s and all alone since her parents were both gone, Erin lived in a bland little apartment, not even a cat or canary for company. With a sigh, Erin reached for her lunch and shook the contents out onto the table. Out tumbled the egg salad sandwich, carrots, apple, napkin and … a folded piece of paper.

For a moment, Erin was afraid to even touch it, half expecting it to bite her like a snake. Finally, with a rare sense of curiosity, Erin reached for the paper. A gasp escaped her quivering lips as she read the words printed on the sheet. ‘Did you like the book?’

Her face suddenly flushed and Erin’s eyes darted around the room. How did someone find out about … the book? Two months ago, Erin followed her normal Saturday morning routine; bank, library, grocery store and home. Though, when she arrived home, Erin found an extra book in her bag. One she did not check out and wasn’t even a library book. As she began to read it, it was most definitely not a book from the library.

The words Erin read made her face burn, her skin tingle and caused aches in areas of her body she did not know could ache. Erin knew she should put the book down, but no matter how much she squirmed and wiggled on that lumpy old chair of hers, she could not stop reading. When she finally finished, Erin was so embarrassed, she ran to the kitchen and threw the book in the trash. She started to back away, and then fished it from the trash, only to throw it into a junk drawer. She paced nervously around the tiny kitchen for another minute before Erin snatched the book from the drawer and hurried into the living room.

Under the sagging sofa, behind an old, scarred desk, a high shelf in the coat closet – nowhere seems like a good hiding place. Finally, with the book tucked away in a cardboard box, under the shoes she wore only once for her high school graduation, Erin plopped down on the edge of her bed, exhausted.

It was weeks before Erin could finally put that book out of her mind and now this note not only reminded her, but was evidence that someone else knew her embarrassing secret. No longer able to eat, Erin threw everything into the trash. Everything, except the note.

She should tear the note to pieces. Set it on fire. Flush it down the toilet. No, it went into the pocket of her sensible skirt that matched her sensible buttoned up blouse that matched her flat, sensible shoes.

Erin tried to concentrate on her work, but all she could think about was that note in her pocket. Who knew about that book? Who slipped the note into her lunch bag? Was it someone who worked there? Maybe a museum patron? Maybe some crazed lunatic! For the rest of the afternoon, Erin kept looking over her shoulder to see if someone was watching her.

The ride home on the bus was sheer torture and Erin practically ran the four blocks from the bus stop to her apartment. For the rest of the night, Erin sat on the sofa with her arms wrapped around legs and methodically chewed her fingernails down to stubs.

What was she going to do?

To be continued …

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Ebody Reborn, Hourglass

HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

LM: Kinky Event // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Engine Room // September 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Engine Room // September 20th – October 20th

The powerful engine roars to life and I smile. Do not judge me by my appearance. I may look like a Victorian lady, but deep down, I am a wild creature ready to explore this new steam powered, mechanized world…

Wearing my brother’s clothing, I leave my heavy dresses and tight corsets behind. My parents want to marry me off to some titled aristocrat, but that existence would suffocate me.

I give my mean machine gas and shoot out of the driveway; gravel spraying wildly behind me. A laugh of pure joy and the exhilaration of freedom rips through my body. Yes, this is the life!

What does a girl need a man for when she has a motorcycle vibrating between her legs…

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy [F](Classic, Perky), Legacy [M], Gianni

HUD: 10 colors, 10 metals

(pls take a look at the back… there are some details too ;))

Event Location: Engine Room // September 2021

For the Engine Room Anniversary we made a unisex gift as well…

You can leave your hat on, especially if it’s made by Wicca’s Creations.

This steampunk styled top hat open and closes for better reception and fun.

Wicca’s Originals @ SL18B // June/July 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ SL18B // June 17th – July 6th

Wicca’s Originals is proud to announce our participation at this years SL birthday!

The Ranger Boots are the practical option for if you’re going to be working around twisted metal or broken glass, or maybe just don’t want to get bitten by snakes. The tough reinforced leather is built in layers, and rises almost to the knee, with a series of buckled straps to keep it secure and prevent any chaffing for extended wear. The soles are thick rubber, with deep treading for navigating even the most unstable terrain. These are an excellent choice for hiking, rock climbing, and are even treated for water and weather resistance. The ideal outdoor boot, and stylish as well, coming in 10 different color palettes and metal options, they are fitted for Maitreya, Legacy (F), Hourglass, Freya, and Gianni bodies.

For our free gift we wanted something special for male and female! To match the Ranger Boots, the Rune Top has been re-imagined in a post apocalyptic theme, it will be a perfect fit for the boots!
The Rune SL18B version is fitted to Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy (F) (Original & Perky) & Signature Gianni.

Event Location: SL18B


Wicca’s Originals – Brida Booties arrived @ The Mainstore!

Brida Booties are an eccentric new design by Wicca’s Originals, intended to flaunt your arcane side. With five pentacles featured prominently along the bulky platform and heel in recessed metal frames, per side, per foot, that comes out to a dizzying 20 pentacles all around. The bootie is decorated with a tough but feminine style, sporting shiny metal studs along the strap and decorating the lower shin, and is fitted with a matching zipper to keep the ankle snug against your leg. The overall design of the bootie mimics a sandal heel, but instead encloses your foot in a soft, comfortable material. Comes in 10 material colors and 10 metal options, and fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, Slink, and Belleza feet.

Location: Mainstore

Wicca’s Originals @ The Twisted Spring Hunt // March 2021

Wicca’s Originals is participating in the Twisted Spring Hunt! It will run from March 15th until April 15th az our Mainstore, so you have plenty of time to get your goodie!
The theme of the hunt is Djinn and our prize for you, is a special version of the Artio Gloves exclusive to the hunt! The glove is fitted to Maitreya, Hourglass and Legacy and makes uses of bento for a more realistic experience.
You will have to search for a special sand colored cube in our store.
To help a little bit we’ve added a hint:
“Awards are so unnecessary because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in itself.” – Natalie Portman
Happy hunting!

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // February 23rd – March 18th

The Ticha Boots are the latest in fetish footwear by Wicca’s Originals. These boots, with a cut like thigh-high stockings, bring a fresh style to complementing lingerie. Fabric is wrapped around the thigh and lower leg, and laced up the back in the manner of a corset or bustier, and would look great worn alongside one. The base of these boots sports a thick, sturdy platform along with a tall block heel, providing some stability while looking great. Matching the studs and lacing anchors on the back of these boots are decorative hexagonal metal flourishes, similar to spurs, anchored along the sides of the boot and around the outer thigh band. These boots accentuate the sensual shape of your legs in the same way that bedroom wear enhances the shape of your body. They are fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, Freya, and Hourglass, and come in 10 fabric and metal colors.

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale

Wicca’s Originals @ SL Holiday Hop & Shop // December 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ SL Holiday Shop & Hop // Dec 11th – Jan 3rd

Until January 3rd, Wicca’s Originals is taking part of Second Life’s Official Holiday Shop & Hop! An event where everything we’re selling is discounted by 20%, 30% or 50%! If that doesn’t catch your attention, we also have a FREE unisex gift for those that love getting surprises 😉

Just in time for your Holiday revelry, Wicca’s Originals has released the festive Lulu Body. Give the gift of your tempting flesh by wrapping it up in PVC straps and complete with optional bright bows! The location of these bows was artfully selected to draw attention to some of the wearer’s finest curves and assets. With this, you don’t need mistletoe to entice your partner to unwrap you. Who knows where it will lead after that? Comes in 10 different colors, including some vibrant holiday options, but also some rather dark hues for the naughtier soul. The optional ribbons can be hidden. For Maitreya, Legacy, Freya, and Hourglass bodies.

Event Location: Second Life Holiday Shop & Hop

Wicca’s Originals @ Samhain // October 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Samhain // October 10th – November 2nd

The Artio Gloves by Wicca’s Originals are high macabre fashion. The fingers of the gloves themselves are tipped with long, curled nails, which may just as well be a part of the wearer, tearing through the material and telling all around that the creature they see is something not-quite-human. Creatures of the night, however, still care about style. Covering from fingertip to upper arm, the glove material is patterned in an unsettling way, hinting at dark veins or scaled, peeling flesh underneath, and yet still would be perfectly at come complementing a torn ballroom gown, or perhaps one’s funeral dress. Gloves and claws come in 10 colors each, which can be mixed and matched separately, and fit the Maitreya, Legacy, and Hourglass bodies.

Event Location: Samhain