Wicca’s Originals @ Engine Room // Halftime Release // October 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Engine Room // Halftime Release // September 20th – October 20th

Looking for a touch of something different and eye-catching in your footwear? The Celestine Boots 2.0 are an update of a Wicca’s Originals creations. On the flattering fashion side, a sleek, soft leather hugs the lower leg, and sports high lacing all the way up the front of the boots. This is contrasted with a more rugged style which may be more at home in steampunk or western stylings. A pair of spur style buttons hold a patterned leather strap in place on the shin, and the metal tip of the boot and solid, bulky metal heel promise a distinct ‘click’ with every step. Whether they just match your aesthetic or you’re looking for boots to go with an appropriate costume this holiday season, these highly detailed, unique boots are a great choice. The leather and metal each come in 10 color options, which can be mixed as desired, for Maitreya, Legacy, Slink, and Freya feet.

Event Location: Engine Room

The more I try… the more I love!

BENTO… the more I try.. the more I love :p

Certainly we have BENTO now for quite some time but the more I look into, I find more and more possibilities and options. I was resisting to get BENTO hands as I did not like the shape of most of them too much and always counted on Slink or Maitreya to come up with their bento hands and I was not disappointed 🙂

We even got both as free updates for the hands we already owned!

The waiting was worth it and paired with the BENTO enabled AOs and animations or poses, it already was a wonderful experience. But when I found a special hands animator to even modify exiting poses for pictures slightly… that finally got me!

I did not yet make up my mind if I wanna use mainly my Maitreya of my Slink hands, so I just change back and forth depending on the accessories I want to wear for each new look.

When I saw the “Hand Poser HUD” from FATE, I did know instantly – I want that! To have control not only using premade poses but being able to adjust poses to make them even better fit for certain purposes – PRICELESS!

I am still in love with my LeLutka Simone head and with all the new face expressions there is so much to play with 😉 Especially the tongue ones I enjoy a lot lately, but as well several photo emotions are available now for a real cool price. They are so easy to install with the injector, which even looks funny with the syringe that appears when you add the injector and load the emotions into your LeLutka head HUD.

With all my BENTO cheering, I do not want to forget about my todays style 😉

It was one of the looks, I put together for one of my GizzA shifts. When I got the “Rodeo Shirt” and the “Grace” mini skirt, I immediately had the imagination of a modern ‘Cowgirl’ looking style.

Giz and Auster are amazing creative designers and over all the time they really became close and dear freinds to me 🙂 Thank you Giz and Auster for all your trust and support!

With the amazing “Indio” boots from Reign –  which as well matched perfectly in colors – I already had the right touch . The suede fabric and the laces on the outsides just made the perfect look. For the necklace I decided to go with a wrapped whip – you never know when a cowgirl will need one :p


Top: GizzA – “Rodeo Shirt [Plaid V1]” (Maitreya)

Skirt: GizzA – “Grace Mini Skirt [Denim]” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Reign – “Indio Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)

Necklace: CODEX – “Spellwhip”

Hair: .shi – “Binah / M Classic”

Bracelet: L&B – “Swear Holiday”

 Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Loving – Pink” (Maitreya applier)

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Duochrome Eyeshadow” (Maitreya Applier)

Background: #selfie_RAMA – “Iron Wall” (Gacha item)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ The 24 Event

The 24 - Wicca's Wardrobe


Outfit (incl Hat): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Entity” (Exclusive Release for The 24) – NEW

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Jewelry: Mandala – “Kyara”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 02”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The 24 2015 Femme Ad


THE 24 2015

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lybra Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — House of Rfyre Fashion Show
6:00pm SLT – 8:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Opening Party

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — United Colors Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Exclusives Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Bravura! Homme Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — WoW Skins Designer Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Lavian & Co. Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — B. Barbie Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Yeliz Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — 69 Park Ave Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — IMaGE Factory Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:00pm SLT — Wicca’s Wardrobe Fashion Show
5:00pm SLT – 6:00pm SLT — Prism Fashion Show

12:00pm SLT – 1:30pm SLT — Pop Stars Show
2:00pm SLT – 4:00pm SLT — The 24 2015 Closing Party

Your Limo:
